


Ruzhin? Tchernobyl? Lelov? Kanoyim now? These were the carriers of the torch of Ahavas Yisroel as far as I remember. They did the nice way, not by yelling at hired cops and throwing stones and burning garbage. The old Buhusher (the current one's zeide) was a Mizrachi party member - or at least voted Beit in the Israeli elections. Rachmastrivker Rebbes have been in Israel for 4 generations - or is it 5? - and never have they been part of the Kanoyim brigades! The Lelover Rebbes may have been super frum but never have I seen them go out there and be mekayem Mitzvas Macho'eh like this. Now far be it from me to tell these Rebbes what to do, but what gets me is how - especially the Tchernobler (Rachmastrivkeh and Tchernobel) Rebbes are sooo stringent and careful about sticking to their fathers' and grandfathers' minhogim when it comes to the little things, Yet when it comes to deviating from the ways of their fathers and zeides in a major policy issue they have no problem treading a new path. Not that it REALLY matters in me balancing my own checkbook and paying my bills, it just makes for interesting conversation. Somehow the Jaffa graves situation - maybe because we live in an Electronic Age - has stayed on the Charedi front burner, and I guess these younger Rebbes want to take part in it too. Kol HaKavod that they go and do their part and are not yotze with sending bachurim and unemployed yungeleit.
The current Buhusher was always known to more of a Kano'i, even very close to shittas Satmar. I'm not sure how that happened, with him being a Ruzhiner eynikel and all. Maybe one of you guys can fill us in.
Reb Duvid'l Rachmastrivker has swung far to the right of late, even stopping to take Government funds recently, due to his strong Satmarer following and to the funding he gets from them. His Yeshiveh in Yerushalayim has recently become somewhat of a haven for Satmarer bachurim. Oyb azoi we can understand why he went out there.
The Lelover and Tchernobler Rebbes going out there is a total mystery to me.
I guess Satmar Rov was right, its Koach Hapoel Benifal, they reliazed that the Ungarishe Forint is geshmak, and all the need is a trip to Yaffo.
it looks like aron Weltz of satmar BP still owes money for the nu Lelover.
can someone give a brief history of the Biyusher? just his Socailised black and white eyeglasses frame, is telling me that he wants a diffrent path and image for himself.Someone has to tell that even the archenemies Sanzer/Sigeter/ Belzer are not Chanyokes anymore.
I"m curious to know:
Will you defend Chabad Lubavitch at any cost?
Let's say you feel that Lubavitch is wrong, will you still defend them?
I don't know if you"ll answer but I"m going to try my luck.
Why do I ask? Look, Lubavitch is everywhere, there are decent people and less than decent people there, just like everywhere else and I want to know if you are just a Lubavitch p.r guy, a bit like your mission statement, to defend Lubavitch, or sometimes you"ll admit that Lubavitch is wrong
It can't be that they are bothered by chitutei shichvei?????
And why doesn't it begin to bother you, Mr. Tzigele?
I notice you did not answer me
what else do you notice?
who you?
Ich kim deer epes?
I do not defend Lubavitch at any cost. This has nothing to do with Lubavitch.
Why are you nasty/defensive?
I asked a general off topic question.
I want to know if you will call Lubavitch on anything and you said you do not defend them at all cost.
At another time, when I have a little more time I want to explore Chabad and partisanship.With your permission, obviously
an hour and a quarter after I moderated the comment you already "accused" me of not answering you. So who's the defensive/nasty one here?
An hour and a quarter?
Vee lang nemt tzi enferen?
An hour is enough, don't you think, especially since I"m not asking you about a stireh in Ketzois,vus?
I worth for a living, BION.
I know, it's hard to believe.
The Tzig is a liar too.
you became a zionist via lubavitch
you became a jew hater via lubavitch
of course it has to do with lubavtch
and you became a moron how?
How did your post become the usual slingfest? I thought u asked a very good question here. The rachamstrivker is a bittuldike emese yid and how he got there is food for thought. IMHO, either he is positive that the kevorim there are being tampered with in a terrible way, or he is being farfirt by some hanger-ons and will regret it in the future. From what I've heard about him, I assume he feels this is the right thing to do. Notice he is only davenning and not involved in some demonstration, road blocking or some other mishugas.
there is a chabadnik in zafat , yissachar rumpler ,who has written serious books showing satmar and chabad don't argue
the rachmanstrinker rebbi (before becoming rebbi ) used to sit in the satmar shule and speak to lepers and other furbrukin menshin
Hirshel, Most (all) of the people you mentioned in the above blog, are pious jews, The way I see it is, that they felt that it would help if they went to demonstrate, in their way though, no violence or whatsoever.
You obviously dont know anything about the rachmistrivke rebbi while he is a twerski he is anything but like his father. When he became rebbi he said he is only accepting it on condition that he can "fir" the way he sees fit. A person like myself that has spent a few years in close company of rachmistrivke in general can testify that he has kept his word doing exactly what he likes whether late davening and tish or giving all his money to tzadakkah. One particular incident sticks out when by a tish I saw him on the "prenches" giving "shrayim" to the crowd. In short he is a person who is "oisik b'avodes hashem" without the fanfare with emes. I can assure you that if he went to a protest it was thorougly researched before and was obviously importent enough to be "mafsik" his learning "retzufus". All the info above can be verified by anyone who has either learned in his yeshiva or people like me who came to like and respect a person who is a walking mussar sefer.
I think they've seen the response to the Slonimer's crusade for racial segregation, sorry puritanical education, and have decided that to have the 'gas' you have to fight the zionists. Consider the isolation of the Belzer versus the sudden popularity of Slonim and you'll understand why they're all saying in one way or another 'ich bin ein slonimer'.
Sorry to be offensive, but you are WRONG on all counts. fILL UP THE BLANK WITH ANY CURSE WORDS IN ANY LANGUAGE.
1)Rashab's and Rayatz's Lubavitch WERE KNOIM and lochmim on tsionis in groisen.
2)lUBAVITCHER REBBE ZA''L WAS AGINST MEDINA, just he did not ofisiate it, since by him iker was kiruv.(freg any normaler lubavitcher, nisht a ger vi dir)
3)Kanues is not a stira to AHAVAS ISRUEL.(..........!!!)Do you know anything about Satmar Rov, R'Amram Bloi , R Aharon katsenelboigen???
Or you just know about idishite actors????
4)Bohusher Rebbe zal WAS NOT A KANOI, BUT HE WAS NOT A MIZROCHI EITHER. The only reason he voted mizrachi, was for the oilem he was mekarev-Romainer yidden. Same reason for Halel on Yom Hatsomus- HE DID NOT SAY IT (i have good eidis for that)- his shil said it for the reason mentioned above.
His einikel is Pushkaner EINIKEL- HIS ZEIDE WAS A BIG KANOI.Thats why Skulener is a kanoi- He most probably is a soine isroel too.
Grow UP!!!!
Not that i expect a answer this time, but I just re-read your post and I wonder why ahavas yisroel should result in indifference to grave digging???
Russian Chosid
u can be correct about Chabad and Kanois, we will leave it for a other day, but plz explain what do they see that their parents did not see? You agree that all these problems existed in their parents days too? so did the old Biusher mistaken in his hanhuge??? if yes maybe can I ask did he made other mistakes too?
"it was thorougly researched before"
the holy Rebbe of Rachmistrivke has no capacity to do research, unless he called his brother in CH
i don't get it. why does tzig think it's ok for RMMS to change things from his forbearers but other Rebbes cannot? also, why would anyone think that any of these rebbes' predecesor's would be pro-grave deseceration? opposing the desecration is a simple yesod of Judaism. just because chabad ignores it doesn't mean its less important
nobody's saying indifference, but the fact is that going there and fighting the police and accomplishing nothing was not the derech of most Tzaddikim and Gedolim in Israel, their zeides included.
anonymous 2:04
Punkt Farkert!
why is it not OK for the Rebbe to change his derech, which he didn't, but it's OK for everybody else!!!!
איך -צוזעענדיג ווי דער לובאוויטשער הערשל ציג האלט עס נעבעך נישט אויס - קעןזאגן פאר אים נאר איין זאך ווע ן זייערע עלטערן זצ"ל נעמען ווען נישט קיין געלט, וואלטן זיי אויכעט געטאן דאס זעלביגע! דער ראכמיוסטריווקער רבי שליט"א האט נישט קיין שום נגיעה צו סאטמאר, יא ער באקומט געלט פון זיי, אבער פארוואס רבוש"ע? ווייל ער האט אויפגעהערט נעמען געלט! איינער האט אים דען געצווינגען דערצו? ניין !, נאר וואס דען, ער האט ב"ה א ערליכן שמעק, מעגליך אז זיינע עלטערן אין גן עדן האבן זיך געמיט דערפאר, נישט קיין חילוק, למעשה, זייט ער האט אויפגעהערט נעמען געלט, קומט ער שוין אויך צו פראטעסטן.
איך פארשטיי אייך זייער גוט ר' הערשל וואס אייך באדערט, אייך באדערט ווייל ביי אייערע קרייזן האט מען געמאכט פון אייער "לינק"קייט א שיטה! אז נאר אזוי מעג מען טאן!אייער סלאגאן איז געווען, אז אין הכי נמי אפשר איז סאטמאר שארפער, אבער מיר קענען דאס נישט טאן! אנו לא כך קיבלנו מרבותינו! דערווייל נעבעך קומט אצינד דער מאמענט פון אמת, און עס שטעלט זיך ארויס קליפ און קלאר, נישטא קיין שיטה, נישטא קיין מהלך וואס איז יא דא איז געלט פון די טריפה'נע מדינה, און איינמאל יענץ פעלט, איז פלוצלינג סאטמאר רב גערעכט געווען! איך זאג אייך ר' הערשל, זאגט אייך אפ פון רעגירונג שטיצע, וועט איר אויך פלוצלינג אזוי איינזען!
fighting the police
None of the above fought the police.
accomplishing nothing
בלייב אינדעריים און זאג תהלים
I see that taking money from the government was a great thing for charidie Jewry, it kept them to a sane level that the average Chiloni should try to get closer to Torah uMityvoth, but with the idiotic primotive zulu looking events, we are getting no place ,with the 6 millions jews, Do you really feel that R Duvedel Rachmistrivker has a more Erlicher Shmekthen his parents? his father was a tzadik even with out the name Twersky, he was sitting in beis hamedrash for 18 hours all his life, he didn"t have the shmek? If he would like to influence his son from Gan Eden, he would get him to learn a blatt gemora for a change of scenery.
ר' הירשל,
האט איר שוין ווען געזען ביי א מחלוקה'לע צווישן צוויי, און א דריטער קומט צו און נעמט א זייט,
וואס פאסירט ווען די צוויי מאכן שלום? דער דריטער ווערט אויסגעשפילט, איא?
הירשעלע, געווען זייט איר א פאפא'ער אויפגעצאכטן, ווייט פון דער גאנצער קנאי'שער געטועכץ, זייט איר, א פרעמדער, געקומען נעמען א זייט, בבחינת "א געווארענער שטארקער פון א געבארענער", איר טענה'ט איר באשמוצט אויף רעכטס און לינקס אוואו ביים פאטער אין וויינגארטן.
אבער, עס קומען נייע צייטן, דער חרדי'שער פובליק ציהט אויף רעכט, סלונים, טשערנאבל, לעלוב און אנדערע, באלד קונט די רייע אויף חב"ד (ניטא ווער עס זאל מאכן באשלוסן דארט, הא?...).
איז וואס וועט בלייבן מיט איך מיין הירשעלע??
איר וועט בלייבן אפגע'חוזק'ט ווי דער מאלפע אין דערמיטן.
"הירשעלע, געווען זייט איר א פאפא'ער אויפגעצאכטן"
are u sure u know Hirshel? he does not know of a place like Pupa till u wrote about it.
I know of Pupa
מיין זיידע ז"ל האט געלערנט איין זמן ביים הייליגן ויגד יעקב זצ"ל
און די וי"י האט אים שטארק ליב געהאט
there are 2 Kehilahs that will never change,Satmar and Lubavich, the first one will never back up from the 3 oaths religion.They both believe their Rebbes willnot be replaced by clowns with Lipa shmeltzer Bekiches
Oi Vey,
I feel your pain, which town in Hungary is he from?
Read all about it here
Tzig is bothered that he wasn't consulted by all these dirty kanoim before them coming out to protest. He'd tell them what they're supposed to do ! What kind of rebbes are these that they don't get Tzig to sign off on their agenda ? Tfu, xye...
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