Wednesday, February 26, 2014

דער "מבצר התורה" עוז והדר לערנט אונז אז מ'קען גאר יא טאנצען מיט איין *** אויף צוויי חתונות

You can talk out of both sides of your mouth! You can tell the Satmorim that you only accept holy money ---- אז די הייסע תפלות ביים ציון המצויינת פון רביהקוה"ט זי"ע אין קרית יואל יצ"ו האבען געהאלפען אז די רבי ז"ל האט אים צוגעשיקט ר' הערשל ני"ו, דער מקור פון כשר'ע געלט. And then you can see where your Israeli bread is buttered too! So if it gets buttered in places like Gush Etzion and other sources of Zionism ---- then so be it. You may not send הרה"צ ר' יהושע לייפער שליט"א to such sources of impurity, like the Rabbinical conference of Rabbanei "Ariel" under the leadership of Haifa Chief Rabbi Shor-Yoshuv Cohen, but you can send a lieutenant like Pomerantz and sponsor their conference despite the מקורות זרים... And you can be very proud that the Oz VeHodor seforim are learned in all circles, even in the Mizrachi and CHaRDaLim ones...

שטארקן פרינציפ נישט נהנה צו זיים מקורות זרים.... אוח אוח

ימי עיון לרבני ישראל שע"י "אריאל" בנשיאות הרב שאר-ישוב כהן - בחסות "עוז והדר" .... ותע"ב

Ariel - אריאל


Yehuda said...

Isn't that what Lubavitch does?
They play up how close Israeli politicians, including an Israeli president and other important goverment and army officials came to the Rebbe, while apparently toning down their claimed anti Zionism?
I guess you are more aware of Oz Vehadars apparent attempt to appease everyone because that what your movement does.People tend to criticize others for their own faults and see their own faults in others as taught by the Baal Shem Tov.
We are here to help you rid yourself of this bad character trait

Oiseh Maseh Zimri said...

This charlatan Liefer was caught red handed on a list of receivership of funds from the Medina Hatemihe.. its much worse then sending the Gerer Pomerantz to the Mizrachi meeting

Oiseh Masseh Zimri said...

"Isn't that what Lubavitch does?
They play up how close Israeli politicians, including an Israeli president and other important goverment and army officials came to the Rebbe, while apparently toning down their claimed anti Zionism?
I guess you are more aware of Oz Vehadars apparent attempt to appease everyone because that what your movement does.People tend to criticize others for their own faults and see their own faults in others as taught by the Baal Shem Tov.
We are here to help you rid yourself of this bad character trait"

So Hirtshel wants to show his Satmar brothers, That the Oiz Vehodar corporation,(its more Oiz then Hodar) is running the same ponzi scheme as Lubavich inc.
Kudos for Hirshel, for exposing a other fraudulent Organization
Give a hand for our whistlerblower Hirshel

JJJ said...

sponsoring "daf yomi" on the "internet" in "english"

triple jeopardy

מהלומדים said...

אין מה לדבר שעוז והדר מלא פוליטיקה כל היום וכל הלילה. הוא נושם את זה וחי את זה.
אבל בינתיים הוא עושה ספרים יפים, חוץ מה"מתיבתא" שלו זה פאשלה אדירה לפענ"ד.
יש לי את ההרגשה שבשלב מסוים הוא "יסגור" את זה.

Observer said...

The Mesivta gemora is very badly written, but its good for all the Bekius he has in the back of them.
They use alot of seforim that are only found on Hebrew books/Otzar Hachochma.
But the Biur is bad watered down....

Anonymous said...

איך פארשטיי נישט וואס די ווילסט פון זיי
אז מ'איז נישט נהנה פון זיי מיינט נאך נישט אז מ'טאר זיי נישט פארקויפן די ספרים