For those of you out there, and we know there are plenty, who think that a certain group in Williamburg represents the continuity of Chabad take a look at this dude. He's the son of Big Chief Weberman of the Malochim tribe in Williamsburg. This is what becomes of those who have no Mesorah in Chabad and read the Seforim on their own. The picture was taken at a counter-rally at the Salute to Israel parade or maybe a rally in support of "Palestine". Makes a pretty picture, no?
(Hey, it's been like a month already since we've spoken about these clowns)
what good is this post? who does it benefit?
who says every post needs a benefit?
and it does benefit the weak of heart and mind!
oh I love this guy. we can all think out of the box.you guys need to retool and live alittle. why I bet this fellow is a lot of fun and has a very open shabbos table. dont be so judgemental.
2 posts in 2 days
i'm in shock
have you lost your job?
yeah how is the job going? that is better than some guy who has not changed his socks since ike was in the white house. well how is it life on the wild side?
now I know why your were missed the last 2 mornings. Is weberman and discussing zionism more important that avodah, see Hayom Yom re: the frummer nefesh habehamis, Vehalevah.
1) I still have my job.
2) The Weberman post didn't happen during Davening or late night.
How do you like your new present? Es zol zich nisht tzubrechen - gezunterheit nitzen!
I wish we'd keep the posts to the topics at hand. Is that too much to ask?!
oh ok heshy you are right we should have some sense of place. I for one shall only address the topic. so do you think this guy in the picture dovened with a minyan this morning?
Boruch - you always have the best answer. I think heshy is going to kick us off his blog.
Did you ever offer to treat him with some good coffee if he comes early enough?
The real topic and only topic is "Avoda shbelev zu tefila"
This gentleman is not who you think he is! He is actually a Creedmoorer Chossid! For more on Chassidus Creedmoor:
this weberman did not sell his neshoma to be an active partner in Hertzelshtat like Mamush did.
he knows more sifrei chabad like anyone in todays lubavitch, a plain weekday mariv takes him 45 min. you are a filty anti semite.
"a plain weekday mariv takes him 45 min"
Does he read that slowly? A rachmonus.
oh my stars you boys need to take this down a level. with the way things are going today we all need each other.There is a war on and in the frum world.if you fight each other you are helping to destroy all of us.You know that all it takes is a little love and respect. don't sell your lives cheap! Show the world what it means to be a frummie!!!go to minyan in the morning, tell your family and friends how much you are proud of them and love them and give Tzadakah with both hands. this is it boys. every year we do not have our Bais Shlishi is a new Loss!!!this year more then ever before.
Let him know and let him daven, אבער מיט חב"ד האט עס נישט
For those of us who read Yiddish , the magazine DER BLIK has a nice article about the M'lochim. It includes pictures of Rabbi Weberman and his predecessor rabbi Yankev Shorr.
As I have written '"elsewhere" the M'lochim may have book knowledge of Chabad but they lack the Torah shebaal Peh of Chabad etc.
The ones I have met like most Jews are fine people, but in my opinion as a group claiming to be authentic Chabad they have no legitimacy.Perhaps had a senior Chabadnik taken over as their leader in the late 1930's they would have someone to be mekabel from.
Thus their learning ,yiras shomayim etc is in the bechina of "kevodom bemkomom munach" but true Chabad ???
Dear K.
do you think that the M'olochim were more a branch of Chabad or children of that great movement. there are alot of very nice families who come from the M'olcim but are the ones today anything like the old days? there is a lesson in all of this if you define oneself but what you are not do you have a self?
we come to play in your sand box but there is very little sand and a few fleas...whats your advise?
leave heshy alone cant you all see he is working on making the world a nicer place.
you sound like rodney king...get real
not much sand and too many fleas? I think the kids playing here are not putting in their fair share of time.
Weberman and his cronies sold their souls to Hamas, their main source of funds. You address the Rebbe like that and I'M the Anti-Semite? how odd!
What if the M'lochim were not NK people. Would our attitude to them be different ?
Frankly to this day I am unsure as to the belief system of the Mlochim. Which of the Lubavitcher rebbes do you accept ?
Do you accept the Kopuster rebbes ?
Do you go to othr rebbes for spiritual advise or do you feel no need for this.
I would love to get an authoratative reply to these questions.
from what I've heard they respect the Rashab because he was anti-Zionist. The Rayatz they laugh at, and the Rebbe I don't need to tell you.
They consider their patron saint to be the equal of the Maharash. I guess that leaves the Tzemach Tzedek.
I don't think there's any real connection to Kopust, although Strashele is quite popular with the radical fringe of Toldos Aharon etc, so maybe it is there as well.
Did they respect the Mittler Rebbe ?
Do we care if they did?
I guess they did. How nice of them to do that.
Why are Chabad still scared of a group that left their party so many generations ago? Is there some kind of complex still extant?
I heard in the name of their Rebbe "The Tzemach was a Rebbe, The MahaRash was a chosid and the Rashab knew a chossid". That pretty much tells you their respect for the Chabad Rebbes.
In reality the differences between the Rashab and his successors is no less than the difference between the Malochim and Chabad. Chabad seems to have died out between the wars and now all we have is a zecher for Chabad. The Malochim are just as good as anyone for that zecher.
BTW, it is strange that the Sinah to Misnagdim is the last thing to be forgotten amongst Chassidim.
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