HaRav Moshe Shmuel Shapira was niftar yesterday.
When it comes to the old guard of the Yeshivishe world my love for history puts me in a bind. I'm not of the opinion that a Misnaged Can't be a Yerei Shomayim because he dislikes or disrespects Chassidim, maybe some are, but not me. Someone who spends his life spreading Torah and Yirat Shomayim is OK by me although he willingly lacks Pnimimyus HaTorah, as long as he "behaves".
My problem begins with those who make their life's work to oppose good work being done by others just because they're Chassidim. A recent article quoted here in the "Rusty Nail" quoted the Vabolniker Tzadik as saying that Chabad was the most serious problem of his day, and therefore he stood up against them although it was not the popular thing to do. Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim, who put aside their own opinions and were Mekabel "Daas Torah" (sic) from him although they knew that the current situation does not feel right, you cannot just alienate and deem "Apikorsim" a whole group of Yidden because you think, in your boorish opinion, that you found a problem with what their leader said.
Reb Moshe Shmuel, a scion of the newly discovered Litvishe Yichus, ( a grandson of Reb Chaim Volozhiner ) is, to me, part of that problematic group, and for that I have trouble forgiving, but who am I? I appreciate his devotion to Torah, but I cannot overlook his part in the polarization of Klal Yisroel. Therefore I do not fell the loss that we suffered.
Yehi Zichro Boruch.
איצטער איז ער אפ'ן עולם האמת און ער זעהט דעם אמת