We did what many others do. We packed the kids into the car and headed to Wal*Mart in Monticello. When we got there it was like walking into Boro Park/Williamsburg, full of Yiddelach, clogging up the aisles, doing what they do best. It's times like these that make you want to bury your head in shame.
Let me preface this by saying that I do look like all other Charedim/Chassidishe. White shirt, dark pants, beard and peyos, but for some reason I do know how to behave around non-Jews, it's something I've been careful about my whole life. Most "Frummies" however, have NO IDEA how to act, which basically means that it's no better in their own neighborhoods, but there people are used to it. I'm talking about clogging up the aisles, bumping into other people without excusing themselves, cutting into checkout lines, etc.
I was standing in one line and this young man is ahead of me, behind me is a local Yokel who's getting very impatient that the line isn't moving because the young girl at the register has never seen so many people buying so much stuff. All of a sudden this yungerman's wife pulls in with another full cart and positions herself behind him. The local guy sees all these Jews ahead of him and says "HOW MANY CARTS ARE GONNA CUT INTO THIS LINE, THIS IS BEGINNING TO BE FELONIOUS!,"I THINK I'LL GO TO THE PALESTINIAN LINE!".
I do understand that the locals are ingrates who owe their existence to the summer vacationers, but you don't have to flaunt it. People come in to these stores dressed to kill, as if they're going to some kind of function, while the locals can't afford a pair of pants.
Another example: we were standing in line with a bunch of kids and a wagon full of stuff. Next to us in the adjacent line stood a man from BP/Williamsburg in his 40's holding 2 items. After 10 minutes in line the cashier says she's closing the line. The man goes ballistic, he says to his wife איך שטיי שוין דא א האלבע שעה! Then he runs up to the cashier and loudly tells her "I'm oreddy heer 45 minits, u cent close di lein!". The poor girl may have been there for 10 hours earning minimum wage, and maybe she wanted to go home to her kids, but this guy can't be bothered to go to another line with his 2 items and let's everybody know about it.
It's sickening to watch.