
איך האב נישט קיין פראבלעם מיט א קהלה מאכען תקנות. זאל זיי וואויל באקומען. דער וואס וויל נישט פאלגען קען זיך גיין זוכען אן אנדערען פלאץ. "די רבי ז"ל'ס שווייס און בלוט." נאר איין פראגע האב איך: טאמער די עהרליכע סקווערע ווייבער וועלן נישט שפאצירען מיט זייערע אפגעהיטענע מענער, טא פון וועם דען וועט מען זיך אפלערנען? פון די מאדערנע?
פארוואס זאל א פרייער ווי איך, וואס שפאצירט איין מאל א יאר יא מיט די חשוב'ע רביצין שפעט ביינאכט, נישט האבען א דוגמא חיה וויזוי דאס צו טוהן. און פון וועם דען קען מען זיך דאס אפלערנען אז נישט פון די בני עלי'ה פון שיכון סקווירא יצ"ו תובב"א? פון די פרייאקעס אין קראונהייטס? פון די אנגעפאשעטע אין בארא פארק? פון די ליידאקעס אין קרית יואל? כ'ווייס אז אין סקווירא טוט מען היינט שטארק אין קירוב אחב"י, ס'פאראן אסאך סארטען קירוב. מ'קען און מ'דארף אונז נישט-אנ"ש ד'סקווירא אויך אויסלערנען ווי אמת'ע חסידישע אידן אין די אוקריינא האבען זיך אמאל געפירט, אזוי ארום אז די קדושה פון סקווירא זאל נתפשט ווערען אין שאר ערי ישראל, ווי מאנסי און פארשעי
איך וויל אייך - מיין געטרייע סקווערע ליינער - אויסזאגען א סוד. די יצר הרע פון שפאצירען מיט די ווייב איז א געשטארבענע. קיינער ווילט זיך עס נישט. בעסער וואלט געווען ווען מ'מאכט זיך נישט צו טוהן דערפון, וואלט קיינער - א חוץ א פאר שנה ראשונה'ניקער - נישט איינגעפאלען שפאצירען צו גיין. היינט איז פאראן גרעסערע יצר הרע'ס אויף ג-ט ברוך הוא'ס גרינער וועלט. און פאר די פאר שנה ראשונה'ניקער וואלט געווען גענוג אז מ'שושקעט זיי אין אויער אז דא אין עיה"ק סקווירא איז דאס שטרענג פערבאטען! אז מ'דרוקט דאס אין די צייטונג - אפילו א "פנימי" צייטונג - קומט דאס אהן צו אומגעוואונטשענע עלעמענטען אזוי ווי די ציג און אנדערע. איינער וואס וואוינט מעבר לים און האט קיינמאל נישט באזוכט אין סקווער קען נאך מיינען אז דארט וואוינט מען ווי ביי די אראבער אין די מדבר, מיט אזעלכע געצעלטען, און אהן עלעקטריק און אויטאמאבילען, און אז די רבי ווערט געטריבען מיט אזא קעמל ווי ביי אברהם אבינו.... היוצא לנו מכל זה: אז אמאל איז די פראבלעם וואס מ'זעהט אן אויסגעטראכטע, און מ'מאכט תקנות סתם אומזינסט. מ'האט נאר עגמת נפש און חוזק דערפון, און מ'נוצט אויס די כח אויף מאכען תקנות פאר גארנישט און פאר ווידער נישט. אזוי ארום, אז מ'וועט אמאל דארפען באמת מאכען א תקנה בעתיד הקרוב וועט מען שוין נישט קענען
ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה
I am not making leytzunis
of the concept of takunos
Nor do I wishe to meddle
in dealings of the shtetle
for those who can't adhere
can go live elsewhere'
With all the outreach'
who will go out and teach
us walkers of the night
how to do it right
For a blog/poet writer
must learn from the Skvere vayber
Levenberg in Lakewood has a weekly after chulent walk with his wife who wears sneakers for the occasion. anybody ever see Malkiel out for a stroll with his wife? Maybe Eliyahu Levin does; I don't know
prediction: The Skverer chevrah will flip Tzig's 'boy who cried wolf' argument and claim that this post precludes him from offerring more legitimate criticisim in the future. That is my 'libiy uhmar ley' and from experience, I don't take those lightly
Warped. Sheloy Osuni Skverer.
Tzig - The problem with your Yiddish posts, is that most don't bother (or can't..) read it.
This post is a classic, and funny! Your comments are on target, How many couples in Shana Rishona are there is shtetl anyways?
I try and cater to my yiddish readers every once in a while too
It is sad that you are alredy up to making "choizek" of the takanos instituted by a great man
chazal tell us "hamalig al divrei chachamim..."
what's more sad is that you didn't read what I wrote here
ר´ הירש, כפתור ופרח ושפתיים ישק
בכלל אין אונזערע מקומות האָט מען קיִן שײַכות נישט געהאַט מיט סטרא דנוקבא ואף על פי שהיו חביבין בימי האבות, עכשיו, היינט אָבער, ודאי יש בהם משום בחקותיהם, כי עכו"ם בנשיה קפדי, ובשעת גזרת המלכות אפילו אערקתא דמסאנא יהרג ואל יעבור, ומכל שכן על קדושה וטהרה שמביאים לידי השכלה המוליכה את האדם לבאר שחת רחמנא לצלן.
ואל יתמה הקורא שלא נקטינן כנוסח גער, מרבה צו זיין מיט תאות אכילה וכדו´ און דערמיט עוקר זיין אותו תאוה, אין דרכינו בכך, די טאָטע האָט אָלץ בּאַזאָלצן און דערמיט עוקר געווען ביי אנ"ש תאוות פּת ובשר בבחי´ גרוגרת דר´ צדוק לקיים מה שנאמר משוגע מטורף כי לעולם חסדו
סקווערער שװענץ געוואַלד!! אל תהיו כסוס כפרד- זײַט נישט קײַן פֿערדישע קעפּ
עץ זענץ אַלע א סטאַדע בהמות גייסטיק־קראַנקע־פֿאדרייטע־שעפּסן, בשעת אייער שטעטל שמעקט מיט פּולווער דער עולם שייגעצט אָפּ אין גרױסן און די שווענץ שבשווענץ זענען מקיים הוי זנב לעריות, ותקנו שווקים עם מחיצות להבדיל בין פּרא אדם לפרה אדומה
אָבער גיי שריי חי וקיים אז מ´איז אַ דבר אל עצים ואל אבנים, ואפילו חרב חדה מונחת על צוארו של שוטה, אין שוטה מרגיש ס´פֿאַראַן אין סקווער אזױ פֿיל שכל װי אין קלױסטר מזוזות
הירשל, מה לי להאריך, האַק און בּראָק אין ים סוף ארײַן, איז כל מה שאמרתי כאילו לא אמרתי עפר אני במותי ק"ו בחיי, מנאי,בר כפרה
you are a Gaon in linguistics
The tension in Lakewood today was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It is now clear that BF and LCS are dead for good. Another casualty of war is any respect anyone ever had for the K's.
פֿאַראַן אַ חסידיש פּתגם: וינשם עד נופח = מ´איז פֿאַרווײַבערט ביז איבער די נאָז
וכידוע אמרתו החדה של רבי ר´ ברוכל "כתיב 'העבר עיני מראות שווא', שיעביר העיניים מלראות השווא, אבל לא
'העבר השווא מעיני מלראות" וד"ל
מ´קאָן צווינגן די נשים זיך אָנטון װי בן ציצית הכסת און זיך בינדן װי יצחק צו די עקידה, דאָך קאָן טראַנעלע אָנקומען אין קאָפּ אַרײַן, בין ישתבח לברכו, אינמיטן לערנען מאור עינים. ואכמ"ל
Tzig can't fargin the whole concept of high standards of tznius, therefore, he is 'buh min hatzad' and attacks the takonoh. Isn't it transparant, or has he fallen prey to the bloggosphere mentality that requires all of those who are ostensibly more pious, to have their motives or methods questioned. Turech Eyun, like they say in Maryland
Ner Yisroel
out of towners come to New York, look around and think everything is so pure and holy. They have a lot to learn.
One question- why did the Rebbeh himself not sign this Takannah
No, we are appalled by the pushing and lack of Derech Eretz, like the streets are one big shteeble
regulate how they go in gahs
seems like one big mishigahs
won't shushkus be enough
put an end to this stuff
one big mistake
they constantly make
by going shpatzeren
people will be farlehrin
all of that nagging
so make her lagging
thee feet behind
no one will mind
who is this new MAL with all the hideous lyrics? She makes poets look bad
why do you think it's a SHE?
That's my impression. A bitter houswife who doesn't get enough attention from her husband wrote that.
I actually thought it was your alter ego...
Me too, I was misupek, Maybe
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!
Without commenting on the separation-of-gender on the street takonoh, I am taking issue with the title of this pamphlet "Mah Tovu - or rather "Toivee" - Oyholechoh Yaakov.
Everly child who has learned the Rash"i on this possuk will tell you that it implies that Jewish dewellings should be built as such, that there is a prevailing sense of privacy and tzenius.
So when you see certain kehillos being obsessed by constantly sending the "Froyen oif de andere zeit gass" or Ladies entrances "around the corner" or Zoo-like mechitzos in the shuls etc. etc. all of which might be considered very pious albeit not Halachkly demanded, and at the same time you see housing built in the most disgusting crowded slum-like "kep oif kep" cholent-mix manner that when the tzaddik husband steps in or out of his "dirah noeh" he has to maneuver is way so not to trip or collide into the "shuchente" or better, a herd of "congregating shuchentes".
So lets start seeing some less self-righteous Nuremberg type of "takunnes" and some more Torah and Chaza"l based tzenius.
Look all of you are just not fargining new square
they are on a much higher level of kedusha than most of us
re:abarbenel you bring a few vertlech but the poster has enough
mareh mekomos to defend its position (and besides none of your quotes are from halachic sources)
Nice of you to make fun of Square.
Hey, lets analyze your group?
That you won't allow!!!!!
There is so much more to make fun of by your group.Yet you are busy with others
You are such a two bit loser.
I heard from an Adom Godel that if you are midayek carefully in the Rashi in Parshas Buluk you would notice that the point was that the looker shouldn't see what is going on by yenem (not the protection of the lookee)
Notice that Bilam was refering to all the tents of Jacob; he didn't specify a shevet. I guess Hungarians weren't around by Matan Teyreh
If I thought you were still Hungarian, I woudln't have written the last line
Looks like Lubavitch is jealous of the Skverrer Rebbes chasidishe hanhogo and general hatzlocha.
Maybe you can tell the uninformed what the general hatzlocha of the Skverer has been?
He runs a wonderful shtetel with 8 thousand people.He has many mosdois in Williamsburg,Boro Park (for example his girls school Bais Tziporah in BP has 800 talmidos)and even a very big and welcoming shul in Lakewood.
Wherever he goes he is met with many people clamoring to seek his advice.
He has annual shoboses that he makes in Queens, Five Towns etc and many regular non chasidic Jews, especially singles seek his advice.
Nobody is forced to live in Square.In fact if one didn't learn in the yeshiva in Square it's very difficult to get in because of lack of space.
Sure Square is different than other places, but they are not forcing anything on anybody, not busy trying to convince people to accept their way.
It's also poshut that a guy like Tzig who is so far from the musag of yiddishe tznius, coming from Lubavitch where this is the last thing on their agenda koyodua, to him a group vos vill zech aufheyben a bissel hecher is looked upon as being crazy.It's poshut if a bochur is sent out to do mivtzoim on 42nd Street for example, that bochur will have a major problem to "derher" real, yiddish tznius.
I will be true to my name and ask about Talmedey Chachumim and kollelim
(Why didn't you mention the positive health stuff of the Rebbe?)
Why do they like him in the five towns? I know they like R' Yakov Hillel over there. Cynically, these outsiders/mystics are not a michayev
Re the five towns: alternative non-cynical reason: like R' Meir Simcha said why they made an eigel instead of appointing a replacement: sis besser ahn eygel vus mir ken nisht vey a mentch vus mir ken yeh
Square has very large kolelim in New Square and had the finest "imported" roshei yeshiva R'Chaim Brim z'l and later R'Berel Kroizer z'l, both of them world class talmidei chachomim in the real sense of the word(talmidim of R'isser Zalman etc...)
Btw, R'Spitzer, the Skverer Dayan in Lakewood is a very approachable talmid chochom of high caliber.
I'm not a Skverer, but I respect gehoibeneh yidden.The regular folks in Skver are such people.Histapkus bemuat with a large percentage of Skver in kolel.
If you look for bad you''ll find it everywhere, some places, however, shove it in your face!
The Tzig belongs to such a group.His chevra are at the ready to shove anothe meshugas into your face every single time.
how could you claim that you are not a skverer, while every semantic you possess screams out "ich bin a skverer shvontz"
come on, tzig didn't meant you personally, he plainly tries to help you guys with the PR, for your own good please don't scream out "I'm an idiot living in the stone age era between cactus trees and divided roads.
Meir, smell the coffee, we are an am chochom venovon,at least take a teaspoon of wisdom.
All you Litvaks
How come all the shmuezin are replete with statemetns like 'uhn Torah' a mentch could, etc. Why not, 'mit Torah' a mentch ken tzukumen, etc.
What does this have to do with being Hungarian?
As a matter of fact, as is discussed at length in a book that was mentioned in this blog many times this issue was also a cause for the Sigether Rav/Rebbe the Yetev Lev's refusal to join the emerging Orothodox/Reform split in Hungary.
Siget was a 100% chasidic shtetel at the time (mostly Viznitz), so when Reb Yitchok Reich who headed the Orthodox "kontzelei" in Budapest came to the YetevLev and to urge him to join. The Yetev Lev refused and posed this question.
Lets assume I order a shochet to resign because on Shabbos afternoon he strolls the streets of siget with his wife. (something that is unacceptable among the chasidim in Siget) and he goes to Budapest exercising his right of appeal, according to the Statutes of the Orthodox movement. So the "oberlander ashkenazi" Rav in Budapest will respond; "whats wrong with that? I do the same with my wife!"
Of course later (after the Yetev lev passed away) when it was time to kick the Kehane family and Viznitz then the tables were turned and it became a Mitzvah to join the Hungarian Orthodoxy.
Even though I strongly believe that we should never criticize frumkient even if its in the extreme as long as those who are in it have a modicum of choice.
After all the Shulchan Aruch says
מאד מאד צריך להתרחק מהנשים
who is to say what is the definition of that?
Still Hirshel is right on bringing this to our attention.
The gemarah says
אין דורשין בעריות בשלשה
Certain things should be told from mouth to ear. Its not the teaching itself that we should be attacking its the method of conveying it. Which is in this case utter stupidity.
A Bais Din can and should only rule what is מעיקר הדין that is essential halacha. Things that are in the realm of Chasidus (generic) can not be imposed by Bais Din this is something that should and could be spoken of, by the Rebbe himself. So using the Bais Din for this is really off the wall and a בזיון
The Streets of Square belong to the public at large yidden and lehavdl goyim. On the face of it is a violation of the law to enforce this. So publicizing it just adds fuel to the fire.
So as much as I (and I'm sure hirshel too) support any action to widen Kedusha. This "approach" repulses people and is wrong.
In closing, a true story;
Since in general Satmar [hungarians last time I checked] is not against the minhag to walk with the wife. When Reb Aron Teitelbaum got married he lived for a while in Kiryat Viznitz Benei Brak.
Somebody told his Zeide Reb Chaim Meir the Viznitzer Rebbe that Aron Strolls the streets with his young wife...
So the next time the Rebbe saw him he asked him
איך ווייס אז "ניסן" גייט מיט "אי[י]ר" אבער אז אהרן גייט מיט איר האב איך נאך נישט געהערט פון דעם
he then told him az s'past nisht for him
Yosef 718
does MAL go by Rocco on a different site?
I heard that the old Stoliner was walking in Willi with his Rebetzin on the street. Some hungarian approached him that it is not Rebish, he answered Mir Zindigen Nisht Mit Ir, Mir Shemen Zich Nisht Mir Ir
I heard that the Chaeit Hakadmon of Reb Boruch Of Munkatch when he was seen pushing the carrige with his on his side, Kach Shomati Myelidie Munkatch
Reb Aron is a causality of the rebetzin camp in satmar that he had no rebishe chinuch what so ever.
Kroizer and Brim were there for show only
Kollelim does not mean anything its a takona not to work for 2 years after marriage
My personal belief that this kind of takanos are stimulator for child molestation, the old skverer said his statement on the 1st generation that went after him Beretz Li Zeruah, but it grew to a massive kehila of complicated souls.If someone was born to a Skverer parent and he is not capable for that stringent lifestyle then its a grave mistake to enforce these rules by a beis din you can have a mashpia talk about it with a little onion kugel
Where exactly do u see Skverer Rebbe's hatzloche? By having a dorf and enforcing with a gun by your head? His chassidus grew internaly by natural growth. In BP or Williamsburgh he has no real serious Kehillas after so many years, he has no grip on his people outside of his few acres in upstate,I think it tells you on some weak link in his leadeship
Love hearing you people. Here is a summary of meir:
"These people have wonderful gedarim of tznius by putting burkhas on their wives and not letting them near their husbands except for five minutes a week v"dal. Let's emulate their wonderful tznius by peering into the affairs of an adom gadol and dissecting his life and career."
I repeat MAL's comment on Rashi.
What is wrong with some of your commenters?
You wrote a nicely phrased, high-quality yiddish, non-rude post, that offered constructive criticism and did not make fun of or ridicule or show contempt for anyone. The only line that could be seen as mildly harsh was the short but clever comment that there are bigger yetzer haras in the world. And even then you acknowledged the real possibility of the yetzer playing a role with the shana rishona-niks.
Nice post. It's a shame we only get to read a new post once a week.
It's not once a week, it's been a bit slow these last 2 weeks, but it'll get back to its former glory. You'll see.
I just realized that the Takonoh doesn't just talk about Shpatzieren, but rather any kind of walking together!like
1)shlepping home bags of groceries
2) shlepping luggage to and from the bus
3) taking care of the kids
none of that is allowed.
what's doing with telz and lakewood?
"What is wrong with some of your commenters?"
"You wrote a nicely phrased, high-quality yiddish, non-rude post"
You tripped your criticism of the commenters of the blog up by showing in the beginning already that you are not exactly a high-quality maven:How would you know if the language is "high-quality yiddish"?Is your command of Yiddish such that you can make such a comment?.Do you think that knowledge of yiddish attained by struggling through Sichos with a Yiddish dictionary qualifies you as a Yiddish maven?
The problem with the post was an unwarranted attack on a beautiful kehillah that lives quietly and peacefully with much inner beauty.They are not looking to force anybody to accept their lifestyle.They are not even trying to force Skverer Chasidim who do not reside in New Square to accept their takonos.New Square was founded by the previous Rebbe for people striving for a little more than "the letter of the law"aka Chosid=Lifnim Meshuras Hadin(there were also some halachik sources quoted that Hirshel did no bother to check before his diatribe).
Mocking people striving to try a little more is the epitomy of ליצנות אחת דוחה מאה תוכחות(though,to give Hirshel credit, he may not have heard this chazal, after all the Mesilas Yeshrim in the fifth chapter is the source and it's not exactly part of the curriculum in Lubav yeshivos...).
Especially troubling is the fact that the blogmaster claims that the raison d'etre for his blog,and I quote :"The purpose of this blog was to provide a counter opinion to the Chabad bashing that is so prevalent in blogosphere. ".Then he proceeds to "bash" others!!
"Where exactly do u see Skverer Rebbe's hatzloche? By having a dorf and enforcing with a gun by your head? His chassidus grew internaly by natural growth. In BP or Williamsburgh he has no real serious Kehillas after so many years, he has no grip on his people outside of his few acres in upstate,I think it tells you on some weak link in his leadeship"
Anonymous,(good idea to choose a name,btw)You so don't know what you are talking about! In both Williamsburg and Boro Park he has LARGE communities with all the mosdos!
In B.P he has 4 packed shuls, a girls school with 800 talmidos!Large Chaider, Mesivta.Similar story in Williamsburg, chaider,Mesivta etc.
New Square, which started out with 20 families in 1954 has more than 8000 people kein yirbu.
Btw in London they have a large very succesful community with all the moisdos and the same thing in Eretz Yisroel.
Today Skver is one of the larger chasidesin, led in harmony by a very special leader!
Square purchased the Homowack hotel a few years ago and their are plans to eventually build a shteytel there, so much for the 'no growth' and " a few acres upstate" Do basic research before you attack
1) I did not mock the whole kehillah, only the proclamation here.
2) the Homowack project is dead in the water
3) How many families are there now? not people?
4) I would ask you to tell me what those Halachic sources say
5) I learned Mesillas Yeshorim in Cheder.
1)If someone only mocked a proclamation of Chabad, how would you feel?If someone only mocked something your rebbe wanted, how would you feel? This takono is something the previous rebbe wanted.
2)I don't know where the Homowack project is holding
3)I don't have the Square phone book, but my guesstimate would be close 1500 familes
4)The sources are in the letter .Look them up if you can, especially "oz nidberu" a halachik work by R'Binyimin Zilber z'l.I have not seen them inside
"Kroizer and Brim were there for show only"
Anon 8:45pm.Get yourself a name.Please.
Now, about your comment:A)I see that by you two world class talmidei chachomim of the "real" kind are not even zoche to the minor honorific of "Reb".B)What in heaven do you mean "where there for show"?Lets not stoop to silliness.
Shelo asani Chareidi:""These people have wonderful gedarim of tznius by putting burkhas on their wives and not letting them near their husbands except for five minutes a week v"dal. "
Nobody in Square wears a burka.They dress like other modest Chasidic groups.The idea was that people keep to socializing outside of the home to a minimum.Look, Square is a small place and everything is within walking distance, husbands and wives can easily take care of their daily chores withing eyeshot of each other by walking on opposite sides of the road to and back from the store etc.We are not talking about abandoning your spouse in Big,Bad Crown Heights, leaving them to fend for themselves in a high crime area.
The Bais Yisroel had the same takono, much further reaching:It was not only about a small withing walking distance shteytel, it was in ganz Eretz Yisroel.Same thing happenning on Monsy bus, Mehadrin busses in E.Yisroel.
Such a takono would never pass muster in Kfar Chabad.I know.Maybe that is not such a good thing
Non of the BP shuls are packed, period, the 10 Belzer shulls in BP are packed but the Skwerer shulls are very sparse nice and comfortable.
In Willi Skwer has a cheder for 35 years and almost 90% of the student body are not part of Skwer, the little basement where the old rebbe used to daven still is big enough, Belz after all the chasidim left to BP they have a bigger crowd in Willi then Skwer, The same is said in Lakewood, huge beautiful shul with 40 steady mispalelim
Show means Show
Harav Kroizer hadn"t produced no masses of lomdim
Kfar chabad doesn't suffer from the symptoms that Skwer is suffering and pushed behind the rug.There is natural healthy sins there, but not the unnatural ones, You Chap
FYI,By Chernobler Ruzhiner Chasidim they didn't learn mussar seforim out of Talmidie habesht. the holy Sadigerer said that a sefer that we are not positive that he shares our emuna on Hashgacha Protis we don"t learn ( Statement approved by Reb Moshe Batlan)out of Yesod Yosef etc..
so don't mock hirshel for Mesilas Yeshurim, the Skwerer dogma is more closed minded then Chabad.
Boots in the months of Tamuz is as harsh as A Burka
Lipa wasn"t born in Kfar Chabad, he is 3rd generation a Dorfs Yingel. I assume his Grandpa Bachi walked with Grandma Neni on the street of the shikun and the Aigel Lipa was born.
what a liar plus
first you proclaim that you don't belong to these skverer.
Then you bluff for the viewers exact amount of the fanatic flock all over the universe.
furthermore, you sound like the ideal maggid, quoting Mesilas Yasharim while ranting everyone who thinks skver is a rotten apple.
you would be the perfect candidate to meet Hillary with the rebbe
Those who know not of bittul
in bathroom with their hittul
Even if they chap a juk
can't dip with a chup
on Pesach they might mish
never find them at a tich
they care about John Pollard
snub their nose at the blue-collared
Mirror Mirror on the wall
How far can a Litvak fall
Oy, Luh mir zich umkeren yiddelach, tzrik tzu amuhledekeh teg... ayder dey tug geit avek
vay'll a mentch.. nuhr fuhn fleish uhn fuhn bayn.
spoke a lot of rechilus
suffered gilgul michilus
wasn't helped by yichus
paid for all those sichus
fed gachaley risumim
burning pichumim
after the arichas yumim
cuz' he didn't remain a tumim
a fate that was muruh
for all that loshon harah
lost to the yeiter horah
forgot Breishes Buruh
>The problem with the post was an unwarranted attack on a beautiful kehillah that lives quietly and peacefully with much inner beauty.<
Anyone besides me recall the tremendous Chillul Hashem Sqver made with Hillary and the pardons? FEH!!!!
Meir: Why do you assume that anyone who doesn't agree with your exact set of prejudices is a Lubav? I've never set foot in kfar chabad and probably never will. Both skverers and Lubavitchers are for the most part fine people, but a shtetl/compound is no place for sane people.
The Squrere Rebbe has been visiting Chabad shluchim in Russia look at COL
Anonymous (the one who seems obsessed with Square but won't choose a name)
Quit being nasty so we can have some kind of exchange here.OK?
What have the ten Belzer shuls being packed to do with Square? (btw, I know of about 5 belzer shuls in BP:18/51St,15/51st,13/43st 12/45st there maybe more, but I'd be surprised if there are 10 but I certainly have no problem with that)
Belz is bigger than Square in BP, yet Square still has a nice oilem.Why is it a contradiction?
Many boys who study in New Square end up living there, and not in BP or Willy.
Then you start mocking yiddishe levush? Hey, how are boots in the summer different than a fur shtreimel in the summer???
Shlo asan chareidi:I never said you were Lubavitch.
Lastly, folks have to understand that the New Square is populated by wonderful ehrlicheh people who seek to live in a very spiritual enviroment.They do this out of their free choice, almost everyone living there loves it.If one searches to mock and ridicule they''ll find it anywhere.No place on this world is perfect.No person in this world is perfect.
N.B.Interesting that folks here are talking about "the Hillary chilul Hashem" when there has been a long ongoing story involving a certain group in Iowa which hasen't exactly been a Kiddush Hashem whichever way you spin it.
The certain group in Iowa involves a Rebbe? Who lowered his standards?
Hypothetically: if others would have been in jail, would the Rebbe have met a shiksa, wearing pants, or it would not be lifee kvoydoy?
"They do this out of their free choice, almost everyone living there loves it"
Are you kidding me? Tell me you are joking.
"They do this out of their free choice, almost everyone living there loves it."
How many minyanim are there on a Shabbos morning?
"Then you start mocking yiddishe levush? Hey, how are boots in the summer different than a fur shtreimel in the summer??? "
not every meshgaz becomes a yidisher levush,it has no source, the old skverer never needed more then Bigdie Meshi on shabos the boots was his private matter, for the first 35 years nobody wore it in square,
Does Unger from Kopovar the gabai wear the boots?
All the do no evils on this blog didn't stop harassing Tzig for Iowa too
"not every meshgaz becomes a yidisher levush,it has no source,"
That's why we switched from the powder to the shaver
Over here in the bloggoshpere, people seemt to ccflate criticism with hate.
It is feasible that reasonalbe peope can disagree without animosity.
Without strong beleifes must seek reliefs and write words of strife.
Why are there cactui in the picture? Didn't the clowds of glory somooth out the surface of the desert?
1. Chazal teach us that in the place where Torah exists, Shalom, peace, also exists. The link between Shalom and Torah is twofold; Shalom is necessary prerequisite for Torah and is also a direct result of Torah. (Similar to Yirah) The question that must be asked is what is the link between Torah and Shalom.
2. The obvious answer is that this it is included in the link between Torah and Yiras Shomayim, fear of Hashem, and Emunah and Bituchen. Since the main causes of strife are jealousy and hatred, the attainment of Bituchen preclude these negative elements. When one internalizes the ideals that all occurrences are ordained from Above, and that we all have everything we need and others are not the source of our pain, there is no room for taynes. Also, fear of heaven would preclude us from behaving in an improper manner to our fellow Yidden.
3. To be continued
For that u at least the kabala or the Chasam Sofer that said that it doesn't apply to Chitz Loretz. and then you have the Tzemach Tzedek, but the Boots is a farce of a Yidisher Levush
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