In my very humble opinion Yarchei Kallah in Lubavitcher Camp Gan Yisroel is the nicest gathering that exists in Lubavitch today. Yes, there are times when thousands of Chassidim gather together at more auspicious times, and there are times when more of the mainstream and laymen are involved, but this to me is special. It's a time when the leaders of Lubavitch, the ones that are responsible for the future of Lubavitch, meet to see what can can be done to further improve the products that Lubavitch produces. It's a meeting sans politics, ego-trips, and tales of great success in their towns and cities. Just good ol' fashioned Torah learning - in all fields of Torah - for 4-5 days. The Kinus HaShluchim is nice, and it highlights the efforts Lubavitch makes in the field of reaching out, but there would be no outreach without the Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivah. It also allows for the young'uns in camp, especially those from parts unknown (out-of-town בלע"ז) to see a true Ritchoh De'Oraysoh in a Chassidisher Oyfen.
COL gallery 1

COL gallery 2

Chassidus and Shacharis day 1 (COL)

Day 1 gallery 2 (COL)

evening shiurim, day 1, COL
(my apologies to shturem.net for not including links to their great galleries, I just didn't have the strength for more copy and paste of links.
When I was a kid in Gan Yisroel- as an out of towner- I really didn't get what was going on at Yarchei Kallah. To me it was just a bunch of old men speaking in a foreign language {Yiddish} and it was kinda lackluster in the face of ordinary camp spirit. The only great gain is that we got to stay up late.
Also, it's kinda unfortunate that this is made in camp where not so many Anash can take part. It should be made in Crown Heights on more auspicious days.
Oh wait, they do... the Beis Rivka Farbrengem
I must note another fact in relation to this event. In years apst especially in the 1980's the participants included any number of non-Anash rabbonim from different Chugim. And in many insances they were highlited as the amin speakers. The alst few years has seen hardly any (besides rabbi Brisman) rabbonim besides Lubavitchers participating and speaking. Any comments ?
Is Rav Eisenbach considered one of the biggest lamdonim in Lubavitch? Please answer.
They have these huge posters advertising this supposed klal yisroel event.In reality its a tiny Lubavitch event with only two non Lubab rabbis, R'Brisman and R'Czinner.
Their only claim to fame is it being non meshichist.
If it makes the Tzig happy who am I to bring him baCK TO REALITY?
Fact is that Lubavitch inc has burned all its bridges to non Lubavitcher circles.
Is rav eisenbach a meshichist? PLEASE ANSWER!!!
. . .does anti meshichist mean that they beliee the Rebbe is moshiach but that they are quiet about it? Or does it mean they dont believe the Rebbe is moshiach, kaveeyochol?
PLEASE answer my question. . .SOMEBODY PLEASE!!!
I don't know if he's considered one of the biggest Lamdonim. I also have no idea what he believes re: the Rebbe and Moshiach. I also don't see why it's so important to you.
Its important for me to know how Rav Eisenbach is regarded as he is mechadesh--and I want to know what kind of person I am relying on.
Is there anyone you could suggest who would be able to give me a better picture of where he stands--learningwise--in terms of great lamdonim in lubavitch? He certainly knows a lot.
I learned in Bnei Brak under Rabbi Eisenbach. Great man, Ish Chessed, big Talmid Chochom, his Seforim are the proof to his Lamdonus.
{He is definitely not Mishichist}
I don't believe we have a real hierarchy of great Lamdonim in Lubavitch... I don't even think getting into Yarchei Kallah is much of a testament of great Lamdonim. Look how many Bochurim are in the group shot!
the bochurim got in as organizers, not contributors. There are also some younger Rabbonim there, like Farkash Jr., Wilhelm, and Cohen from Chicago.
>>I learned in Bnei Brak under Rabbi Eisenbach. Great man, Ish Chessed, big Talmid Chochom, his Seforim are the proof to his Lamdonus.
I figured as much. One or two his shtiklach were extremely impressive. He obviously has a great bekius, too. B
y not Mishichist, what do you mean?
J said
"I don't believe we have a real hierarchy of great Lamdonim in Lubavitch.."
While I somewhat agree with your statement, you can not say that R' YY Kalmenson, R Eli Landau, the Rosh, Rabbi Hertz are lacking in the Lamdonis area. As far as the others, they may be on the same leve I just never had any exposure to comment on them.
I mean that his pictures go up on COL not Chabad.info.
A. If you read the articles on col etc, you'll see that ten Bochurim Metzuyonim were selected to be by some of the sessions, particularly the learning ones.
B. As a fact, I can tell you that this gathering is an amazing oportunity for Lubavitcher Roshei Yeshivos to meet and discuss issues concerning with Bochurim today (it's not neccesarily meant for them to be 'lecking' at non-lubavitcher Roshei Yeshivos' feet for some recognition - they're fine enough without it).
Schneur's point is well taken.
Especially interesting is the recent disappearance of Rabbi Moshe Tendler from the yarchei kallah roster, which he had been on for years, as one of a few non-Lubavitchers.
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