Today is the
Steipler's 22nd
Yohrtzeit, if my memory serves me right. He was
Rav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievski, son of a
Hornosteipler Chossid, who later learned in
Novardhok and adopted their ways. He married the sister of the
Chazon Ish. On this day thousands of people - many of whom that say that spending time at a
Kever is
"Doresh el HaMeysim" - prayed at the site, asking G-d to grant them health, wealth, and time to enjoy them, all in the merit of the righteous ones that are interred here.

(Thousands of
Steipler Chasidim made the trip to the
Beis HaChaim in
Bene Beraq)

Kvittel on Israeli Stone)

Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Kanievski observing the proceedings)
They are probably not davening to him; they are asking hashem that in the zechus of this tzadik, etc. . .
Far different from Lubavitch rituals . . .
And they are not Steipler Chassidim, stop being such a chump.
I feel the hate.Another 'programmed' Lubab, who knows nothing besides hate for anybody not part of Lubab inc or not a tochas lekker of the said 'religous' corporation.
Your blog provides a service. The moron Litvaks can come out from under their rocks and vent. [disclaimer: I am not a Lubavitcher nor a Litvak but I am a product of Litvisher yeshivas]
I don't think old-time Litvaks went to daven by kevorim. Nor did they stand on line for brochos as they do by Reb Chaim. You are stating the obvious that they have become chassidim. Steipler/Chazon Ish chassidim.
Hirshel, you can't have it both ways.
On the one hand you say that many in the Litvishe velt today are not from Litvishe opshtam (like you are not from Lubavitch opshtam). Then you criticize them for acting Chassidish at times. I think many of those types are confused, they have become Litvish to a significant degree, but they still retain some Chassidishe zachen.
Efsher many of these Steipler Chassidim types are actually of Chassidishe opshtam ? Maybe the Chassidus is still in their bones, it could take a few doros till their thinking and hanhogos become pure Litvish (bizras Hashem) ?
Majority of them are indeed of Chassidishe background. Just like the Steipler himself.
BTW whos Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Kanievski? Reb Chaims son? Named after his great-uncle?
Is Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Kanievski son of reb Chaim? Named after his great-uncle?
You can't have it both ways. The Hungarian Litvishe take the worst of all worlds. The gaavah of the Litvaks, the superstitions/rebbe worship of the chassidim and the materialism of the Magyars. Terrible combo.
Certainly one can see the Chassidic influence in these ceremonies and rituals.
But does one see such rituals in the USA. Do yeshivashe people gather at important kevorim for yarzeit ceremonies. I believe men of the stature of Rav Yankev Kamenetski, and others remain buries here.
The answer is no. In Israel, I posit it is the prevailing "national fashion" culture of the Sefardim that has elevated the Hillula yarzeit to a "main event". This started with the annual Hillula in Netivot after the petirah of the Zaddik the Baba Sali (about 1981). Imitators in the Moroccan community followed. The hillula for rabbi Haim Huri in Beerrsheva also became big. At the same time trips to Meron picked up in numbers. Then the idea of a Hillula spread. The Stefaneshtisher kever in Tel Aviv became big and soon others followed.. Now this fashion seemingly has also effected the yeshiva world.
I congratulate you for noting thta most of the yeshiva world is not of Litvishe opshtam except for the roshe yeshivas.
I heard years ago from Kahan family people that the Steipler was interested in Reb Yoel Kahan as an eydem, but he took Reb Shemke Berman instead.
RAS is Reb Chaim's son, yes.
>>I heard years ago from Kahan family people that the Steipler was interested in Reb Yoel Kahan as an eydem, but he took Reb Shemke Berman instead.
RAS not a bad yichus:
grandfathers: the Steipler and rav Elyashiv
grandmothers: the sister of Chazon Ish and the daughter of rav Arye Levin
did he wrote any seforim?
RAS is the one I think that fabricates the Masse Ish 7 vol, (I assume we will get to 16 as the Moshion Shel Yisroel Satmar)a genius as the Potter series.I hope he also makes enough mullah to buy apartments for his kids in Kiryat Sefer.
My only problem is, it's being used as a halachic source.
Wasnt Maaseh Ish a projcet of r. Yavrov?
BTW reb Chaim is strongly agaisnt this pilgrimage to kvorim and said that he himself would not go there but people would then say what kind of son doesnt go to his own fathers grave on his yorzeit. So he goes but says that o thers shouldnt.
Doresh El Hameisim is when you try to communicate with the dead person, perhaps even trying to get a response. This is what Lubavitch, and NO-ONE ELSE does.
Others simply daven at the holy site of a kever of a Tzaddik.
But of course, the obvious difference doesnt strike you since it undermines your hate.
so, anonymous MORON, all Lubavitchers try and communicate with the dead? pssshhh!
do they put blood in their matzohs too?
so that's why he's gonna daven for the donors of Keren HaShviis on the YohrtZeit at the Tziyun according to the flyers in the newspapers? because he's against it?
So Hirschel MORON. Do you have an answer to the fact that Chabad considers it normal to ask for RESPONSES from their dead Rebbe? Or are you simply going to spout another non sequitur?
If you would read the Lubavitcher Rebbe's sichos you would know that there is no problem communicating with the Rebbe buried there because he's עצמות אין סוף מלובש אין א גוף
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