Shalom U'vracha, Please find attached a remarkable Maamar on the Inyan of Purim and Amalek from Rebbe Shlomo Zalman of Kapust. This Maamar is being published for the first time from Manuscript! A tremendous amount of time and effort has gone into preparing the text for publication, your financial support would be greatly appreciated. All contributions can be made out to: Akiva Shavrick 6414 Park Heights Ave., Apt A3 Baltimore, Md. 21215. May we see the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days. Wishing you Kol Tuv, Akiva. link for non-Scribd users
A word to my fellow Lubavitcher Chassidim and friends of Lubavitch: There are several pictures that "cross the line" so to speak. Yet, after deliberation and consultation with friends, I've decided to post all the pictures that have reached the desk of this blog. To show the world where misplaced differences can sometimes lead. As of now, several hours after these pictures surfaced, no word has been from the הנהלה of Ner Israel. Maybe they think it's OK because it's Chodesh Adar. Maybe they're naive as to what year we live in. I don't know. But I do know that nobody I showed it to, even the lighthearted ones, thought some of this was funny. If you'd like to voice your displeasure you can call the Yeshiva office and ask to speak to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Aron Feldman, who is also a sitting member of the Moetzes Gedolei haTorah of the Agudath Israel of America.Phone: (410) 484-7200 . I'm not sure who the HS Principl is these days.
ווי באוואוסט וויילט דער וויזשניצער רבי אין פלארדידע די וואכען נאך אריבערגיין א שווערע עאפעראציע אויף די רוקען. ער האט דארט אסאך פארברענגט אין די בתי חב"ד און אין די ישיבה גדולה פון חב"ד אין מיאמי. זיך באגעגנט מיט'ן דארטיגער ראש ישבה הגה"ח ר' לייבל שי' שפירא. יעצט איז געקומען די צייט אז דער וויזשניצער רבי פארט שוין אהיים, איז ער געקומען באדאנקען דער שליח הרב ליפשיץ פאר'ן צו שטעלן די שיינע אכסניא. פון א דארטיגער איד האט איז באקומען די פאלגענדע פאר שורות: לזכותו של הוויזשניצער רבי יאמר,
אז א יעדען איינציגען מאל וואס ער האט דא אין פלארידע געפירט טיש האט ער אלעמאל גירעדט בשבחו פון דעם רבין'ס שלוחים וואס זיי טוען אויף בכל עיר ועיר ובכל פינה נידחת.
Looks like a meeting to greet the distinguished guest. L-R: Harav Reb Moshe Ashkenazi, Reb Pinye Althaus, unknown, Harav Reb Levi haLevi Grossman author of the sefer שם ושארית, הרב אלכסנדר יודאסין בעמח"ס תומכי תמימים, Reb Chaim Shmaryohu Gourarie. כל אחד בשמו הטוב יבורך. You can write a book about each one. Photo is for sale on EBay.
Hirshel, here's another Belzer prohibition for you: In Belz they did not say shir hashirim. I never saw my elders, who had a strong connection to Belz, say shir hashirim. (I never knew why )
I guess it was part of the Belz in them. I was surprised to see that - or NOT to see that - because in Oiberland, where my family is from, and by other chasidim it was very holy to say it. After the mikvah, with the peyos still wet. Mamash a gevalt! In the footnote here they note a certain Sefas Emes (which by the way was not on the recommended learning list in old Belz, they would rather get caught learn Arugas haBosem) in Pesach that on regular weeks the parables of shir hashirim are a bad influence for people who are megushem. It's probably the reason why Belz avoided it too. But they never said that outright. But in Ger they were more explicit.