[Photo: Reuters] (or maybe AFP?)
I must admit that I wasn't excited about posting this. Rabbis Amar and Metger are both close friends of Chabad, with the former even attending Chabad schools in his native Morocco. However, reader "bpunbound" convinced me. "The Rebbe was against it", he said, מ'דארף מאכען א מחאה!, so here goes.
For those of you who may have missed it, here's the Story
and the מחאה:
דבר מלכות
ו' תשרי תשמ"ח

At the time the Chief Rabbis were Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu and Rabbi Avrohom Shapira. HaRav Eliyahu was, and is, considered a great friend of Chabad and yet the Rebbe did not spare him. I guess I should do the same.
(Maybe from this we can learn that the Rebbe's practice was to "wait" for others to do the מחאה, and only upon this not happening would he be the one to do so. This also was the case when he stood up for the Kovod of the Chofetz Chaim and demanded that his Talmidim do the same.)
Who cares????
go to sleep.
what i don't get is, through all the generations, "rabbim v'tovim mayhem" had meetings & connections with christian leaders.
I believe that in those days it was done to procure some sort of favor, or to plead for somebody's life. Just to go and have a goodwill visit was never part of the plan.
Thanks, BP. My pleasure.
Tzig, you said: "(Maybe from this we can learn that the Rebbe's practice was to "wait" for others to do the מחאה, and only upon this not happening would he be the one to do so. This also was the case when he stood up for the Kovod of the Chofetz Chaim and demanded that his Talmidim do the same.)"
Have you heard this from anyone else? Was this the Rebbe's position regarding other issues, such as נתוחי מתים?
these franc'en do not not the jesus freaks like we do
now, now Amshi, be nice.
any luck on the Wein tape?
i'm asking you any luck on the Wein tape?
i can't read the post...anyone want to offer a synopsis?
The Rebbe laments the fact that those who purport to represent went to the Pope, the institution which he heads is Avodah Zarah, they kiss his ring which is Avodah Zarah. Other religious groups do not do this, so why should we?
We should work to stop this in the future.
who kissed his ring???
The chief Rabbis at the time.
outrageous! shameless! what motivates a rov of such stauture to visit the poop?
well, they said that Rabbi Lau did it for the photo-op, he put the picture in his memoirs, maybe they're doing the same?
This is a very touchy subject.
Clearly there are instances where meting that man is important. Thus Chief Rabbi Dr. Isaac halevi Herzog met the P. in 1945 or 46 to request help in getting Jewish kids back from Catholic missions where they were hidden during the war years. Yet the rav teykof umiyad went to Rome's mikveh .
The Sephardic chief rabbi Isaac nissim caused an international scene in the early 1960's when he refused to grreet the then Pope visiting Israel for a short time on the way to Jordan. Rav Nissim showed true Jewish kavod and honor.
Since then PR has taken over the office of chief rabbi and meeting the P is a great kovod for many rabbis including echod mai Anash the rabbi from Jslm with 2 names.If it was up to me I would introduce a "takkona" forbidding a rav from going into the vatican and meeting the Pope.
Synagogues in Gaza. The destruction of these shuls was planned by the Sharon govt. They refused to tear them down themselves knowing fully well that the reshoiim would destroy them in a great demonstration of a Chilul Hashem. But this is what happens when the Minister of defence paskens Halacha and the 2 gedolim who serve as chief rabbi look on ...
Az men est Chazer darf noch rinnen fun moil. If you nmeet the P do you need pictures and Pr about that meeting !!
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