Reb Yakov Yisroel Halberstam (Yankel) was the youngest great grandson of the Sanzer Rov ztvk"l. Born in 5695/1935, He was the son of Reb Yecheskel Shraga Halberstam who was the son of Reb Yitzchok Yeshaya (Shaye'le) of Tsehchoyv, both of whom were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators during WWII. Reb Yankel's mother Rivka Beila was a daughter of Reb Bentzion of Bobov HY"D, which made him a nephew of Reb Shlomo of Bobov II. Reb Yankel passed away on Erev Rosh Hashonoh. We were informed of his passing by his daughter. The above photo, despite it being listed as that of Reb Shaye'le, of Tshechoyv is actually that of the Tzeshinover Rebbe, a nephew, or great-nephew of Reb Shayele. This is obvious from the writing on the photo, as well as to those who knew his son in Boro Park. The strong features are very visible amongst later generations as well.
He was known as Yankush.
Wasn't he the only ben acher ben of tshechoiv???
dunno. Thee was an uncle in the LES, Tsechoiver Rebbe. Reb Chaim. He had no sons, grandsons?
" Tzeshinover Rebbe, a nephew, or great-nephew of Reb Shayele"
this does not resemble the Tzeshinover of 44th st?
sure it does! that's what I said.
"Wasn't he the only ben acher ben of tshechoiv???"
There were others, and there are (at least) two grandsons of the Tchchoiver living in NY today.
Yankush also has a sister living in Toronto.
To My bbet info there are at least 3 Great Grand Children of the Sanzer Rov living today in Brooklyn 2 sisters and a cousin
Their mother was a granddaughter and their grand mother was a daughter they are the grandchildren of R Aron of Baitch the son in law of The Sanzer
one is R chatzkel Halpern of Boro park, his sister Mrs Shainfeld of Boro Park and theur cousin Rebetzen Feldman of Flatbush (Mir)
May the all live to 120 ab Zoche to witness the coming of Mosiach
Two brothers (Usher, Chazkel Duvid) and two sisters in BP/Flatbush/Israel
Children of R' Yaakov Zvi Halberstam, Sucher Ruv hyd, who was a son of R' Shayele Tschoiver hyd.
"sure it does! that's what I said"
you are wrong, like I will say that the tzig is short,Chubby and a redhead
What am I wrong about?
I like the Roman numeral designation:
Reb Shlomo of Bobov II.
It is either very WASPY or very Papal, but it works.
Efsher der neuer Francis hut hash'poeh
the name on the picture is an error. it is the stropkov rebbe, father of r' menachem mendel who was here in america. i think his name was r' avrohom something. forgot second name
Dunno if Yankush has a sister in toronto, he has his ben yuchid there.
Did he live in london? I remember a yankush halbershtam who had a brother usher, short and clean shaven , both were said to have been the same generation as the beirach moshe and the klausenberger. I never heard that usher died, so there may be another one out there
Usher and Chaskel Duvid are brothers. They have two sisters, Sima and Devorah. Yankel has one sister Esther Nussbaum , who lives in Toronto. They , together with the Bobover Rebbe, Reb Shloima s two sisters who live in London, are, I believe, the last remaining great grandchildren of the Sanzer Rov
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