Rabbi Avrohom Aharon Yudelovitch was born in Navarodik, Russia in 1850. At age 21 he authored his first book "Alim L'Mivchan." He received Semicha from Rabbi Yom Tov Lippman of Bialystock, Poland.
Rabbi Yudelovitch left for Manchester, England, in 1898 where he became Chief Rabbi. In 1904 he arrived in the United States. He published many seforim: Beis Av (5 volumes), Darash Av (5 volumes), Av Bechachma and others. In addition, he co-published a Journal in 1910 with Rabbi Jacob Eskolski called "Hamitzpeh". Rabbi Yudelovitch passed away on the 5th of Shevat, 1930. He was survived by his wife Rose, 3 sons and a daughter.
By the way the Rogochover called Rabbi Yudelevitch a "Zaken mamare" for a teshuva he printed.
He was a big Gaon, interestingly one his teshuvoh seforim was printed in Satmar.
Toward the end of his life he pasked differently than some other gedolim on a certain inyan and that hurt his image with some people, but he was still a great man.
I cant recall what the contreversey was but I heard something about him I think it had do to with a chalitza matter.
Of course he was one of the matirim of the eruv and clearly paskens against all machmirim so when the Boro Park eruv organizers cited his tshuvos on the matter. They responded with the accusations that 'schneur' is mentiioning.
Obviously they don't mention the גאונישע responsas that he writes on eruv in just they dismiss him in other words 'ad hominum'
Why didn't you post my comment earlier?
who are you, and which comment are you referring to?
the fairly long one about migrations of eastern european rabbonim and rabbeim around the world
who's picture us at the top of this post?
follow the link, and look at the picture there. It's the same man, the one who's biography is listed here.
it must've gotten lost, I never saw it. send it again.
He was Rav in many kehillos over the years. The last Shul where was moro deasra was the Eldridge street Shul on the lower east side of Manhattan.
He was Mattir to preform chalitza through a shliach.
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