Money can now be sent and checks made payable to:
Keren Yesomim Radzin
c/o Dr. Marvin Schick
1529-56th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
I understand money can be sent on their behalf via paypal by using the phone number: 718-851-1025.
Please. Please don't ignore this plea.
Forward this to all your contacts.
Copy and paste this link.
Imagine all 10 yesoimim looking into your eyes.
ולשועת חינונם אל תעלם אזנך
12-year old Mordche Yosef writing a hesped....
Surrounded by Ksovim his father will never publish.....
Are you sure it's a good idea to put up these pictures? Obviously the need for $$$$$ is there and these pictures are a tear jerker but what about the kid himself??? Will he appreciate having his picture plastered all over? What about hwen he gets older? (even now at this age (bar mitzva in the summer ay"h) he understands plenty. he is a very smart kid
These pictures felt wrong . . .
Nothing wrong at all with posting the pictures. Dont even talk about this, just send money!! The OK was given by the Askanim who are carrying the family during these times to post and spread the pictures. You wouldn't believe how much money must be raised for a bare minimum to sustain this family.
Please give me a place where i can send with credit card...
now much sadder can it get. Why can/t we all bring Moshiach already???
"Are you sure it's a good idea to put up these pictures?"
"These pictures felt wrong"
On the other hand....
עיין מו״ק יד׃ רש״י ד״ה מפני
רמב״ם הלכות אבל פרק ח׳ הלכה ד׳
rashi doesnt say to plaster pictures.
of course the picture may help bring in $$$$$$ but the question is what about the child when he grows up. Will he appreciate it?? i doubt it
For all those that haven't noticed: Tzig inadvertantly admitted that snags are not 'chushud ahl muhmoynah'. V'dal
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