Harav Chaim Menachem Teichtel, 92 - תלמיד הישיבה בהיידע and son of the גאון בעל משנה שכיר הי"ד. RCMT was niskarev to Chassidus Chabad and its נשיאים by the late Reb Zalman Schneersohn, ע"ה. He was one of the few remaining talmidim of the famed Heide Yeshiva in Belgium. Ironically, most if not all, of those remaining talmidim are Lubavitcher Chassidim, having come to Lubavitch during WW2 in France. He leaves behind a beautiful family of Chassidim and shluchim all over the world.
See Here

Harav Yitzchok Zalman Posner - Great Orator, Author and Shliach. Rabbi Zalman Posner was one of the most prolific and creative Jewish writers of our time. He was sent by the Frierdige Rebbe to Nashville, Tennessee way back in 1949 and remained there until his failing health kept him from performing his Rabbinic duties several years ago. (Above vintage pic: The Rebbe and RaSHaG at RYZP's wedding in Kislev, 5710)
Passing of RYZP, 87 (Shturem)
Reb Velvel Zalmanov, 98
הרב זלמנוב שלא הכרתם
כמאמר הבית ישראל, דור הולך ודור, באאאה. פירוש, הדור הולך רואים. דור שיקח מקומם.... ממתינים עדיין לראות
Rav Tiechtal writes in the foreword of his father sefer Eim Habonim that the Lubavicher Rebbe told him in a Yechidus that it is,his obligation to show the world that his father is no Zionist
"Ironically, most if not all, of those remaining talmidim are Lubavitcher Chassidim, having come to Lubavitch during WW2 in France. "
You like to make bombastic statements.
So how many talmidim of Heideh yeshiva do you actually know???
You know about R'Leiberman from Antwerp
I challenge you to come up with any other talmid you"ve heard of
"Rav Tiechtal writes in the foreword of his father sefer Eim Habonim that the Lubavicher Rebbe told him in a Yechidus that it is,his obligation to show the world that his father is no Zionist"
Who said children can't rewrite their fathers history?
R'Teichtal at this period was most definitely a Zionist
until like 2 years ago:
Teichtel, Zilbershtrom, lhbcl"c Lieberman, Friedrich (IIRC),
Teichtal was certainly a Zionist pal, I take facts over you
first tell me what it means being a zionist
The dayan rav meir brandsdorfer זצ״ל was also a rav teictal einichel./.
"first tell me what it means being a zionist
Let's stop the classic Lubavitch tomfoolery.They shoot the arrow, then they draw the arrow.
Lubavitch have made up what Zionism is, then, they claim they are anti zionists.
By any reasonable definition Rabbi Teichtel was a Zionist.
Your "not liking it" does NOT change the fact
I know one that is not a lubavitcher. He is a rebbe in the cheder in antwerp and went to ponovezh after the war
Then again, he has a beard and a gartel so he must be a lubavitcher
they have 90 year old Rebbis in Antwerp? wow!
"Lubavitch have made up what Zionism is,"
When did Lubavich invent Zionism? before Herzel or after?
Please explain how is it that after Rav Posner retired after 50 years being a Rov in a shul the next Rov is a graduate of Chovevei Torah?
as far as I know he has been away since 2002 due to failing health, so it's not from one day to the next. I did not know that the new Rov was a YCT grad.
Hirshel, you didn't mention Reb Mottel der shochet OBM 97
you're right! That was some weeks ago, when things were VERY slow around here!
Any elders left?
The Shul in Nashville was a mixture of all types, when Rabbi Posner retired he was replaced by a YU musmach Rabbi Michael Merdinger, with whom Rabbi Posner had an excellent relationship. There are also two competing Chabad rabbis in Nashville, so not much chance of a third one being appointed to run the mainstream shul. Some of the members considered him to right-wing for them, and so when he left they pushed a Chovevei fellow in.
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