A) The Chazon Ish
B) The Satmar Rov
C) The Lubavitcher Rebbe

2) He decided that all those who disagree with on issues of Tznius, Zionism, Hilchos Bais HaKnesses among others was not a credible Orthodox Rabbi. He also included speaking Hebrew into idol-worship, making it a cardinal sin. Who was he?
A) The Chazon Ish
B) The Satmar Rov
C) The Lubavitcher Rebbe

3) He decided that due to a total breakdown of Religious observance in America and the world over that some time must be taken from already free time and put to good use. Yeshivah students must use their free time to try and bring those Jews back. The same goes for married men and women, who should try and make a "career" out of it. Who was he?
A) The Chazon Ish
B) The Satmar Rov
C) The Lubavitcher Rebbe

winner takes home some fantastic prizes.......
Lets play this game:
Which Rebbe who recently died (but might be hangin with Elvis) was a HUGE Baal Gaavah, who ENCOURGED the singing of Yechi, who held that he was the Moshiach (after Shabsai Tzvi), who obviously held himself to be bigger then the Baal Shem Tov, The Alter Rebbe etc...
You got it!!
I'm tempted to leave the comment, just to show what we put up with.
I agree.
Why is it that your ENTIRE pupose in life is to start fights?
This whole blog revolves around one issue: Fighting!
Why can't I learn a Chazon Ish, a Divrey Yoel, A Brisker Rov, A Shulchon Aruch Horav etc...??
Why, Mr. Hirshel Tzig?
Don't you get it? Not everyone who's not Lubavitch HATES Lubavith, but just HATES the Moshiach SICKOS!!
chicken, you're seemingly consuming too much of the stuff, you got a bird-brain going there.
The point of the post is to bring to light the fact that not the Rebbe was the so-called Mechadesh of new Minhogim and Dinim, but rather others who are held in great esteem. We all learn Brisker Rovs and Divrei Yoels etc.
Fighting was not the point, if you see it that way I apologize.
what are the prizes? or are you a galicianer?
what don't you understand here, and why are you surprised at all?
זיי מעגן און מיר טארען ניט
Tzig, LAJEW here
Du bist ah naaar, Poshut kepshuto ah naaar
and i am a lubavitcher chosid, what are you trying to do?
Ferd, Lubavitch is hahvas yisroel, we do not make fun or choizek of others. Lubavitch MOTO is Mimenu yireh Vechain Yaaseh, not fun, ahavas yisroel is much greter, anyways...
I give up.
and he calls me a Naar?
Reb LAJew
maybe it's the California sun that's gotten to you, but במחילת כבודו I don't understans what the problem is here. All I'm trying to bring out is the fact that the Rebbe was the only one of the three who didn't come up with new aveiros or make old mitzvahs lacking in proper observance. Yet the world sees the Rebbe as the Mechadesh. Where do you see in my words making "choizek" etc.?
Perhaps thats the gadlus of the Bobver rav, Reb Moshe Feinstein, Rav Henkin, the Vishnitzer Rebbe, Rav Breuer, Reb Yaakov Kaminetsky, Reb Isser Zalman etc.They were not mechadesh anything.
Every dor needs chidushim. This was true after the Holocaust when our Massora was lost. The alte Slonimer rebbe wrote a whole kuntres about the loss of Messora. Heschel wrote a moving depiction of our loss too.
The gedolim who impacted were the Lubavitcher rebbe, the Satmarer rov, Rabbi Hutner, the Chazon Ish, the Brisker rav, Bays Israel of Ger, Reb Aren Kotler ,Mr. Mendlowitz and the rav Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. All saw that businessa s usual was not in order and took necessary actions.
is this about חדש אסור מן התורה ? Because if so then that may be one of the most misused terms used by zealots the world over, especially those of the Hungarian persuasion. Why not use it regarding those multi-million dollar homes and brand-new luxury cars? Why only when it's comfortable for them?
and I thought Chodosh was the spring wheat! silly me....
cute post. keep it up.
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