It seems like no matter how hard they try not to sound the same they all do.
Take A CERTAIN KID for instance, his main beef is that he was told דו ביסט א גארנישט, something that for some reason doesn't bother most other people. Then again he's not just "other people", he's an "anarchist", brrr.
(listen to the pearls of wisdom pouring forth)
When is some פרייאק going to come up with an original line, an original reason for leaving the fold?
And of all communities CH is the least of your problems if you're in the mood of a good time.
Please don't tell me that I don't understand either.
But, HT, self esteem IS an issue.
Maybe if everyone has the same gripe they may be on to something real?
Why do they all have this complaint?
Perhaps the community should take this bittul stuff a little more seriously. I had friends with the same complaint, and to me it seems that there is a kernel of truth to it.
When we talk about BITTUL, we need to understand that we are nothing, but not that someone else is nothing.
we should think, ich bin gornish, abur alle andere zenen take eppes. Vayl, oib zei zenen oich gornisht, iz es nit kein bitul bichlal. (As in "some are a little more nothing than others")
man, you're drinking the same stuff he is. Nobody buys it, they all take for what it's worth, slogans. nothing more. The difference is that most people know how to deal with issues.
Besides, if self-esteem is an issue then go to a Litvishe Yeshivah, they'll make a Godol out of you!
Obviously the kid's family is Lubavitch - he aint goin to other institutions of choice.
forget his family, what about him, I mean if Chabad is his only problem then go elsewhere! He obviously could care less about his family, you think his mother sheps Nachas from him?
I never said he was a great guy, nor that he is right.
I am only saying that if there are many individuals with the same complaint, it should be scrutinized somewhat. And once the boy has been turned-off, it is a bit late to try and send him elsewhere - his identity is fairly developed at this point.
Besides, there's very little of "Du bist gornisht" going on these days.
I dunno HT. I'm not an old man, and I heard it plenty at ULY, where similar cases of disaffection had similar complaints...
you may not be old, but 15 years is a loooong time.
Most people complain about Torah and Mitzvos being difficult, yet we do not scrutinize it. If this is the derech Chabad then it should be continued.
Joe, you're right, it's Ich bin, but when somebody else teaches it to you, it's Du bist....
this is a lousy post...
you usually have much more to say....
dead horse story...and why demonize a person (who did suffer in life according to what is public and probably suffered as well for things publically unknown) in order to draw general conclusions about those ever lurking evil people on the dark side ....
It's not him I mean, although he's setting himself up for criticism by doing these interviews. It's the fact that these guys must sit and meet and decide together what to say when asked why this happened.
this is loshen hora with no rationale for something productive or 'intelectual' (kashered treifkeit). by american law its punishable slander (although the guy gave an interview on a blog and stood up at a rally and whatever he isn't a public figure). Have rachmunis on an unfortunate neshoma if not for his sake, then for your sake, if not for your sake...maybe ours...maybe G-ds?.....
OK, N you win
But the point is not made on him, rather it's brought out by him, yet not exclusive to.
ht, thanks, feels good..
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