Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Less Emes and Emunah

Harry's blog has seen an exponential decrease in comments over the last few months, and I'm wondering why. It's not like the topics were once that stimulating, and recently haven't been. No, it's the same anti-Charedi, ModOrth spin, with some Chabad bashing on the side for good measure, just to reassure the frummies that he's "one of them." So why then have they abandoned him? Maybe he needs to up the Chabad-bashing just a bit, to reel them in, you know. Then, once they'll come back maybe he can go back to saving the world.


Anonymous said...

. . .This coming from a blog whose entire success, if the such a word can be used, flows only in proportion to his ramblings about the Rebbe-God, shlit"a.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

no, siree Bob. My success comes from guys like you taking the bait.....

Camp Runamok said...

"It's not like the topics were once that stimulating, and recently haven't been."

I'm not so sure of that. His recent remarks about runaway Askonim and the detrimental (and likely unintended though not unforeseeable) effects they have on their "gedolim" were, IMHO, quite insightful. Part of what makes Takanos, Issurim, etc. powerful is that they are used sparingly and with discretion. That they are not means that they will carry less influence leading to wholesale Hotza'as La'az on halachic authorites; the likes of which we already see today in not a few quarters.

But, alas, maybe nobody cares about that. Maybe we need a readily identifiable "other" (Chabad, e.g.) as an enemy. Nobody likes to be told "We have met the enemy and he is us!"

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

Then again; Camp Runamok was a regular here too, and recently has been hardly heard from.

What gives?

why hath thou forsaken us?

Camp Runamok said...

"Then again; Camp Runamok was a regular here too, and recently has been hardly heard from."

Unlike Mr. Haemtza, I don't operate on the assumption that anyone really gives a good flying fig what I have to say. :-P

Anonymous said...

>>no, siree Bob. My success comes from guys like you taking the bait.....

. . . which is exactly what Harry says. Again, I am right. You are wrong. Annoying trend for you, I guess. Be original. And right.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

It's tough to be original after 5768 years. Most everything's been done already. Being right is another matter. I like to think I am. Lets me sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

IIRC he enabled comment moderation a while back to blog certain commentors and that has cause the decline in the amount of comments.

thanbo said...

no, no, that's G0d-Rebbe of Dune.