( Reb Nachman's Yarmulke)
Well, not in Lubavitch but elsewhere.
In Breslov it seems that some have gotten sick and tired of crazies giving their Rebbe a bad name, so they've taken action.
In Beitar, Israel there's a group called וועד דחסידי ברסלב-אנ"ש
They've basically decided that they've had enough of the crazies running around giving Reb Nachman and Breslov a bad rap. They wish to keep to themselves. They're mostly Yerushalmi Breslovers who never signed on to the idea of "opening" Breslov to the masses,so they've decided to stick to themselves and keep Breslov and all it entails to themselves.
They do have an advantage though. They've had 200 years to develop ideas without a current Rebbe directing, they therefore can decide for themselves. They also do not have one Shul where everybody needs to daven other than on Rosh Hashanah.
There definitely should be more emphasis on Chinuch with children of Baalei Tshuvah, being that they do lack, somewhat, the home part of the Chinuch process.
If that means special Yeshivos for them then maybe it should be done.
To say that they shouldn't be "welcome" is another matter.
I find it interesting how Breslov has become more accepted by many these days when in the past it was viewed negatively by many Chassidim - I am talking before their recent success with getting baalei teshuvah. What changed to make Breslov more acceptable and less marginalized ?
Kurenitzer ?
Who says they have, Uman's large crowds not withstanding, Breslov is still viewed very negatively by most people. The fact they've become more accepted in Israel is because of their alliance with the Eidah Hacharedis, their Yerushalmi-style dress etc.
if you're happy and you know it nanachnachmnachman
that was totally unnecessary.
Firstly , the Yerushalmi Breslovers are probably first or second generation Breslover. Before about 1930 and the arrival of Rav Avrohom Sternhartz in Jslm, there were few Breslover in Jslm. Over the yaers many Yerushalmis joined the group.
Next unlike Chabad, Breslov was always a tiny Chassiduth even in Czarist Russia there probably were no more than several hundred Breslover roshe Mishpoches. Only after WW1 did it hit Poland with a force and attracted amny Polish chassidim like the late Rav LY Bender and yeshiva people like Rav Rosen. So Breslov was always into kiruv if other frum people not secular people.Chabad was much less into this.
After WW2 until about 1990 most chasidic animosities were set aside , Alexander and Ger were ok with each other, Satmar and Spinka were Gute brider, Tzantz and Ruzhin were hunky dory and Breslov was accepted by all except our Skverer friends.
The Satamer rebbe was a great fan of rav Nachman's (obviously he was selective which teaching of Rav N he liked) so that kashered Rav N to the Hungarian chasidic community. And our previous poster is accurate their joing the Eda opened the doors of the Kitzoni community to them.
I bet amny of the Ukranian Twersky rebebs still have a Messora that is not friendly to Bratzlov.
FRIENDLY?! Trana Twersky, wife Reb YY of Skver forced a woman to divorce her husband because Me hut em gechapt lernen Breslover Seforim.
I use lashon sagi Nahor. Of course the Skvere continue to dislike the Breslover.
By the way there is much to write about the colorful rebbetzin you mention in the previous comment.
Do tell!
She was a character, a belzer eynikel, but I will not write more about her .
Di heilige Mumme, ver redt fin mahn mumme Trane?!
That's not fair - You can't make a comment like that and not elaborate.
How about some highlights (without any critiqe)?
Who was her father?
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