Friday, July 28, 2006

Hate mail of the day

From one of those ever-loving Yeshivishe guys:

"Hey hater,

I never 'chapped'.

Let me explain a bit.

Your crappy rantings against 'ehrlicheh' yidden always bothered me (and I've been following your blog for some time already)Something about your rantings smelled like the rantings of a goy 'vous farshteyt tzee yidden in yiddishkait vee a terkisheh shikker' Only lately I realized:You are one of those maygar 'tziganner' who somehow got mixed up with us.Oy vey!Even Moshiach won't be able to rid us of tipshim, and halachik Jews like yourself.Ah broch!Geb a kik veefel gift ess varft arayn a bissel goyishe bleet.Go away from us.Go live in Crown Heights.The Chabadsker had the patience for your ilk.We don't."

Why do I put up with this?


Anonymous said...

כל הפוסל במומו פוסל
relax tziggaleh!

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

I'm as relaxed as they come.

Anonymous said...

tzigeleh, epes emes iz do in zeineh verter. Time to do teshuva.
and remember we lubes LUV a BT..

Anonymous said...

Some idiot who thinks he's funny. In fact I half recognize the style but I am not 100% sure if I know which idiot this is. Do not worry about these morons.

Camp Runamok said...


Not to mention that a little regionalist-racism works its way into this poor fellow's rant:

"You are one of those maygar 'tziganner' who somehow got mixed up with us."

Presumably 'maygar' is supposed to mean "Hungarian" (actual spelling is 'Magyar', ya schvantz). Is this fellow trying to say that unzer Ungvarische bruder are somehow inferior to his lot?

And these people wonder why the Geulah has not come and our enemies attack us today - or maybe they just don't care; their big hats merely serving as cover for their bare heads. Here's hoping they do Teshuva quickly.

Y.W. Editor said...

Hey Tzig!!!
You asked:"Why do I put up with this?"

You want to know why? Because you are a self hating Jew who will never learn to like a fellow Jew.

Since all you care about is Tanya & the Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach's Sichos, i have a question for you. Do you think for a second that the Baal Hatanya ZATZAL would enjoy your stupid hatful anti-semitic rants?????!!!


Get a life. You are a bored soul You are starting to convince me that you are becoming suicidal.


Meiumka D'libo,
YW Editor.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tzig!!!
You asked:"Why do I put up with this?"

You want to know why? Because you are a self hating Jew who will never learn to like a fellow Jew.

((((YAWN))) Noch a chochom who follows in the ways of Kamtza and bar Kamtza during the 9 days.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointing. Not an intelligent word in there, not even close.

Anonymous said...

this guy's pretty funny, looks like some of the things you write shmeck tzu fill fun emes, that they strike a raw nerve by him.