Now he's doing an interview with Sholom Ber Keller, a Yosom. The depths some people will sink to just to generate controversy or to get back at others is unbelievable.
What's next, are we going to use one of the shnorrers in 770 as proof of the lack of helpful institutions in CH?
Am I supposed to let that go too?
As weird as it may seem, I dont think you can get Captain Keller to say a bad word about the rebbe.
"To take a kid who never was part of the system because he was majorly learning disabled"
I have no idea if that's true, but, maybe it's about time we opened a yeshiva for such kids BEFORE they go off the derech?
I don't think a kid like that would stay in any Yeshivah. I was once in the head with a wood block at a farbrengen in Bais Rivkah. He just came up behind me and whacked me over the head! I knew he was a Yosem and did nothing. It seems like the army made some sort of "mentch" out of him, if you could say that, because he looks somewhat better.
!א רחמנות
However, for that Beheimoh to interview him like that is below low.
Guys grow up won't you.....
Everybody who leaves Lubab is suddenly crazy, learning disabled?
I for onw found the interview interesting, you guys didn't? don't read it....
ein od
Do you know him, the family, the family situation? I guess not. If you want him as proof of the problems in Lubavitch then you've got a pretty weak case.
I just read the interview, and I think that the point TA is addressing is that, although there may be mitigating circumstances (as there always are) there aught to be something learned from this fellow (and others like him).
Do you disagree?
Do you feel that all the failures are simply screwy, and thus are in no way a result of any Lubavitch failings?
Does this go on, at a similar rare / in a similar way, elsewhere?
Don't get me wrong - I'm just playing devil's advocate here, and I think that the point of TA's interview center on these questions.
If it were anyone else, maybe, but some people are beyond reproach, or even care. A vilde yingel like that needs very specialized care which he could not get in Lubavitch simply because he knows all the shtick, and he's a rachmonus, so what are they gonna do to him? hurt his mother even more? The army sounds like the perfect place for a guy like that. There nobody will buy his excuses and nobody will have pity on him.
If the guy is so nuts the army probably wouldnt take him. He also dosent sound so nuts in the interview.
oh really?
learning disabled doesn't exclude you from service. Besides, what did he do exactly in the army?
communications, which I imagine takes some resposibility and basic intelligence.
Why do you write the guy off as a nut?
because I know him as such, that's why, a silly, unstable kid who probably never attended school, and whose parents and family could not control him.
I sat in across the table from him in ot for a bit, he has lots of brains, just never really fit with the system.
He was a great bullshover, but never learnt a word.
Paranoia running amock!
It's an interesting interview, there are very few men in the service from a chasidic bckround....and please get off your high horses, the guy is not learning disabled,neither is Malkie or Khon....
Learning disabled? You idiot... the guy's a genius! Most geniuses are a little weird, true, but you should see past that and realize that he's way smarter than you'll ever be. Besides, nobody is portraying him as 'the norm'- he did something very unusual. That's why he got the interview in the first place. If you've got issues with TA then tell it like it is, why take it out on a silly, unstable kid?
pure good news in not a scoop...thats why posted 'dirt'is exciting.....for some its searching the world over for a real misnagid and others its lubavitch intrigues...(boruch hashem we don't have too many, serious isues not withstanding). the interview as a stand alone is not bad...it has a real angle..chassidish kid joins army...
on a pesonal basis though, nebach..kid lost his father, rebbe, and crown heights in many ways is not a society that bolsters a non self starter....this is real...but lubavitch failing him forget it...i'm sure plenty of solid people tried to help..
who said lubavitch failed him? He didnt like it so he left. zehu.
why take his individual story and make it an example? the interview doesn't do that- it's him telling his own story.
if you refuse to admit that its interesting to read about OT boy in afghanistan or whatever, then you're not being honest with yourself HT.
Thanks for the warm words everybody especially the "idiot" ones.
He's a genius because he left Crown Heights and freid out, I get it.
So he's upset that he had to wear a white shirt, and that guys that "through" (sic) goulash were called Chasidish? for that you leave the fold? baloney. The kid probably got attention from some other dropouts so he joined them.
Now he's an anti-war speaker, too? If I never thought those lefties in New England were loonies i do now.
Hey! What's New England have to do with this?!
he did speak at an anti-war rally in Boston common.....
And if he spoke at a rally in central park (which he may have), does that mean you are a NY loonie now?
HT, Whew! You're a meany. I'd like to send you to the front lines to get out your aggressions, then you could interview yourself and get a scoop. Of what is another story...
Interview myself? hmmmmmm
maybe that would be my ticket? you may have something there....
Let's not attack this soldier of Lubavitcher heritage.
Use this as an example of something biiger - are there serious issues that need to be, but aren't being - addressed?
"Joe", that's the impression I got from him, and if I'm wrong then I apologize, but then again if he's highly intelligent קומט אים פעטש
1) for embarassing his father and family, even if unintentional
2) for doing what he does
Petch is one thing, but lies and disrespct are another.
Any volunteers, starting with you HT, on who wants to confront the beefed up army vet?
Get off your moral high ground and start to see bechira chafshit for what it is--let people be. you'll be a much happier person for it.
well, ANONYMOUS, if he's such an intelligent guy then he can be spoken to cordially, beefed up or not.
Let me remind you Mr. Bechira Chofshis that Bechira was meant to use to make the correctr choices.
There is no moral high ground here, pal, I was upset at TA for bringing him as "proof", and that was the point of this thread, not Keller.
HT, I'll apologize to Keller when he'll apologize for suckerpunching me, or rather hitting me over the head with a wooden block. If he's intelligent and a warrior then he needs to be put behind bars.
your feel-good education is rearing its ugly head. As long as we're serious and "mean well" then all is justified, correct?
I know "Captain" and his family too, so don't get all high and mighty with me.
I equated using him as an example of Lubavitch's "failures" to using a schnorrer in 770 as proof of a housing problem in Crown Heights.
If you're looking to put words into my mouth, sorry.
Again, I remind you, he was not the subject of the post, the other blog was.
I will, me being a paranoid guy, revise the text of the post, so as not to transgress the prohibition of aggravating an orphan.
what I can't understand is so-called tough guys like him who keep on speaking "on not being judged", "America is a free country, why can't I be free?" "I daven everyday so what if I have a tattoo"? "You guys mistreated me so I'm allowed to do as I please" which is basically a bunch of dribble,
These are all classic excuses made by today's children which are pre-packaged to provide them with a sense of being vindicated and not feel guilty about their actions.
I can understand others making the excuse for him, feeling pity and not wanting to be "judgmental", but when the guy himself makes the excuses it's worthless.
joe, not only is keller family able to view blog but g-d himself may also know of this blog...
that's why we revised the content of the post.
I am glad to see that most people on the other blog see through the guy and don't buy his excuses.
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