(State funeral to the Jews murdered by Poles in the train, Bialystok,1946)
Forward.com:The Death of Genuine Dissent
Allan Nadler was from the first in the MO world to publicly speak against the Rebbe. This was way back in 1991 (IIRC) when the Rebbe's words brought down the Peres Government, and Nadler, a MO lefty, didn't care for it. So he spoke about the audacity (KevaYochol) of the Rebbe to sit in Brooklyn and meddle in Israeli politics. Now he responds to Noah Feldman, and his complaint about being cropped out of a class reunion photo of Maimonides Academy in Boston. (Now Feldman admits to not being the only one left out of the picture, being that it was a large group and the lens wasn't wide enough. It was the photographer's fault, and others, married to Jews, were also left out.)
Anyway, Nadler takes issue with Feldman and much of what he said, and although I never cared for Nadler I can see that he makes sense. One of the lessons I've learned from blogging is that I can listen and tolerate other opinions which I may disagree with, and I can separate the opinion from the person. So now I can accept Nadler's words for what they're worth, but I needn't agree with his Left-Wing politics. I especially enjoyed where he speaks of the Novardokker Mashgiach and his words to Chaim Grade before he left the Yeshivah to "frei out." Similar verbage and terminology is used in Chabad about not enjoying Tayves and Aveiros, and I can see how people compare Chabad to Novardok.
This is a masterpiece:
What's with the kaviyuchul? I thought we use that only in reference to God.
Oh. . . I got it.
I guess Hymies ARE morons.
Go away.
and go find out the translation.
and tzigs ARE kofrim.
You are already away. To you, one can only urge, come back.
I see Nadler has a new job he was a Montreal Rov and then Yivo and now Drew University,he cant stick to a job
"when the Rebbe's words brought down the Peres Government"
Then he brought down the Berlin Wall, then he brought moshiach...
Kaveyochol, to the best of my knowledge, is used only in connection with God, not a mere mortal.
A must read, JJ Hechts response to Nadler’s article.
The Rebbe brought nothing down, except for the greatness of his movement. The entire world laughs at the ignorant, morally bankrupt world that is now Lubavitch. You are embaressing the Rebbe when you write such nonsense.
Hirshel calm down 'kavyachol' in modern hebrew is 'as if to say' but in traditional hebrew 'kavyochol' is a used when refering to 'hashem's' atributes. so 'yad-Hashem' is 'kavyochol hashems hand' obviously Hashem has no 'gashmuis' hands so we add the word kavyochol.
2) it's nice to see history being changd right before my very eyes. I was an adult when it happened, and when Allan Nadler wrote the article. Go sell your BS somewhere else.
You are the one filled with BS. Don't try to deflect the issue as you attemt to enshrine a man around your mistaken view of Jewish theology. Its disgusting.
And, I repeat I have NEVER heard Kavayochol in connection with a mortal. You are the first. Maybe its around lubavitch because they think the Rebbe is without fault, but its still never used--and very odd.
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