AP Photos/Bernat Armangue
So here I was, right before Kol Nidrei, saying Al Cheit, like a good Lubavitcher should, and a guy walks by and sends me a message. "Say Al Cheit for all the stuff you wrote on the blog, Hirshel," he says. That was enough for me. I had no need for any more introspection. The sins jumped out off the pages. Every Al Cheit became relevant and personal. The tears flowed all day. The guilty Hungarian feelings never stop as it is, עאכו"כ on Achas BaShonoh. [But the truth is that even on YK, even in shul during the break, and on the way from shul after Kol Nidrei etc., You never grow tired of good discussions with learned people, and very often you may cross the line into LH territory.] Nu, noch aza Yom Kippur ken men zich nisht nemmen tzum shrayben azoi shnell... The guilty feelings, the pre-Yom Tov rush, they all add up. Then there was the passing of the Lelover Rebbe, Reb Shimele, zt"l, a loss for all of Israel, despite the fact that he ran from Koved all his life, and was not part of the Daas Teyreh brigade. It was nice to see the respect shown to him at least after his passing.
So here I am trying to see only good things, be positive, you know? and G-d throws me a curve. I look out the window and I see a beautiful 2 Million + plus home rising high above the rest. The inhabitants are G-d fearing Jews, and are supporters of Torah institutions, at least his face is in the paper alot. On the porch of this magnificent home sits a Sukkah - with this being the season, and all. You would think these fine Jews would get a sturdy Sukkah, one that would maybe match the color of the brick facade, or maybe one of those fancy Fiberglass ones, the ones that snap together quickly. But no! Mr. Frugal here with the two million dollar home and the home in the country and the vacations etc. goes out and gets himself a canvas special, like a shnorrer who counts every penny would do if he finds himself without a Sukkah and can't borrow one. My goodness! How can a guy like that face himself in the mirror when shaving every morning and be happy with that kind of expenditure?! Or what does he think his guests and neighbors are thinking when they see/visit his Sukkah?
Then again; maybe it's only me...
Hirschel - You are witnessing what I call the inverse relationship between what people spend and gashmius and what people spend on ruchnius.
Why is it that people who could afford it least, spend the most on Arba Minim?
Why is it that the bigger the house, the shorter Bedikas Chumetz takes?
Why is it that the fancier the Bar Mitzvah, the cheaper the tefillin?
I could go on and on, but the inverse relationship is there and completely understandable.
Why spend the extra money on a better sukkah, when the money could be better spent flying out the family to Disneyland to spend Chol HaMoed with Lipa?
Rav AK
Ir Zogt Git
since its after yom kippur lets believe that he gave away every penny plus his 2000 dollar sukah for a other family, as the Sanzer Rov used to give away erev chanuka even his silver menorah and ended up lighting a metal Menorah
I guess you are fairly confident that this fellow doesn't read your blog, and neither do any of his friends, relatives, neighbors or guests, who might easily figure out who you're referring to.
Everyone knows you have never "really" built a sukkah until you get hammer, nails and plywood and do it the old fashioned way. Canvas, pre-fabs, tiles out of the covered porch ceiling, etc. are for pansies!
Its very poshut.
He knows that the inyan of Sukkah is suppsoed to be Taishvu Kain Toduru. So he buys the cheapest Sukkah; saying to himself, that at least for one week a year, I will live modestly, un nisht vee a chazzer
What is the difference between Canvas and plexiglass leHalacha? Nothing.
So who cares?
canvas is a b'dieved, according to many authorities.
Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
canvas is a b'dieved, according to many authorities.
Whom are u quoting? I've heard from many prominent poskim that they preferred sturdy walls and they "shmeked der nuz" at canvas since it billows in the wind, but to say it is b'dieved? Who says it? Plz post sources and marei makoimos.
I do not understand the ease with which you malign a minhag yisrael.
Should I begin making fun of the Habad minhagim?
canvas now became a Minhag?
Amazing as always. Great post with a great point, and everyone gets caught up on the pros and cons of canvas.
Canvas sukkahs are as much a minhag at 2 million dollar homes...
Tzig - would you feel better if this person built a beautiful sukkah for 10,000 dollars so he and his wife and family can stuff their mouths in great comfort and sing their zemiros with great gusto and personal satisfaction.
Now if the man built a cheap sukkah and donated the difference to the poor people of Monsey than this gent deserves our praise as its not longer simchas keiso. But to build a beautiful sukkah for his own kavod , whats the difference ? He might as well have the canvas sukkah it won't " give him the cockiness a big sukkah will. I always taitched ze keli (in the lashon of keli my tool or ego not G-D) and I will glorify veanvayhu myself - my utensil.... my ego !
Rabbi Hershel Schachter from YU visited a city years ago to speak on Chol Hamoed Sukkos and would not eat in a canvas sukka, even though it belonged to the rabbi of the shul where he was speaking. Other accommodations were found.
The walls have to be able to withstand a ruach metzuya. Poskim differ has to how much "billow" is allowed to still be considered "standing".
why are you so militant about it,as we chasidim have a mesorah, that the holy besht was sitting in a sukah that used a cocktail of all Kulas etc..
there is a story with the holy Komarner sitting in a sukah with a halachic problem
Many people find it extremely difficult to physically put up most types of sukkas. A canvas sukkah doesn't have as large and heavy pieces as a wood or fiberglass sukkah. Dan l'kaf zchus that the owner may find it difficult to put up a heavier sukkah.
Yesh lomar that bad weather is expected over sukkos, so he's not planning to eat there (except for tomorrow night).
Veod yesh lomar, his money is stolen, and you are not yotze with a sukka gezula.
I am with 5:39 its laziness not cheapness. And by the way there is a problem with the goyim putting on the Schach too (even though there is A Mishnah that says it’s allowed) so how is everyone eating in the restaurants. I would not want a "Nisht an Inzreh" putting up the Schach. The Brisker Rav when he heard a Kotton did it did not sit in the Sukkah.By the way "Karkah Ainoi Nigzeles"
If he put up a nice Succoh he would also be critized as a phony migushemdikeh guy... He can't win.
"a sukah that used a cocktail of all Kulas etc.."
not kulas, halachakic devices, such as lavud. learn the difference you aneratzishe ferd, the are not kulos, they are mikar hadin. feh.
tzig r you seem nothing more than jealous, so i'll do you a favor, i'll go put a copy of this post in the mailbox's of any of your neighbors this might apply to, you your return address on it.
why are you dan him likav zechus that he's makpid on succa diras arai? by the way, the poskim had a problem with the older canvas succos, the newer ones are constructed al pi halacha. when he doesnt hang any decoration, will you complain too? or is that acceptable?
and why would he need a warm wood sucah, if he's going to do the mitzva if not sleeping in it?
alas, Hershel Schecther has become the new Posek Hador ......
sick guy. cant fargin the guy with the monster home.
what about the beautiful nuy sukka d'anshei chabad?
Anon 8;25
why are we raising our voices and calling names,when its only a chasidic philosophy that people are tinkering 1) deep emuna in torah shebaal peh even on Luvad or Gid Assik that look non practical with flesh eyes, 2) he wanted to be mekushar to every bedieved Jew
Anon 8:28
Reb Hershel Shechter is a talmid chocham mivhak, he can compete with all rabonim of the Aida Hacharidis
tzig since when do you know how much money this guy has in the bank?Many rich people have lost fortunes in the last year including a guy like Levayev.Made he is simply tight?
You are such a megushemdiggeh chitzon.Oh, one sec, you have a beard!the neighbor,if he exists at all,doesn't.You are better than him!!
You make me nauseous!!
Just because your house shames the rest of the neighborhood doesn't mean your sukkah should!
maybe that was the line of thinking?
The Chabadzkis are going belly up over the fact that thousand of Snags have to read the Krinsky/Mishpachah interview. Nebach. The Snags are going to skip over it or maybe just read it on the throne
"alas, Hershel Schecther has become the new Posek Hador ......"
The Succah was inside the house. It has a retractable hydraulic roof, ke'in toduru.
The one you were looking at was for poor folk who couldn't afford their own succah, ke'in toduru.
And for you canvas questioners, look in the Nitey Gavriel.
And for those of you questioning RHS, suggest you find a different target. He's without a doubt Migdolei HaPoskim Bizmanenu.
Dan lekaf zchus nu?
Also, wood panels cost less than canvas. I put up sukkos for many people this year(free of charge, I'm no longer a bochur who needs bein hazemanim to make money) and I found out that a 8x12 canvas sukkah costs upwards of 600. Wood to make paneling -- precut and all, needs nails only -- about 250 tops.
canvas w/straps 4 lavud is l'chatchila!
I will name you someone better if you will find me first a bad pesak of him
Tzig, counter-point for your interest:
מודגשת אחדותם של ישראל במצוה סוכה.. שכן גם *עשיר* שבישראל, שבמשך כל השנה כולה דר בארמון מפואר, עוזב את ביתו למשך ימי חג הסוכות, ונכנס לדור (תשבו כעין תדורו) בסוכה שעשויה מחמרים פשוטים ומכוסה בעשב פשוט, פסולת גורן ויקב [שהרי אם יכסה את תקרת הסוכה באבנים יקרות כו' תהי' הסוכה פסולה], סוכה כזו שבהישג ידו של *עני* שבישראל. ונמצא, שבמצוה זו מתבטאת אחדותם של כל ישראל – מהעשיר שבישראל עד לעני שבישראל, כולל – עשיר ועני בדעת, בעבודה הרוחנית...
Source --:
התוועדיות תשמ"ה ח"א. שערי המועדים-חג הסוכות ע' מא.
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