Rabbi Shimon Groner passed away last week. He was Leibel's first cousin, his father was Schneur Zalman. RSZG passed away when young Shimon was 14 years old, which was in 5706. My only question is why did he not join his cousins in Tomchei Tmimim? For that we'll need to learn more about his father which we do not know at this time.
I saw his picture on the front cover of the Yated and decided to buy it. It was tough going through the pages, I tell ya.
Was he related to Dov Groner who was killed al Kiddush Hashem by the British in 1947?
Anyway, Shimon stayed in YRCB on Stone Ave. where he was "One of two Bochurim in the Bais Medrash on long summer friday afternoons, him and his young Chavrusah" (aren't they all?) and "never left". Even when he was away from the Yeshivah he took it with him. In 5738 he became Mashgiach, (after Rav Avigdor Miller left?), a position he filled until his untimely death.
They did (the Yated) conveniently omit the fact that he was a descendant of Bais HoRav, altough they mention his father's name, but there they mention only that he learned in Eitz Chaim in Yerushalayim and that he was a "scion of the well-known Grossman family". He was also the only Bochur permitted by the Roash Yeshivah RIH to grow a beard.
him and Reb Chaim Segal, 2 lost souls....
but wasn't RIH for the most part in Israel by that time?
where did RSC go at the time?
are you an alumnus?
why was it inherent on them to take RAS as successor? He's not somebody's son-in-law, right?
R'A Shechter was a talmid , no relative.
Tzig:Groners were descendants of the Alter Rebbe but not Chabadskers.
R'Leibels father already had some connection before he came to America Some 85 years ago.In fact Leibels older brother who lives in Yerusholayim today was interviewed in Kfar Chabad some time ago and does not have a beard
The hesped was written by Nosson Scherman.
I can't wait till he (and Artscroll) get around to publishing the "approved" biography of Haskel Besser
R. Laybel Groner's father was a Stoliner Chasid, it was the mother who was apparently a desc. of the Mittler rebbe. He was a Shadar for Teyras Emes in the US. In the US he became close to Lubavitch. Laybel also ahd a brother who was a USAF flight engineer and was killed fighting for the US in the Pacific.HAYAD.
Jerusalme in the Old days had difft definitions of what a chassid was. And as Rav Halperin oncwe wrote in KCH magazine most Jslm Lubavitchers were actually chaside hageza and Chaside hanusach few were mekushorim and few knew Toras hachassiduth. The definioton of a chasid was not so concrete. This changed after the foundation of Teyras mes.
As far as I know the senior rabbi Groner was not an outstanding scholar or soiritual leader.in the pre 1950 Chabad community in the US.
this is true regarding the Groners, but why were they both here, what did his brother Shnayer Zalmen do here?
a Peylisher Yiddel, fun Ger, ends up in YRCB, that's called lost!
Ober der RY, RIH, iz aych geven a (Litvishe) Peylisher ! Farshtayst ?
Ober der Rosh Yeshivah hut gelerent in Slabodke/Chevron, un er nisht, farshteyst?
א נשמה וואס שטאמט פון חסידים וואס וואלט געקענט טאן די זעלבע זאך אין א חסידישע ישיבה, און זיצט אפ אין א פלאץ וואו מ'לאכט פון חסידים, קען ער מרביץ תורה פאר מיליאנען, אבער ער איז א פארלארענער
who said? are you nitpicking? why shouldn't he be able to?
Besides, the point is that in my opinion someone who chooses to forego Chassidus by choice, not because he was not introduced to it, especially when he was raised with it, is LOST.
i fyo usee this i am not sure but Dov Groner that was killed al kidush hashem was a brother of teh groner's i heard this from Rabbi yitzchak Groner's (Austrailia) grandson
It's interesting to note that R' Avrohom Barnetsky was a brother-in-law to RSG
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