and I mean a true Chochom, that the post who said this was somewhat incorrect. The quote was from a letter of the Frierdiger Rebbe, quoting the Mitteler Rebbe. The quote has since been corrected.
We can understand from the letter that the Takonoh was made in order that Chassidim should not mix with their adversaries. At that time the Misnagdim would try and discourage people from learning Chassidus, which by that time had become quite "popular" in all parts of White Russia and Lithuania, by publicly debating Chassidim about the errs of their ways.
The Rebbe would not have it. He decided that Chassidim should not come in cotact with their adversaries, even while in Shul, and if need be stay home. The Rebbe goes on to say that he remembers a certain Chossid who lived in Lida who told him that in his town there was no מנין אנ"ש , and other than Elul and Tishrei when he was in Lubavitch he davened ביחידות!
Youdo realize now, Tzig, that peopel will just say now that's it's just a made up story by the FR.
It's funny what people will believe and what not.....
if that's the case why believe anything? Why believe in Torah, ch"v?
thats totaly different here read again
The Rebbe would not have it. He decided that Chassidim should not come in cotact with their adversaries, even while in Shul, and if need be stay home.
חכם בעיניו...
'avremel said...
Youdo realize now, Tzig, that peopel will just say now that's it's just a made up story by the FR.
It's funny what people will believe and what not..... '
How did you guess Avreymeleh?
When you posted the story earlier I had a queesy feeling that the Zemach Zedek could not have said such a thing, but you had a supposed 'source'.So much for relying on your sources.
Btw, I love the 'ahavas yisroel' which emmanates from the story.Non Lubavitch Jews are simply evil.Funny your own Rebbe was againSt the term Kiruv 'rechokim' because every Jew is 'close'.I guesS every jew 'besides' other frum jews.Nice to know.(Lers see if this gets censored)
Tzemach-pipik, your queesy feeling is from bad spelling and erev shabbos kigel. And consider this, on your blog you would be long gone.
Guravitzer, sorry for misspelling emanates.
Now to some logic:How do you know that I would not allow critiscm on my blog?
(Just curious about your comfort level regarding the F.Rebbes' statement claiming that non Lubavitch shuls were off limits for chassidim.If for example 'Snags were told not to enter Chabasker shuls, would you not be 'blogging' about it?)
How deep is your inanity? That IS what we are blogging about!
Guravitzer:What is so shallow about my comment?
Nobody besides me has been questioning how you as Chabdskers feel about 'banning other Jews synagogues'
Btw:Since I know your postings from other websites, I'm puzzled by you getting personal, did I touch such a nerve, that we can't have a half way decent back and forth?
Whata bout the Issur of the Gr"o to marry Chassidim, is that OK with you pipik?
I must disagree with your statement: Why believe in anything, etc.
With all due respect to all parties involved (books and authors), believing in Torah does not (necessarily) include believing in every Hebrew word printed.
Leo, are you referring to my last statement?
To the second comment on this page.
of course you can disagree, but don't just discount anything you disagree with.
Do you understand my point?
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
I understand. I disagree.
Es iz gevoren zeyer shtill do. Hershel, toost teshuva far yom hadin?
תשובה איז נישטא אויף לאכען פון מתנגדים
I just haven't had the time with Selichos, work. דאגה נישט, ס'וועט באלד ווערען א טומל
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