I need to work this year on Chol Hamoed, a first for me, and a painful subject, so I daven early in a local Chassidishe Shul. The looks I get from the local yokels when I withdraw my 26 Hadassim Lulav reminds me of Mivtzoyim in Brighton Beach or Manhattan.
Am I that much out of touch with my Charedi neighbors?
Don't they need to know that there are different Minhogim concerning Hadassim?
What are they thinking?
Ultra-conformists, all of them!
What are they thinking, you ask? The question should be, do they think at all?
The other questions should be, why should you worry what they think of you?
something tells me that all these Aussie usernames are one and the same.
26 hadassim ?? In the accompanying photo it doesn't look like the Rebbe had 26 with his lulav. Am I missing something ?
Reb Gavriel Zinner has good sfrorim on minhogim, etc.
With the time difference to Australia, we will all have some menucha today.
hey, be nice to our Aussie friends.
come on! get over it! they stare because only their rebbes have lots of haddasim, & here comes somebody that works on chol hamoed with loads of haddassim. that's all.
to hirshel tzvig and friendly anonymous:
you are nasty. Not nterested in this blog anymore since it is just a bunch of shallow,immature guys. Bye.
With a name of cuddly wallaby, that's how you characterize others!
Bmokom shebaalei tshuva omdim...vail zei shtinken!
if i was a bit more cynical, i would say if you would buy just 3 hadsim, you could afford not to work on CH!
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