I'm a subscriber to the Areivim and Avodah lists for some time now. On Friday I used a story I saw there as the basis for a post. I credited them as I should have, and never gave it a second thought as far as getting into "trouble" for it. Little could I have imagined that the following e-mail would appear in my inbox today:
"You have been unsubscribed from the Areivim mailing list. Before leaving, you may want to consider retaining only your Avodah subscription."
To which I responded: why was I unsubscribed?!
Micha Berger responded: There is a statement in the membership agreement which reads:
[9.]c. People post to Areivim knowing that access is limited. Repeating
an Areivim post is therefore inappropriate unless you first ask the
author. Also, many of the posts on Avodah and Areivim do not represent
the views of AishDas. Therefore, when referring to a post in a manner
that mentions AishDas, including a URL to the Avodah archives, kindly
ask the list management at avodah-owner@aishdas.org or in addition to the author. Violating this rule could result in immediate dismissal ch"v.
As per the last sentence, your post at http://theantitzemach.blogspot.com/2007/10/story-for-your-shabbos-table cost you your Areivim membership. Had you asked reshus, I see no
reason that we would have denied it -- this wasn't dirty laundry or anything someone would be embarrassed to see discussed beyond the community. However, you didn't. We can't have members who defy the chevrah's trust in the list's privacy. Your Avodah subscription remains.
SheTir'u baTov!
[Ya gotta love the corny message even when writing a dismissal notice. Sorta like getting a smiley face on your pink slip, eh?]
My response: All I can say is I thought better of you people. I obviously didn't intentionally ignore the rules, yet you couldn't wait to send me flying. Not nice.
Micha responds: Not "obvious" at all that you didn't intend to tell the world something you allegedly agreed not to when you signed up. It's not
just a buried codicil number 9.c -- this privacy is the whole reason
Areivim exists as distinct from the public Avodah. If I didn't firmly enforce the rule, I would have no recourse against someone who mines Areivim for things to post in some anti-Orthodox forum.
Tzig asks: How would someone know whether or not I got permission?
The anti-Orthodox excuse makes no sense.
To which Micha responded: You didn't ask any of the moderators... so that part of the process wasn't followed. I'm not arguing this. You were warned that such citation could lead to being summarily dismissed. You were therefore summarily dismissed. The active term is "summarily".
[I'm guessing Micha Berger is or was a very strict school teacher.]
I asked: I was asking about your reasoning. You said that if you didn't enforce it the anti-Orthodox would comment-mine and use it it to their benefit. Yet all you ask is that I ask for permission. To which I say, how would they know whether or not I got permission? so why use that as a reason to dismiss me?
The Bergermeister curtly responded: Look: You accepted a rule. The consequences of the rule are spelledout. You violated the rule. You are paying the price spelled out. This isn't rocket science. The rule is important because if people find Areivim posts all over the web they are less likely to be as forthright in posting to the list. Discussions that have in the past led to changes by the Agudah, the OU, and in the prosecution of the Lanner case (admitted small changes) would stop if people felt they may be risking their children's shidduchim (or whatnot). I therefore promise a measure of privacy, which means I must enforce the privacy when it is violated.
[Notice the way he lists his accomplishments here, and how it's the safety of the innocent that he's really protecting by dumping me....]
Correct me if I'm wrong, people, but the whole lot of them seem pretty haugty and stuck-up to me. I may have told Abish Brodt to "get off his high horse," but these guys ride giraffes, not horses, horses aren't high enough for them. They must look at that mirror and tell it how lucky it is to have that beautiful, Torah'dike, yet MO light face to host. I mean, after all, having Toby Katz AND Harry Maryles as regular contributors must make that list pretty darn proud, no?