Monday, August 31, 2015
Monday Afternoon - we're still here! on Vimeo.
Chimen Abramsky's Socialist book collection
100th Yohrtzeit of R' Reines
Yiddy Lebovits realizes his dream of living in Eretz Yisroel
Rav Tsvi: R' Chaim Berlin's hesped on his father
Monday, August 24, 2015
R. Zelig Ruven Bengis
May be pictures no one has, R Bengis was R Dov Yehuda Schochet's uncle, married bezivug sheini to his mother's sister, daughter of RYC Ziv.
Raizel Rosa Bengis
Rav Yosef Calev Ziv
Raizel Rosa Bengis
Rav Yosef Calev Ziv

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
פיינע אלטע בילדער
ממראות הנחת אבן הפינה לישיבת חכמי לובלין
הרב שמחה פרענקל-תאומים מסקאווין שני מימין
חזון אי"ש
מימין: הבלאזשובער, הגר"מ פיינשטיין, הבאיאנער והנאוואמינסקער בדאטשע
הטאהשער רבי זצ"ל והרבנית הזקנה ע"ה
הגראי"ה והגרי"ח
הגרי"ח וחתנו עם הנשיא מאסאריק מטשעכאסלאוואקיא
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
א-ל-ו-ל אין סלאבאדקע
While the baalebatishe Yeshivishers like to think that they have a shaychus to the Eretz Yisroel'dikke Olam HaTorah; The Reb Dov Landads and Reb Moshe Hillel Hirshes are already saying shiurim. Let's see them pack up the bungalow colonies and head home before Rosh Chodesh Elul, even if it is mid-August and the Beis Yaakovs only start after Labor Day. Then again, if they wouldn't have their summers who knows how much less giving they'd do. Efsher iz besser azay?
More Photos Here

Reb Moshe Hillel Hirsh

Reb Dov Landa
More Photos Here
Reb Moshe Hillel Hirsh
Reb Dov Landa
Thursday, August 13, 2015
CC Levaya
That's what it says, what do I know? Ay, where's the mittah? Maybe they were rounding up the rear. Maybe these were the shleppers who couldn't put the kids to bed earlier. Maybe the old fellow with the beard was there to make seder.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Summer Chizuk - Reprinted with permission from Yated Ne'eman

Friday, August 7, 2015
תואר פני כ"ק אדמו"ר ר' משה'לע מסטולין זצ"ל הי"ד
With my sincererest apologies to my Karlin-Stoliner friends who don't like to share... This is a visa/passport application in July of 1926. Moshe son of Yisroel Perlow. There are a few pictures of the Stoliner Rebbe, but this is special, in my humble opinion. The others are from a distance and not clear. Reb Moshe'le was a great lover of Israel and the Jewish People and visited the Holy Land on several occasions. He and his family were murdered in Stolin in 1942. Today's Stoliner Rebbe is his younger brother Reb Yochonon's grandchild.
With thanks to Yuri Dorn
With thanks to Yuri Dorn
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