Make mine a double, please.
Seems like the two sides couldn't get along even about putting up a headstone, so they made two unveilings yesterday. Did they cover it again after the first time? The Papers had their fun with the story.
Chabad always gets involved somehow.
Rabbi Ben Tzion Halberstam with Rabbi Levi Azimov of Chabad of South Brunswick, NJ.
At least they have only one stone.
Do you know if the 2 Rebbes are buried in one Ohel - like the Lubavitcher Rebbes?
Good you ask, they are buried together in one Ohel.
What's happening in Bobov today is a microcosm of Charedi Jewry in general. peopel are tired of being forced to go where they don't want to. At least everybody's happy. I think.
Good Luck with your blog!
I wonder if this becomes somewhat of a Bobover tradition, stopping at Chabad of South Brunswick. Iknow the previous Bobover Rebbe would do it, but I thought that was only because he was weak from the journry and needed to rest. I guess not.
A Bobover Chasid told me years ago that the first American Bobover rebbe reb Shlomo Halberstam never met the Lubavitcher rebbe and that this was beshitah.
It sounded strange to me as the Bobover rebbe was not a kanoi, a very open minded man with a netiyah for sholom, and he also lived in Crown Hts for years.
I have been unable to find a record of such a meeting. Could some of the Lubavitch people outhere enlighten us as to the nature of the relationship between the Lubavitcher and Bobover rebbes.
I was told that the Bobover Rebbe met the Last Lubavitcher Rebbe when the former sat shivah for a child that died. The youngsters in Bobov have no knowledge of it, though, so I have not verified the story. However, he did meet with the Rayatz, who told him not to leave New York, since he was planning to move to Israel.
Is there any truth to the report that the youngest son of the current Satmarer grand rabbi Moses Teitelbaum , Reb Sholom Laiser (of BP) was in CH for a Shabbes as his child was in a nearby hospital.(Refuah Shleimah)A published report states that he was welcomed by Anash and well provided for. Can this be verified ?Where did he daven on Shabbath. I know for a fact that he thinks highly of Lubavitch.
Indeed it is odd that the Bobover seemed to keep his distance from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
I understand that the Bobover was displeased with comments that the Rebbe had made, opposing the Bobover's move from CH - but it always stuck me as odd for the Bobover, who was an Ish Hashalom, to make a big deal out of that.
I know that other groups also were upset (the Bostoner Rebbe's family for example) by the same thing - and only the Skulener would not leave CH until the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave him his blessing.
I also read that the Previous Rebbe had made some efforts to save the Bobover Rebbe from the Germans (R' Shlomo's father R' BenZion Hy"D), so I have always found the seemingly strained Bobov-Chabad relationship strange.
Maybe R' E. C. Carlebach had some insight into the matter :-)
I heard from Lubavitchers "on the inside" that they were surprised & diassapointed that the Bobover did not come to be menachem avel after the Rebbetzin passed away.
A Bobover chasid told me that his rebbe was not enthusiastic about the Lubavitcher derech.
Inded the Rayaatz was involved in efforts in the failed attempt to save the Kedushas Zion in the War.
The Bobover was a recht eynikel of Reb Sholom leizer of Razfert (a son of the Divre Chaim) who was a son in law of rav Mordechai Ber Twerski of Hornestaipel an eynikel of the Mittler rebbe, so he was also relayted to the Schneerson family and Lubavitcher dynasty
here's a link to the story.
He's fond of Lubavitch?, hmmmm
My daughter met him and his family in Fleischmans years ago (af datcha), and when she told him her father's first name he asked if we were Lubavitcher and told her nice thinks about Lubavitch.
That's all I know. ( Of course my daughter is also half Hungarian and related to the rabbinic mishpoches in Williamsburg)
I heard a story from a bobover who owns a bookstore in muncie who said that as a child in Crown heights he was stopped by the Lubavitcher Rebbe and asked why he had such a heavy load on his back(pack),to which he explained that he carried all his books and supplies to and from yeshiva each day. The Rebbe said something to the effect that it would be nice if there were lockers available to the kinderlach. The Bobver yingel felt invigurated the next day, so much so that he charged into R'Shoimas office and declared "the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that we should have lockers in Bobov". The man who was the little boy told me that the next day lockers were installed in the yeshiva!
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