The story goes that a Chossid was lying on his deathbed and starting saying Viduy.
אשמנו? קיינמאל ניט
בגדנו? ניין
גזלנו? אויך ניט
לצנו? נאר פון מתנגדים, און אויף דעם דארף איך ניט קיין תשובה טאן
That's not to say that I do not what to do Tshuvah for.
א כתיבה וחתימה טובה לכל בית ישראל בכל מקום שהם
and he was probably referring to true Misnagdim, erliche yidden who did things differently. The no-gooders of our days don't even deserve that term.
Avremel, you are Tzig sound traumatized. Don’t you think we need to move on? We can't change those horrible misnagdim, but we can change ourselves, both private and communal.
I change my own ways and rally for our self-improvement privately. In public I do this.
Enjoy! There must be some purpose to it.
Why do the dirty work for other people?
Depends what the purpose is. Is it just tit for tat or do you want something positive to come out of it?
on erev rosh hashana it is an appropriate time for you to make a chsshbon hanefesh if all this badmouthing does you any service or it is an effective disservice to make believe that your ills are justified...
on erev rh you can elevate yourself from your narishkeyt and look in the mirror how all the garbage you have blogging about has led to the false meshichism and the farshtunkene gayva that has plagued your camp....
in a time that is ppropriate to make bridges with other yidden you show that you're inetrested in dividing yidden and use a msk of self sanncctimonous and self trigheous body and create pseudofictinal wrongdoings on other yidden...
elevate yourself from yourselves...
seems like anon hasn't got an answer for you.
איך פארשטיי גאאאאאאאאארנישט
Seriously though
I haven't yet seen the Yated retract all their nasty articles on Erev Rosh Hashonoh and say that the time has come that we should work towards Jewish Unity. Are you saying they should?
What about "Der Yid", "Di Blatt", et.al.?
now thats the answer unfortunately.
Hershel, I understand your pain and frustration.Tishrei:The month where many chasidim came to 770 to be elevated, farbreng, daven with the late Rebbe, Sukkos, Simchas beis Hashoeiva, all night.Gone.Oon nisht nor, 770 is in the hands of a bunck of ignorant boors who have very dangerous ideas that cauSe Lubavitch to a laughing stock.Sad, but true.SO YOU LASH OUT............you bring up history from 200 years ago, 100 years ago, a lot of it which is subjective and inaccurate.Hershel, please understand this:The downfall of Lubavitch has nothing to do with us so called 'snags,unfortunately it's your own misguided souls that have wreaked this havoc.I right this erev Rosh Hashona with pain and empathy, we are all bney Avrohom.
Kesiva vachasima tova oon a gut gebentched yohr.
45 minutes before Licht Bentshen and you're surfing the web?!
Good morning herr hirshel Yoeli Tzig
Pipik, to tell you the truth, i didn't think you were capable of writing heartfelt words, albeit incorrect ones. A Gmar chasimah tovah to you too.
my my! am i missing something? is moshiach ready to come? imean the real moshiach?
Indeed, Shoshana Silcove has joined Tzemach's footsoldiers. Where is a good ingrate when you need them?
who is she?
Read her article, on the frumteens.com website, in the "other" category, first post in the Lubavitch thread. She has some other fodder for Misnagdim around.
Hi! it's me the 'ingrate' ; ^)
My son is a Chabadnik in Adass Yisroel Yeshivah Katana here in Melbourne, Australia. It is a unique mosod and community where different sects of Chassidim, Satmar's, Litvaks, and Misnagdim all learn together---without actually being at each other's throats! Admittedly, there are only three Lubav families including mine with kids in the school, but my son gets along quite well with a variety of boys from all different druchim. What do they have in common? They are all frum, (no frie-outs from this school that I have EVER heard about) and the education they get is a basic Yeshivah education that, will G-d willing, prepare the boys to go to almost any Yeshivot in the world. My son plans to go onto a Lubav mosod in America.
We are staunch Chabadniks but, we recognized that a good frum chinuch is not to be found here in Melbourne, Australia anywhere else except in Adass Yisroel. And they have been very good to us for the most part. My son has kept his Lubbie ways without interference, goes on mivtzoim, learning Sichos, etc.
So, during aseres yemei teshuvah, it may give some of you hope to know, that is a small corner of the world here down under, that shows us all that it is possible for frum children of all kinds to learn and live together happily under the same roof. It is a Chidsuh Hashem.
BTW, if you want to know who I am, go to google and do a search under my name as it is spelled here and see some of my articles.
Shoshana Silcove has asked me to delete Guravitzer's last comment about her since she has used her real name. I will respect her wishes.
Not sure what that had to do with anything, my request was for her to clarify that her public activities which encourage those with venom for Lubavitch are much more than simply taking her children out of school. And no, googling her name will not give you everything.
If we're speaking about those who remove their children from Chabad mosdos, I think that many try to change the institution as they see fit and are met with refusals and such by the school leadership, for whatever reason. They then vent their frustrations at the school, since they no longer fear retribution. The blame is probably shared by both, although I'm not quite sure how much of it they each take.
guravitzer --this is complete loshon hora. What are you talking about when you say my 'activities over the last fifteen years?" You make is sound so suspicious and important, like I am some sort of secret agent and are you the investigator?
If you are referring to my recent posts on Aussie Echo blogspot re the chinuch in Melbourne, well guess what--I wasn't the only person expressing those views. Yet, you single me out as someone whose suppossed 'activities' have been to hurt the entire Lub movement over the last 15 years? I don't even know who you are, and you know nothing about me, but are quick to spread loshon hora.
For the last fifteen years I have been making a frum home, raising my son, working, writing, and only two of my publications have ever had to do with controversial subjects withint Lubavitch. And these were not subjects that no one else had written about either.
So please stop casting aspersions on me, especially before Yom Kippur.
PS:And Hirshel,you also know nothing about me. SO both of you, please be quiet.
Have an easy fast.
BTW-I never did anything against Lubavitch. I am a Lubavtich loyalist. How dare guravtizer suggest otherwise. I wish I knew who he was since it is impossible to defend oneself against a faceless cowardly detractor.
Chas Vesholom, I'm not speaking ill of you, I just mean to say that I unerstand that you're frustrated. However, the Adass school does have a major advantage, or running start if you will, by the fact that it only accepts children from very frum homes.
Suffice to say, without going into the details of any particular mosod:
The derech of Chabad is the greatest in Yiddishkeit, especially when it comes to chinuch.
But it is only the greatest when the mosod actually follows the Chabad derech without strayinginto secularism.
If a Chabad mosod is Chabad in name only, in form but not in substance, then it becomes a sad parody of itself, and will produce mixed up kids, and fried-out kids.
If one lives in a city in which such a Chabad school is the only one that exists, and the only strong frum yeshivah is non-Chabad, but friendly towards Chabad ethos, then one who wants to save one's child from frying out, or getting a poor excuse of a Chabad chinuch, has the sensbile option to put the child in the non-Chabad yeshivah.
In life sometimes the choices one has to make are limited.
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