Friday, November 29, 2013

לא לעכב אחרים מלהצטרף

A Ksav Yad Kodesh from the Lubavitcher Rebbe זי"ע that explains why sometimes Roshei Teivos from well-meaning people go against the idea and can hurt the cause.

ר"ת זה עלול שיעכב אחרים מלהצטרף למבצע זה
 היפך המטרה לגמרי


Not a Harry said...

The best part of the letter got censored by the anti censorship chasidus.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

how u know it's the best part? it looks like names

Maybe a Harry said...

Not a Harry
"anti censorship chasidus."
who put out that claim? to be a censored chasidus, or a non censured ,
The Rebbe was definitely for censoring...

Not a Harry said...

נקוט כלל זה זה בידך

Kol dichfin said...

What did the Rebbe order to get censored?

Bucher Hazetzer said...

Kol Dichfin
Majority, that was printed in Chabad went thru the rebbes hands.
There are famous letters of the Rebbe to the editors of Bitaon chabad in eretz yisroel, with harsh criticism on printing certain Chasidic sipurim that will get badly interpreted (the Rebbe does not deny the validity)
There are 100's of examples of the rebbe censoring...
That's why I don't believe Shimi Deutsches quote from the Rebbe.....its against the Rebbes policy...

Anonymous said...

Which quote?

Anonymous said...

I believe bcher zetzer referring to claim from shimmy that when he was working on kovetz 13 Iyar on the rebbes brother that the rebbe told him that history should be written truthfully or something to that effect.

ki yishalcha said...

Maybe you can be metavech that if something is passed off as history then it can't leave out stuff that's nogea for the complete picture as the omission would make it defective, mah sheein kein stam stories which are not crucial to a complete picture have no reason to be related?