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What started it all
The very polished apology from B&H
I do not envy the good people at B&H. They're in the heart of it all, New York City. They pride themselves in trying to please every single customer - so I hear, anyway. Many of their customers are of the alternative lifestyle. I'd say disproportionately so. And they need to keep them happy customers. All this is part of the general "פרנסה שאני" umbrella היתר. They don't want to be the next Chik-Fil-A that gets boycotted. I see "sensitivity training" in the future at B&H, and I can only imagine what that will do to a young Hasid from KJ or Monsey... Who knows? maybe the Rabbonim will soon forbid yungeleit from working there! nah. So is the internet the biggest threat to today's youth, or, perhaps, working at B&H can be hazardous to your spiritual well-being. But truth be told, don't you think this woman was just a wee bit sensitive? So some guy from the dark ages was surprised that "Heather has two mommies." Big deal. What's up with forcing people now to think that this is the new normal? And some of the commenters want that poor guy fired! But it WAS stupid of him to ask, no matter what his feelings are about their lifestyle.
G-d save us all.
I don't see the big issue with the apology.It does not condone her behavior in any way.It just says that they regret the hurt feelings caused.
Imagine a obstetrician who does abortions getting screamed at for being a murderer.
The cashier seems to have hit a raw nerve.
Why did the cashier ask?
I don't know why you say they need a heter maybe if they would donate money to some gay organization it can be a problem with halacha but just sending some cheep apology I don't think is a problem according to halacha
I think it is basic mentchlichkeit to apologize for mixing into someones business
I don't see a how and why healthy Chasidic Married Yungerman has a problem, to be educated on this matter.
If he ever learned Chumash and Rashi or Masechtes Shabos regarding the father of Shmuel, or Masechtas Yevomas on the issur of Noshim Mistolelos Zu Bezu..
He should know there was always such a lifestyle, since world creation...and its none of his business to get in the details of their private lifestyle.
The cashier zol zein gezint is nothing but a narish yingele. He and all of our tayere yingelaitlach need to get a bissele training in dealing with a lifesyle different than ours.
Its the new reality. He should know better than to open his mouth. If he had questions he should have saved them for his mashpia.
the biggest lesson of the thread is that luzer twerski is a jerk. (not that that is a chiddush for anyone who has had the displeasure of meeting him.)
Yep, Luzer pissed me off.
Dovy and fred, thats loshon hora, how dare you write that out for everyone to read and thereby sin in doing so???
Typical arrogant behavior which exists between the heimishe...
The only thing i do not understand is, what are you trying to prove?Story is an interesting one, but what is your point?
not prove anything. Just pointing out how we are forced to come to terms with society in the business world.
Russian Chosid
"Typical arrogant behavior which exists between the heimishe...
where is the arrogance??
I see stupidity ignorance...
Makes sense. Tell me about it.:)
It is arrogant, because if you are a salesmen in the store, you do not mix into your customers life.
I disagree
Att. Yanover,
That's Lashon Hara is like saying Obama is President ia Lashon Hara. Luzer wrote he's an idiot between every line of his comments....
Zein meg men ober zogn tor men nisht?
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