(The Rov with Mayor John Lindsay, Hertz Frankel, Sender Deitsch, and Yossel Ashkenazi)
Today is the 28th Yohrtzeit of the late Satmar Rov zt"l.
An alumnus of a Lithuanian-type yeshiva in Israel sat near the Rebbe at his Pesach Seder. The Rebbe was amused at his guest’s pompous measuring of the precise portion of food and drinks required for the rituals (even though the Rebbe himself was no less fastidious). As the guest prepared his matzos, the Rebbe asked him, “Are you sure it’s the right shiyur (required amount)?'’ Similarly, after he ate the marror, and later when he eyed his afikomen before consuming it, the Rebbe smilingly asked, “Is it the shiyur?” Finally, the fellow put down his matzah and said, “Rebbe I’m not sure. But isn’t it the shiyur of tcheppen (teasing)?”
The Rebbe was deeply disturbed that he had actually offended the man with remarks that he had only meant as a friendly exchange. He begged his forgiveness again and again, as was his habit when he felt he had mistreated someone. Finally he asked him, “Please see me right after Yom Tov.” When the man reported to the Rebbe, he asked, “Why are you here? Why did you come to America?” “I’m here because I must raise five to six thousand dollars to marry off my daughter.” “I’ll get the money for you. And please - any children that you will be marrying off in the future - come here and I’ll take care of your financial needs.” The Satmar Rav was not satisfied until he had financed the weddings of the man’s four daughters.
From Yeshivah World
Why is it OK in this article to use the word Misnagdim, but when Lubavitchers use it, we're accused of Sinas Chinam or worse???
"The 100,000 people... included followers and admirers, Chassidim and MISNAGDIM"
"Of the hushed tens of thousands that came... various Chassidic groups, yeshiva circles, and out-and-out MISNAGDIM"
A lubob post a story about Reb Yoel refreshingly surprising!
The Satmar Rov Z'tvkl gave a haskomo (through a shaliach since he never gave haskomos directly) to my great-great grandfather's sefer, just before the war.
(As an aside, apparently the Munkatcher Rebbe Z'tvkl haldt the Satmar Rov was a "tziyoni"!)
Arbiter, he copied it from YeshivaWorld.com, you braindoctor!
See what a big knas there is when someone cheppes with Snags !
At least the SR paid the knas, so he could have a kapporo, but what about those who start with snags and don't regret it or make amends ?
Oy vavoy.
A gutten chaydesh Ellul habo olaynu litayveh tzu di choshuveh blog leit.
Just a guy-
Idiot, I was referring to the original article on theyeashivaworld.com which was copied from the original obituary years ago.
I do not know what to make of the need of people and groupings in orthodoxy who the satmarer rebbe was "es Lehova " to , to mark his yorzeit .
Of course I am not suggesting any need fror negative comments or negative discourse.
But does Satmar mark Gimmel tammuz ? Does Satmar mark Reb Moshe Feinstein's Yorzeit ?
Your blog marks al sorts of Yorzeits so I can understand this thread in your instance.
But I recall the Rebbe screaming "lo meyhem velo meyhamonom" Now who is meyhem ? if not the rabbis of the Hisachdus , like the V rav, the P rav and other rabble rousers against Israel, Lubavitch and if I may say so the Jewish people.Who was the president of this group and who formulated the "shitah" for this group if not the baal Hillula.
I am sure in Gan Eden , he knows the truth.
Of course the man contributed very much to jewish life especailly the growth of Haymishe Judaism here. But at the price of "sina" against Klal Israel wars against the gdole Israel (Lubavitz, Belz, Vishnitz , Kloizenberg etc etc) and inculcating the future deyes of his group with a gevaldike sina to their fellow jews and Medinas israel.
Zichrono Livracha
the alumnus of a Lithuanian-type yeshiva was in fact Rabbi Moshe Zvi Naeh (author of nachamu ami on avilus)and the son of the great avrham chaim naeh [died 1954] (grach neah the person who set all the measurements {Ketzos Hashulchan , peskeki siddur harav ,Shiurim Shel Torah}that we use today)BTW the both of them were Chabadskers not like tzig but Anash none the less
The story is a lie
It happened with Reb Avrohom Chaim Noeh the Ketzos Hashilchun and the famous baal Hashurie Torah in Yerushelaim probabaly in 1947 by a friday night Tisch, the 1st part I heard from eldery Yerushalmi Yiden,the 2nd part I did not hear.
so was the story deliberately changed so as not to mention a Lubavitcher, even if it was Reb Chaim Noeh?
good point
Satmar is the only place in jewish history that Sinas Yisroel is part of the curriculum, and I am not so sure that he can get credit for anything besides the Shtriemel
The Munkatcher was mad since he didnt come the Anti Aguda Asifa in Chap
Tzig - u tried to do the right thing but unfirtunately now you have become the baal achrayos for posting the blatant sinas am haaretz letalmid chahcam - by those Ohavei Yisrael - Schneur and anonymous..
Schneur - why do you choose to quote the one time that the rebbe said something negative about charedi gedolim?
Do you have any idea how many times the rebbe publicly and especially privately supported them?
Look up the sefer Betzeil occassions the rebbe defended the Satmar rebbe - when (greater Jews than you) tried to attack or disparage him. AT LEAST 3 TIMES! (I haven't gone thru the whole sefer yet)
Including once when the rebbe is quoted saying that if not the Satmar rebbe doing what he did (kanous re zionism), he (the rebbe) himself would have had to do so.
So please be very careful when trying to foster machlokos and loshon hara between rebbes.
Gershon. Please do not re write history. Satmar was run by Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum and it was he and his disciples who launched terror campaign against people like Rav Moshe Feinstein, the Kloizenberger rebbe, Reb Itche Mayer levin when he was in the uS and the vishnitzer rebbes among others.
You clearly do not read satmar publications and the stuff they write about the 7th rebbe of chabad like that Grand rabbi Reb Joel asking R Michel Ber Weissmandel to watch the 7th rebbe that he should not go off the derech...
More such stories abound.
I heard the rebbe scream lo mehem velo mehamonum ,(by the way how many times did the rebbe need to attack these people once is not enough. I guess you are unaware of the boycott proclaimed against the CRC and their products etc etc. .
By the way are you also defending the hate that the satmar community spewed forth and still does against the Jews of Israel ?? who was meyhem. was it Rabbi JB Soloveitchik, was it the Gerer rebbe was it Rabbi Schneur Kotler, was it the Vishnitzer rebbe no it was the satmarer rebbe and his rabbinic noch shleppers who used every opportunity to attack Medinas Israel, the Klal Israel and Lubavitch and preached a furious form of sinas Isral against all who did not accept the shitah hakedash ( a shita whose newspaper mourned the downing of Syrian migs by Zahal with Kiddush levonna eysios.PLEASE TELL ME WHO THE REBBE MEANT BY "MEYHEM"!!!!!
Don't even begin to rewrite history as if the 7th rebbe had any shaychus (chutz mi derech eretz) to the shitto of satmar. Punkt farkert he was the true Ohev Israel, ohev Medinas Israel and sanigeyron shel israel.
Take a look at the book by the other Chaim Liberman DER REBBE UND DER SATAN and see the "maasim tovim" of that rebbe and his followers. see what the zaddik Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin had to say about him and the heilike shitto.
By the way the legacy of the satmarer rebbe is best seen in the community he left and their daily kidduch hashem in the media .
I am fostering machlokes ? Who was a baal machlokes in Hungary with his brother , with the Spinker rebbe / With the Munkatcher with Reb Avishel of Krole, with the Tasnader ruv with anyone who did not accept his hegemony. Who was the baal machlokes after the war with Belz m, Kloizenberg, Vishnitz, the gedolim of the Aguda, with Lubavitch with anyone who dared resist the shittah and its creator.
Lashon hora why not catch a BLIK at DER YID and DER BATT and see what true lashon hara agisnt themselves and other Jews really is.
Again your comments are tzum pintel, you just omiitted 1 other onofficial weekly Der Tzietung that has every week a hate page by the infamous Sonai Yisroel mivak Menashe Fulop under the pen name Y M Sofer and a page of lies on the Satmar Rebbes arriving to America that is allready going on for 20 years at least
Lubavitch have had as many or more wars with others.They have managed to disguie it a bit better.
Bottom line:I would rather be on the Satmar 'hit list' when it comes to needing help, because when there is need the Satmarer are there to help without questions than being on the Lubavitcher 'Chabad friend' list, the help one gets from these supposed 'ohavei yisroel, vekaspom' is one big 'kadochas'
I guess it's true what they say:
first they'll beat the crap out of you then they'll come and ask if you need help. It must be the guilty conscience, as is evident from the story mentioned here. It also helps that most of the money comes from dreidlach/shmei drei.
I think that per the Chabad GDP the amount of Chabad Tzedoka is definitley larger.
When Gutnik had the mullah or Berel Weiss they gave millions to everybody with no questions asked If he goes to the Kosel or not, as the fomer electronics millionaire used to do.
If you are from russian heritage then I am amazed of your vast knowledge of there pre anti zionist turf wars,
Schneur - you did not respond to what I wrote about the rebbe's words in the sefer Betzeil Hachochma where he defends the Satmar rebbe against even greater haters than you.
And in his way, he in fact supports the SR's anti-zionist kanous.
Knowing your style, this probably passels the rebbe in your eyes as well. Nu, nu.
I the book "Shemen Soson Mechaveirecha" by Rav Wolpo about the Lubavitcher Rebbe's relationships with various tzadikim and gedolim there is also a quote in defense of Satmar Rov.
The Rebbe responds to a complaint by a religios Zionist rav (I forgot who but I can look it up if needed) that
Satmar Rebbe's attacks on State of Israel and Zionism are motivated by his ahavas Yisroel.
The Rebbe with his Ahavas Yisroel and with all his sophistication had a certain Emuna Peshuta that a Rebbe is a Muram Meyom and would not be a charlatan
Shemen Soson Mechaveirecha is a work of fiction. I'm surprised that it didn't have R Aharon Kotler singing the praises of Lubavitch.
So you have interviewed every one of thos featured in Shemen Sasson and determined that none of them happened?
After seeing the rebbe greet people like General Sharon, President Shazar, Prime Minister Begin and other Israeli leaders and diplomats and hearing the rebbe talk about Israel as a makom Miklat for Jews around the globe, one would be hard pressed to believe that the rebbe had any sympathy for the NK line or the Satmar girsa of that line.
As a Torah scholar the rebbe had a certain derech eretz for all Chachomim including the Satmar Rav (that derech eretz was shown to diverse peole like Prof Heschel, Rav Soloveitchik, Rabbi Goren in the early days and a host of people he met but did not agree with.in additon he was not ignorant of the fine points of the shittah , and knew that in princilple prior to the War it had some value but after the Holocaust man dekara shmei Reb Gershon a kasha for you if not for Israel where would the 500-750,000 survivors from Hungary-Rumania etc go to, few wee admitted to America. Should they ahve stayed in Rumania or perhaps gone to Chile or Rhodesia, I am sure their yiddishkayt would be very strong in those places.. but to think that the rebbe had any sympathy for Satmar is absurd. Next --- Rabbi Soloveitchik was really in symapthy of the Brisker rav shittah on Zionism ???
By the way I take exception to your statement that I hate Satmar, I disagree strongly with their shita on Israel, and think it makes no sense. Am I not permited to disagree, or does everyone have to agree with the Satmar position.
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