Schmelczer visiting burn victim Aron Rottenberg in WCMC (Credit:Lipa's Twitter)
Say what you want, say that he's doing it for PR, or that he's settling a score with Skver, but the fact remains that he's doing the right thing here - and that none of us even thought about doing what he did. We were content with being upset and talking about in shul. And it's not just Lipa per se' either. It's people like him - not necessarily entertainers - that help those in need and show as if they care that get "fans." Yes, I know, Rebbes also help people in need. But many of us never get to see that side of them, and often times that side of them only comes much later in life, when there are money issues. I also realize that Lipa may only speak to-for those who fall by the wayside, the kids at risk, if you will, but he's also only a risk to them in the first place - if at all! So why do we condemn him so? I don't necessarily care for his music, but that's mostly by choice. My taste in music differs from his radically. But I can tolerate his obsession with glasses and colorful Bekishes. Many of the Rebbes, unfortunately, don't seem to speak for those who are troubled or in despair. Those people see the Rebbes and their extended families as unproductive and selfish, like the nobleman of old, which is why they lose respect for them. Lipa works hard for his money and makes people smile. Those who oppose him are seen as trying to perpetuate misery and gloom.
Skver has so many bums and low lifes, many of which live in New Square and dress the garb...but never get the treatment R' Rotenberg got.
You can eat chazer in the Skverrer beis medresh and people look the other way, but if you don't want to spend your shabbos after working hard all week to provide for your family, then daven from Tehillim at 8am to musaf finishing 3pm, to be back in an hour for mincha....your house gets burnt down....
Lipa understands that many people struggle and fail...but we try to do the right thing (most of the time) whereas this never seems enough for some.
What about the Williamsburg yingerman in the hospital last year caught doing 'gemayne maases' to an invalid patient ? No house burning for that because he wears the right glasses and comes to the Skverrer shul...
So why not leave Skver ?
Firstly these guys still hold of Skver, but want to have a little family life, they don't want to throw the whole thing away...
Secondly, the price of houses (especially when the Rebbe tells everyone to only make extremely low bids) is radically lower than elsewhere so you can't afford to move out.
Lastly they will ensure your kids don't get into a good school and spread bad things about you for leaving 'heaven'.
Chassidius by threats adn intimidation is not the derech habal shem. If they are not hurting anyone ..
Lipa is a hero because he isn't constantly telling these guys what low lifes they are.
The current Rebbes don't tell people off unless there is no loss or threat. Imagine them telling the biggest supporters they are not fum enought ...to stop going to the cinema or cheating on taxes, or that they should treat their employees right ?
It is no longer about trying your best it is about keeping the Rebbes in power and financially secure, if they happen to make some people closer to Hashem in the process so be it, but lets not make that a priority......
Lipa is highlighting that the effort is what is important.
Imaging a Rebbe saying that Reb Rotenberg was better than most kollel yingerleit in Skver because he goes through bigger nisyoinois, works hard for erlicher earnt money rather than stolen government illigal/fraud paid kollel checks, is koivea ittim latorah and dresses chassidish despite being made fun of in the outside world....rather than the kollel yugerman who is living off his parents who steal money to help keep him and his friends from every ending up an Airmonter Chusid.....
I like the Airmont guys because what ever they do ...chances are it is more for real....than social pressure...
The Skverrer Rebbe has just set back the chassidish movement much more than what happened to R Mendel Vechter because Satmar always said they are not going in derech habalshemtov.....but the Skverer who is a direct aynikel of the Baal shem tov should know better.....
Is Moshe Elbaum - the aydem in the picture an Airmonter chasid ?
Is he originally from Skver ?
Did the one-man-band Pinny Ostericher get in trouble when he left Skver ?
Yes, Moishe Elbaum davens at Airmont which is why Lipa davka visited although he says he knows Chaim Aron as well. Lipa was himself harassed and driven out of New Square.
He doesn't seem like the type who settles scores. A showman, sure, but he says outright his act is for gelt. The shul is not for gelt and not for publicity. It might even hurt him in some circles (or Squares), not that he cares much what self-appointed kanoim think.
He could have taken his money and invested it in something that makes more money - he did not have to open a (fully legal, all permits obtained) shul in his home and give up what little privacy he has besides spending his hard-earned gelt on it.
Lipa 10:Skvere-Creedmoor -200 or whatever the temperature is in Gehennom shel Sheleg.
Incidentally, has anyone ever "defected" from Skvere to Lubavitch besides perhaps Lipa's brother in Montreal? I can't think of anyone.
One of the jokes doing the rounds on Twitter is that in the past Skver was ashamed of Lipa, now he is ashamed of them.
The "power trips"of the "Rebbes" is also why Braslever Hassidus becomes attractive to many disenchanted bochurim and yungeleit. Better a Rebbe in olem hoemes who cares about every single Jew than what passes for Hassidism in the corrupt world of heimishe power,politics and primitive behavior.
that's where skver ended up, loosing its grip, because the chassidus is build on pack of lies, sheker ein lo raglayim, unlike when they went to his father RYY they went to him to the "skver rebbi", these were not skver chassdim original, skver rebbi of today would never in thousand years be able to pull it off.
this is why at the third and fourth generation its finally starting to fall apart.
lipa was not a 'rebel' he's a victim of skver hotair, so does skver have highest child molesting and mishkav zucher, the higher ups don't care as long these don't get leaked.
"Firstly these guys still hold of Skver, but want to have a little family life, they don't want to throw the whole thing away..."
so if you still like Skver then you have to pay the minimum price of davening shabos from 11 to 2, every group has his minimum rules, Like you want to belong to the NRA for some reason, but you hate guns.
"Secondly, the price of houses (especially when the Rebbe tells everyone to only make extremely low bids) is radically lower than elsewhere so you can't afford to move out.
I heard that Rottenberg has a house and lot in close proximity to the Mikva, and Skver does not let build a multiple dwelling ib the Mikva area, so thats the reason that the lot is worth much less.
"What about the Williamsburg yingerman in the hospital last year caught doing 'gemayne maases' to an invalid patient ? "
why are you bringing up a case that was deopped on basis that it is a lie? You know it was dropped, ypou just mention it just to hype up your argument.
so you are joining the kehila of Lipa as the Rub And Ulbaum the rosh Bies Din?
since they are doing Chesed from time to time?
Does skverer Kehila not do chesed from Time to Time?
"that's where skver ended up, loosing its grip,"
stop beleiving your own hype, he will still have next year rosh hashana and simchas torah 4000 yiden. Some disgrunteled rif raf families will leave every few years and he will be replaced by a few hundred families to replace them
"lipa was not a 'rebel' he's a victim of skver hotair"
you think the RYY ZT'l would approve of Lipa? it is just the hotair of the current Duvedel?
Lipa and his music is banned from every Mosad, by people like the Novominsker and Abe Schor, are the paid by Skver?
"because Satmar always said they are not going in derech habalshemtov"
beating someone to death or trying to burn a house, is against torah shebiksav and torah shebal peh, no relation to derech habesht.
Abe Schor...
you mean the SHOR who got on stage and started to yell at Lipa? Er iz takeh oichet nisht a shor, er iz a vilde beheyma gassah.
The Novominsker has enough people learning in his institutions that he has to bother banning music?
I lost one of my Lipa albums that I paid for fair and square and al pi halacha I have the right to borrow my friend's disk and make a copy (or so I've been told).
Still, I think I'll buy another copy after sfira just so Lipa gets the exact amount of parnosso (about 80 cents before taxes if that because it's an older album in the MM clearance bin) he loses because of all the people who don't listen to his music based on the choshuve bans by the 2 mentioned above.
"Like you want to belong to the NRA for some reason, but you hate guns."
I could hate guns and be a member
of the NRA. Just have to pay my dues. They won't force me to do anything.
Derfar gaistdi bai di taite chsidim...
But your point is very well taken.
Der shagetz
be a shagetz, but don't be a Tippesh, you are embarrassing all your comrade shegotzim
"Er iz takeh oichet nisht a shor, er iz a vilde beheyma gassah. "
Abe schor, is a genius and a talmud chochem and a little wild, your name calling is not in place.
"Imagine them telling the biggest supporters they are not fum enought"
don't confuse the issue. The Skverer is not running around the globe to enforce his chumrahs and lifestyle. But his father built a village to cater to a certain segment that gladly were inducted to all his Chumras, customs and taknoas, and he is fighting to preserve it. His father and himself were always open and warm to Jews from all backgrounds.
"who steal money to help keep him and his friends from every ending up an Airmonter Chusid....."
I don't know if you are Jewish or not, but if you are Jewish then you are a Mussar
could be he's fighting for chumras and takunes but the gimel aveires chamurois are tolerated ,in which other ir ve'em byisroel do you see chilul shabbos as in skver ?
Are they eating pork too with salt?
Ah, men redt shoin fin Abe Schor, Ich hub a sach tzi der'tzeilen vegen Abe Schor
"Me brengt arien kelipas Williamsburg, tzu inz"
Abe Schors statement on the opening nite of a liquor store on Avenue J,that was celebrated with music and tasting.
tell me, isnt Abe a genius for saying that vort.
Lipe iz letztens geven in Uman. Er iz sheyn mekushar tzum Tzadik hador.Tovoi olov brochoh.
Very good points!
go twitter type "vaadharabanim" you"ll get the updates.
If one should know how much pressure the Skverer Rebbe had from the outside world to rid Lipa from Skver you would talk differently. Even from in Skver people were angry every time Lipa stood up at the Rebbe's sheva Brochos to perform, but the Rebbe held his position and did whatever he could not to embarrass him. Once at a private small crowded Sheva Brochos the Rebbe held for Nedivim R' Avrum Schorr and Abish Brodt who were present left the hall, Reb Mattesyahu Solomon than argued with the Rebbe why he's still keeping Lipa in Skver and why he's calling him to perform at his own simchas. The Rebbe argued that he has to keep him and he fought for all the rights of Lipa, Lipa had an open door and ear by the Rebbe in a way most people of Skver do not have. So it may be believed that when Skver wanted to sit down with Lipa and workout something that should keep Lipa in Skver and release the outside pressure that he rather chose to leave because than he wont have a problem to perform at mixed weddings.
to annon in first comment:
"Imaging a Rebbe saying that Reb Rotenberg was better than most kollel yingerleit in Skver because he goes through bigger nisyoinois, works hard for erlicher earnt money rather than stolen government illigal/fraud paid kollel checks, is koivea ittim latorah and dresses chassidish despite being made fun of in the outside world....rather than the kollel yugerman who is living off his parents who steal money to help keep him and his friends from every ending up an Airmonter Chusid....."
I will make a bet with anyone on the entire internet if he ever saw Chaim Aron Rottenberg coming to shul 3 times a day. I for myself and to anyone I spoke NEVER saw him with Talis Itfilin. So you would say that he probably went somewhere outside or at home to do his services? interesting is that he wasn't banned to daven in shul all years, he lived a few houses away from the shul and he never mistakenly fell into shul? lol
Is our new Anonymous working directly for Skvere Ershte-Hilf Yourself Terror Inc or for Hank Scheisskopf, their paid flack?
"Incidentally, has anyone ever "defected" from Skvere to Lubavitch besides perhaps Lipa's brother in Montreal? I can't think of anyone"
I can.My wife.Unless you're one of those Neanderthals who believes woman don't count.Personally, I've never photo-shopped my wife out of any pictures.I must be one of those oifgeklerte moderne Yidden
LOL - I am about as far as you can get from those Neanderthals (more like Australopitheci or better yet Piltdown Man) who do things like that. My blog is all about turning those self-appointed Bilaam's asses over on their pompous self-righteous arses!
I'm "in the know" about who's who in Lubavitch but I'm not in CH, Montreal, E"Y or even LA so I don't "know everyone and everything." Therefore, the only ex-Skverer I could think of with a kesher to Chabad is Lipa's brother in Montreal.
Interesting that Ostreicher, who also works for a living, has been harassed by the ershte-hilf yourself patrol of Skvere. I guess the three things on which kanoius stand, velfare, medicaid in sektion-acht, are the best segiles to avoiding having your windows broken in Jewland.
My band supported Lipa when he had a concert here in Melbourne on Chanuka. I have no doubt that even if there was a sense of publicity available to him, he would have been sincere in visiting this sorry victim of lunacy at large.
From the Satmar news site
אויפ'ן וועג אהיים אויף קרית יואל, האט דער רבי שליט"א אפגעשטאהט א באזוך ביי גיסו האדמו"ר מ'סקווירא שליט"א בביתו נאוה אין שיכון סקווירא, ווי דער רבי שליט"א האט פארברענגט ביחידות מיט'ן סקווירא'ר רבי'ן שליט"א א לעגערע צייט.
they definitely discussed a new pilpul on the reason of the Minhag to eat Cheese Cake on the upcoming YomTov of Shavouth, or maybe how to defeat the attorney Susman
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