From when he was a young child doing a favor for another
Yid - a very noble act, indeed - until the all-important question of "is one allowed to leave
Golus by himself?" (whatever that means) There is nothing they could put on the question sheet for the young skulls full of mush to answer?! Nothing about his diligence in
Torah, how he conducted his
Rabbonus'en, his leadership qualities, his
Yeshivos and
Talmidim?! This is - IMHO - a terrible discredit to the SR! When did
Satmar - or at least the כתה ב' רבי in this particular school become so crazy? To his credit he does go back and ask one non-
shittah question towards the end, asking about being שטאלץ when doing
Mitzvos and not being embarrassed when doing it, but then he goes right back to the ויואל משה & על הגאולה, so that the הכל הולך אחר החיתום is fulfilled....
Molesting children by telling them in the cradle about the Rebbe is wrong even if every story was relecant. Children don't have to know about my Rebbe and my Rebbe's father etc. A Rebbe is something a mature adult needs and should be treated as a part of the adult needs of a person. Otherwise you are a party like any other party and the penimius disappears in the cloud of extraneous clothing/minhagim-customs/foods/songs/photographs/general stupidities.
You are a idiot,
Talking to kids about Tzadikim and Rebbes is torah and the torah way
Why did the torah start with Avrohom Avinu and his family after?
Why his half of the chumash circling around Moshe?
Why is there a Decree of Hashem Vayaminu Behashem Ubemoshe Avdoi..
Hirshel is ppointing out that why talk to kids about the Lochem Milchamos hashem part of the individual, before his other qualities?
but you are a crazy crying "Mollesting"
The book called "when you go to the ohel" hasn't come out yet in a satmar version. Maybe Oz vhodor will make one.
`yankel is right! Of course you put sugar in the coffee, but this silly goose put coffee in the sugar! Do you get my drift?
`yankel is right! Of course you put sugar in the coffee, but this silly goose put coffee in the sugar! Do you get my drift?
What I would like to know is why would children who get their brains washed so thoroughly still have an issue with 'unclean thoughts' as they come of age?
Bar Minon
Do you wash clothes only once in a liftime
Bar Minon
Do you wash clothes only once in a liftime
ich farshtei nit how com ethey are no better than the meshichistim? the meshichistim first teach about the rebbe meham, and then teach rebbe meham, and then teach to wave flags and beat up people who dont say yechi, and the list oges on, and then well thnk of yiddishkeit and what the rebbe really wants... thay are a corrupted cult.
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