Photos Credit: מח"ס שמחת מלך
במרומי צפת sits the resting place of the one who made my bris, cut my hair and made me peyos, leined my Bar Mitzvah aliya, and who kissed me on di shteren after I said my Maamar at my leChaim/vort. (It was a maamar ד"ה שיר המעלות הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד.) I believe these are the first published pictures of the newly erected Matzeivoh. When I went with my father zg"z to invite him to my wedding - nisht heint gedacht - he apologized that he could not attend since it took place overseas and he was not feeling well at the time. He also has a very strong connection to my shver zg"z and his father, z'l, and he was overjoyed to see me join that family. [Needless to say I have much to say about Hagaon HaRav Reb Menashe Klein, zt"l, but I have yet to find the time to do it properly. There's his connection to Lubavitch, how he was treated in the general Olam HaTorah, as well as Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos and Tzaddikim.] RMK asked that he be buried there, next to the resting place of HaRav Amrom Chasida, zt"l, whose tziyun he restored. His wife, the Rebbetzin nee' Frankel, was a descendant of his, as well as the Beis Shearim, lineage that the Rov adopted as his own...I hope to find the time to write. It'll have to be done in parts, and even if I do start I hope I'll be able to carry it through.
(P.S. The OFFICIAL הקמת מציבה is Sunday 16 Cheshvan)
what a view!

another angle of the matzeivoh from the back.
Nisht heint gedacht about your wedding means you can't do it on shabbos/motzi, wouldn't do it over or regret it to begin with?
wow, the matzaiva kratzer has a healthy self esteem...
Can you please explain to your readers the sociological dynamic of why certain Hungarian Rabbonim today were converted into Rebbes. Such as R' Menashe Klein, R' Dusshinsky,Erloier Rov. Did the kehillah want it, did the children want it? I find it dishonest since they are not really talmidim of the Besh"t so I don't see a "lashem shemayim" in adopting a title of Rebbe and passing it along to one's children.
Your are not going to get away with this. We except a full write up on Reb Menashe.
מנשה הקטן morphed into רבינו הגדול
The pics are amazing!!!! he was a unique Godol and is buried in the right place with Gedolei Olum and Miyasdei Kabala!!!!! he will always be remembered!!!!!
the erloyer is a big chosid of the old belzer and theold skverer, he davens ashkenaz, so did the old chechnover
Reb Menashe was a full fledge chosid
but Rav duschinskuy was no chosid what so ever
Reb Menasha was a full fledged Chosid of Both Kloizenberg and in a sense the Ramam Milubavitch!!!!!
He would sign his name to both gedolim with his mothers name !!!!
He will truly be missed america will never be same and BP is empty after he moved... He was a huge masmid getting up early and going to sleep very late...
You might not agree on all his shitas and psokim but he was a gaon and masmid kol yumuv!!!!!!
May he be a mailitz yosher for his family and klal yisroel!!!!!
Kovner said... " I find it dishonest since they are not really talmidim of the Besh"t"
Don't worry relax the divrei chaim writes that rebistiva is not a heritage! you are or you are not, according to SR z"l and before him the Kapuster! Of lubavitch both write that the derech ha'Besh"t is gone nul! that don't mean you can't be a rebbe for 'your' talmid, just that the extraordinaire virtues of the rebbes of yesterday is gone.. הש"י
Hirshel writes: "במרומי צפת sits the resting place of the one who made my bris, cut my hair and made me peyos, "
So this Hirshel is a lubab with Peyos? indeed very rare!
Any zeicher left of the peyos he made you?
yes, lots of זכר
I have many, many עדים that can attest to that
As in all real estate,
He out did the fellow from america with a 10 foot tall matzeiva at the bottom of the hill.
סימנים עדיפי מעדים
Why takke do lubavitchers generally not have peyos, usually even less than snags?
Hirshel Tzig great piece and please please put together a comprehensive bio on the rov etc... we are all eager to read it!!!!
"I have many, many עדים that can attest to that"
ע"פּ שניים עדים יקום The 'two' peyos is enough kosher עדות , כי שם ד' נקרא עליך
Who is at the bottom of the hill?
I don't cha"v intend to belittle R' Menashe Klein. He was a masmid, true oived etc. but he wasn't born into a Rebbeshe family and didn't preach chasiddus to his talmidim.Why the change to Rebbe from Rosh Yeshiva/Rov? If R' Tzvi Meyer would decide to become an "official rebbe" I would accept that since he preaches chassidus to his followers and deserves to be a Rebbe, just like R' Shloimke Zhviller and R' Aharele became rebbes in this past century.
Thanks for sharing the pics. I look forward to your write up of Rav Klein ZT"L.
One thing that cannot be forgotten is Rav Menashe's contribution to mitzvas shitufei mevo'os, and his, ultimately successful, campaign (although the task was completed by others) to ensure that a mitzva was not ripped out of the Shulchan Aruch by the lunatics, thugs and liars who terrorized him. I hope those who did this go to his kever to ask mechila.
U couldn't get a bigger Yachson then reb shlomke zvihler, he was a ben acher ben from reb mechel zlochiver
if you look at some of the old pictures you'll see that unlike in the Lita, the Ashkenazic Rabbonim and their families looked very much like the Chassidim.
After the war they saw that the only way they could continue their old Misnagdic/Ashkenazic traditions was to hook up with the Chassidim and mimick their ways even when it comes to Tishen and other customs
yes, Reb Shlom'ke was anything but self-made. He was also from R' Boruch Mezhibuzher and the Baal Shemtov, as well as others
Question? all fractions acknowledge that he was a godol b'torah but, Following here and on other sites 99% admires.. of מנשה הקטן come from the litvishe-russian-polish-sefardig anti shita! crowd and not from the hungarians why? although he was an hungarian that makes it even more strange
there was a grandson of the chasam sofer who opened a shtibel in bp and called it "pressburg". someone asked him why he davened sefard because we all know that the chassam sofer was noheig to daven ashkenaz. he answered "the chassam sofer was also noheg to daven with a minyan".
that's why the oberlanders became chasidish. if not, they would have had to daven with no minyan.
ר' מנשה היה חותם עם שם אמו לכמה גדולי ישראל וביניהם הקהלת יעקב אך לא להאדמו"ר מלויבאוויטש והוא דבר הנגלה לעין כל בספרו שו"ת משנה הלכות
א' מאנ"ש
לך תעשה קצת עבודת בית ותראה שאתה לא צודק
Anash.... I have many letters signed Menashe ben rochel leah to the Rebbe the Ramam Milubavitch as he is called here
I remember being in 770 on the first Gimel Tamuz after the Histalkus where there took place a Siyum Hrambam. One of the honored guest to speak was Hg"r Menashe Hakoton Ztz"l. I don't remember what he spoke about but I remember him saying something about the "Rebbe Ztz"l" right away R' Shmuel Butman took over the mike and argued with him hayitochon he's saying something that even Kosley Beis Hamedrash Yochichi -pointing on the Yechi sign on the wall- that it's incorrect...
To Anon
THe story in 770 never happened with Butman....
I believe he spoke at the shloshim after gimel tamuz and some people did not like what he said. I believe he spoke against the beginnings of Michichisim and he was willing to speak the truth because he said he was a true friend and admire of the rebbe and chabad....
Shloime, did you mean sofek chilul shabbos?
Der gipeigerte rebbe is at the bottom of the hill. He was a good jew and a tremendous yachsan. He bought a whole chelka down there when real estate was cheap!
Is his eidem gonna yarshin him in bp and his son in EY?
I thought the job was Matzeiva Kritzer
where are his thousands of talmidim?
chazal say Milsa Avida Luglueh Loi Meshaker Inshe
why do they incript on the tomb lies,
the Mekubelim are very sharf on writing lies on the tombs
Ask the pell grant dept. For a time he had a bigger yeshiva than lakewood.
"Ask the pell grant dept. For a time he had a bigger yeshiva than lakewood."
its a old joke never verified
Do you think Ungvarer Chassidus will really grow, now that there are three Rebbes? Are they trying to compete with Spinka, Nadvorna, etc?
Why isn't RMK called Admor on the matzeiva?
When and how did he become Ungvarer Rebbe? When he moved to BP from Williamsburg he changed from Liadi Rabbi to Ungvar? That is when he changed his levush too?
he joined the assoc of jews from uzhorod, a landsleit pf mainly non-frum, so he could become their rav.
i dont believe he saw ungvar after 1945.
r' teichman is now in ungvar over 10 years, has set up kashrus, chinuch etc,
for all practical purposes he [teichman] is also rav of munkacs which is under ungvar the main/capital city.
he abandoned "mishne halacoth" when the feds came after his "pell" yeshiva.
if the tzeig wont censor, i can add more... uzhorod einikele
I never understood that, namely why Ungvarer people have very little love for RMK. Please tell me why!
Ungvar was an Ashkenazic city
The idea of Ungvar Chassidus sounds like Pressburg Chassidus.
Was RMK's father a Rebbe? Was his Rosh Yeshiva one? So how did he become Ungvarer Rebbe?
Mister Google
Ungvar had a askenzic shul, before WW2 but it was a chasidic shetetel
Anonymous - the only sofek (and it's not such a sofek) is whether tzdoikim like you are kosher le'eidus.
if an einekel of the vilna gaon ztvl who now lives in lakewood would call himself, the vilna rov, would we [most probably] accept him.
if bobover,satmar,etc,etc want to call themselves RAVBD of.., it only means they are RAVBD of their shul/kehilla not of bobov galicia, or satmar roumania.
especially if today/5772 there is in place in those shtetlach local beit dins, whoever.
how many rizhener einekla are buried in vienna.
just be careful, that the kavos hamet doesnt become a chuca utluya and a satire of the nifter,'KISS
keep [the matzeva] it simple sincere. look at the BESHT, the AVOT, etc
I didn't even know he was niftar! I must have no power....
does anyone know what happened to Mishne Halacoth Gedoloth Institute, his 501c in brooklyn
who will be the yoresh of his nursing home in monsey.
his children??
doubt it.
hamuchzek- kol dalim gevar
why it was done in secret!!!
נעבעך נעבעך
ווען משוגע וואלט וויי געטוען
This explains alot of things....
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