Saturday, December 31, 2011
R' Luzer Reich goes to print
He was a Bocher'l from Manchester and he wrote it as he saw it. Shabbos with the Belzer Rov, Chevroner Yeshiva, Levayos for Gedolei Yisroel, Kfar Chabad on 19 Kislev, Hafagones in Meah Shearim, they're all there. A while back we had the uncensored version of R' Luzer Reich's letters back home in 1953-54, but I'm not sure what IBS has. Buy it here, and tell them the Tzig sent you, maybe they'll send me a copy.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Principaled Lies?
No, this is not a personal attack against Rabbi Hertz Frankel. It is what you might call simple question that comes to mind when you read his weekly article in Ami magazine. It may have reached the climax - or low point - depending on how you look at it, this week, with the bombastic headline you see here. In honor of 21 Kislev we were all told that we all owe a great deal of gratitude, and we're forever indebted to the Satmar Rov. That were it not for him we'd all still look like we did in the 40s, the 1940s, that is, and we'd eat Hershey's chocolate and Entenmann's cakes. Our wives would not wear sheitlech, even our Roshei Yeshiva's wives, and our daughters would go to mixed beaches. Shtreimlach? מאן דכר שמיה. Children speaking Yiddish? fugedaboudit!!! We had RaSHBI in our midst and we never even knew it. So you might say that after seeing that article I had seen enough! I just wonder why RHF didn't send his own kids to that euphoria if he loved it so... Is this his opinion since when he worked there, אין בית רחל, or has this been happening to him only lately; this idea that it's all Satmar, and always has been/will be. I've read the series that RHF writes since its inception. Not every week, but often, as often as I see it, which is often. I try and buy the magazine every week when I do the grocery shopping. Until this week the series didn't garner any negative responses, at least we didn't get to see any. [Now, in this week's issue, one week after the issue discussed here, Ami went ahead and printed a letter to the editor which took RHF to task for printing what they saw as untruths. So it seems like I'm not the only one who sees the series what it's really for.
Question 2 is where does the editorial board - notably the published, Reb Yitzchok Frankfurter - stand with all the Satmar pushing that goes on EVERY, SINGLE, WEEK. No, I do not expect to see a PR piece from Lubavitch every week, and I would be surprised to see an Agudah/Torah U'mesorah/Chinuch Atzmai piece every week, Avi Shafran not withstanding. So why is Satmar allowed to have one that is repackaged as memoirs? At first glance it would seem that the reason is RYF's allegiance to Satmar, which is fine. His family is very close to the Rov there. I have no issues with it. I'm not here to call him out and to "expose" anything. That's not what I do here. But then we need to remove the mask. If all RHF has to say about his tenure in BR of Williamsburg is that the SR was the Savior to Yiddishkeit post-WW2, then don't make it about being principal. Then, if that wasn't enough, Frankfurter starts being all diplomatic and makes sure to plug both Satmars. As if. C'mon, don't insult our intelligence, brother! If you want your magazine to be a cut above don't talk down to us. Otherwise you're no better than the others, and we know that if that were the case there'd be no need for Ami in the first place, right?
Pages 84-87- Ami-issue 50.Rabbi Hertz Frankel
Question 2 is where does the editorial board - notably the published, Reb Yitzchok Frankfurter - stand with all the Satmar pushing that goes on EVERY, SINGLE, WEEK. No, I do not expect to see a PR piece from Lubavitch every week, and I would be surprised to see an Agudah/Torah U'mesorah/Chinuch Atzmai piece every week, Avi Shafran not withstanding. So why is Satmar allowed to have one that is repackaged as memoirs? At first glance it would seem that the reason is RYF's allegiance to Satmar, which is fine. His family is very close to the Rov there. I have no issues with it. I'm not here to call him out and to "expose" anything. That's not what I do here. But then we need to remove the mask. If all RHF has to say about his tenure in BR of Williamsburg is that the SR was the Savior to Yiddishkeit post-WW2, then don't make it about being principal. Then, if that wasn't enough, Frankfurter starts being all diplomatic and makes sure to plug both Satmars. As if. C'mon, don't insult our intelligence, brother! If you want your magazine to be a cut above don't talk down to us. Otherwise you're no better than the others, and we know that if that were the case there'd be no need for Ami in the first place, right?
Pages 84-87- Ami-issue 50.Rabbi Hertz Frankel
Thursday, December 29, 2011
'שמעתתא ב
ג' טבת איז דער יארצייט פון הגאון ר' חיים סטוטשינער, באקאנט אלץ ר' חיים שמואלעוויטש. ר' חיים איז געווען אן אייניקל פון דער אלטער פון נאווארדאק, און האט חתונה געהאט מיט א טאכטער פון ר' לייזר יודל פינקל, דער מירער ראש ישיבה. ר' לייזער יודל אליין איז געווען א זון פונעם אלטער פון סלאבאדקא, ר' נטע הירש פינקל (הראשון). ר' חיים'ס איידעם איז געווען ר' נחום פערצאוויטש, און ר' נחום'ס איידעם איז ר' אשר אריאלי, א מגי"ש אין די מירער ישיבה אין ירושלים. ר' חיים האט א זון ר' רפאל, וועלכע איז אויך א שטיקל ר"מ אין די ישיבה דארט, אבער איך פארפאר שוין פונעם טעמע מיט די אלע יחוס
כידוע איז ר' חיים געווען אין קאבע, און דערנאך שאנחיי מיט די תלמידי הישיבה די גאנצע צייט, 6 יאר ,און איז צוזאמען מיט זיי געפארען קיין אמעריקע. קודם איז די שיף אנגעקומען קיין ס' פראנציסקא, און פון דארט איז מען געפארען נאך ניו יארק. רוב תלמידים זענען דאכט זיך פארבליבען אין אמעריקע, און ר' חיים מיט ר' חאצקעל לעווענשטיין זענען שפעטער אפגעפארען קיין ארץ ישראל. אף ר' חיים דערציילט מען אז פארענדיג אפ'ן שיף קיין אמעריקע האט פאסירט אזא מעשה: די רייזע איז גאנץ א לאנגע, גאנצענע טעג, און די בחורים זענען געווען אומגעדולדיג, וועלנדיג שוין אנקומען צום פארט אין אמעריקע. איינער איז אמאל געזעצן לעבן ר' חיים'ן און געפרעגט "וואו האלט מען," מיינענדיג וואו מ'האלט מיט די רייזע און ווען קומט מען שוין אהן, פאר א גוט יאר! האט ר' חיים זיך אנגערופען "וואו מ'האלט? שמעתתא ב'! אט דאס איז געווען ר' חיים. כולו תורה. קיין פאליטיק און קיין קנאה שנאה. און פאר דעם האט ער - לדעתי - זוכה געווען אז אפילו עמיהארצים ווי איך זענען מוקיר און מכיר די גדלות פון ר' חיימ'ן און שרייבען וועגן אים מיט דאס גרעסטע מאס דרך ארץ און יראת הכבוד
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
זאת חנוכה ביים אהל מיט מוטה פראנק
כולם באים לרבינו
"Who's Motta Frank,' you ask? well. He's a "mashpia" of sorts. A Breslover Chossid. And he seems to have a message that resonates with some of our adolescent youth, some of whom joined him there last night.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Mystery of Reb Chaim Stein and the Old Skolyer Rebbe
Our old buddy Yeshiva World posted this article about the late Reb Chaim Stein, Rosh Yeshivas Telshe-Cleveland. The article is all good and well, but what caught my eye? the pictures in the background. (Is he reading the Yated there?) You can tell alot about a man by the pictures on the wall behind him. You see the MaHaRI"L, Reb Yosef Leib Bloch of Telshe, and his son and Memale Mokom the Telsher Rov, Reb Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch, HY"D - zeide of R' Avremel Ausband of Riverdale, his mother's father - and I believe the Steipler as well. But then, surprise, surprise! The Old Skolyer Rebbe! Not once, but twice. In the left hand corner of both big pictures you see him proudly displayed. What gives? We know that Reb Chaim had Lubavitcher Shvoggers in Kfar Chabad, and even his shver, Reb Chaim Leib Zaks of Uzda, lived there after WW2, but what was the connection to the SR?
Any suggestions?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
די פיפטע ליכטל אין סטון עוועניו
- Rav Hutner 5th day Chanukah תשכ"ה -
Click on link above to be taken to page where audio will begin automatically.
Click on link above to be taken to page where audio will begin automatically.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
.....גרויסע מענטשן גרויסע דאגות
פרעמישלאנער רבי, שליט"א ביי די חנוכה ליכט, היינט אווענט
באקומען א "בליץ פאסט" פון א איד וועלכע רופט זיך יואליש
תיכף נאך אסרו חג סוכות, לאזן זיך די רבי'לעך ארויס אויף די יארכע זיך אפמעסטן א קאלירטע בעקישע וואס זאל קלאפן מיט די מנורה, מיט די ספעציעלע אויפגענייטע סערוועטלעך, מיט די נטילת ידים שיסל און טעפעל, מיטן שיינע האלצערנע מזוזה. די ציל פון א שיינע בעקישע איז צו דערלאנגן אן ארט פארן בילד "סמעק" אין די מיטן פון די פאדערשטע בלאט אויפן "כל העולם כולו" - חנוכה ספעציעלע עדיציע. די פארגאנגענע וואך, ווען עמך אידן שפירן זיך גרייט פאר חנוכה נאכן איינקויפן "ווירדשין אויל" און טשאקאלאד חנוכה געלט, הערשט אבער אן ערב פסח פיבער אין די חסידישע קוויטל שטיבער. דער רבי שפאנט ארויף און אראפ, די בעקישע ברייט אפען, די היט ווערט אראפגעשליידערט אויפן טיש. די רבי איז זייער אומרואיג און צוקאכט, אלע וויילע בליקענדיג אויפן צעל פאן וואס ער שלעפט ארויס כלאחר יד פונעם שיעפע בעקישע טאש. ער ווארט אויף א טעקסט מעסעדזש וועלכע האט געלאזט אנזאגן אז דער שניידער וועט קענען פארשאפן נאך מאטעריאל צו קענען ארויסלאזן די נייע בעקישע אין די ברייט, און ס'וועט זיין גרייט פארן בני יששכר'ס ערשטן לשם יחוד. איז די בעקישע געווארן גרייט אין צייט? לויפט קויפן דעם "כל העולם כולו" געוואר צו ווערן
Monday, December 19, 2011
ר יואל און ר' חיים
Reb Yoel Kahan visiting Reb Chaim Kanievski at his home in Bnei Beraq on Sunday evening. RYK had been in the Holy Land, and farbrenged and gave shiurim in several locations. Also seated is Reb Mendel Vechter. Standing is Moshe Shilat of ",תורת חב"ד לבני הישיבות" that organized Reb Yoel's trip.
Photo Source and transcript of "shmuess" here
Sunday, December 18, 2011
!!סקווער אונטער שווערע אטאקע פון יואל
אינעם "פארווערטס" פון היינטיקע וואך
גיט נישט אפ א טראפעלע כבוד פאר'ן סקווערער רבי'ן - רופט אים ביים ערשטן נאמען, אהן קיים שום עהרע - רופט די חסידים "מאנסטערס" פראסט און פשוט. נוצט זיינע אזוי גערופענע סאטמארע חסידים פריינט צו אטאקירן סקווער, דורך דעם וואס ער זאגט איבער קינדערישע טשעפעריי וואס ער האט געהערט פון זיי, און זאגט אז "מוטשען זיך די סקווערער חסידים פֿון פּסיכאָלאָגישע קאָמפּלעקסן," בקיצור, א פולשטענדיגע אטאקע קעגן אן עדה קדושה פון אידן וועלכע ווילן נאר דינען דעם אייבירשטען אהן קיינע שטערונגען אוועק פונעם טומל פון די שטאט, און אהן דעם וואס מ'זאל זיך דארפען באציהען מיט מענטשן וועלכע האבען נישט די זעלבע איידיעלן ווי זיי. דאס אז דאס רוב פון די איינוואוינער זענען ניטאמאל פונעם אוקראינישען אפשטאם איז אויך אן "עבירה" אין יואל'יש'ל'ס לויטערע אויגן
חרדי'שע אידן האבען א חוב קדוש דאס צורעכט מאכען
גיט נישט אפ א טראפעלע כבוד פאר'ן סקווערער רבי'ן - רופט אים ביים ערשטן נאמען, אהן קיים שום עהרע - רופט די חסידים "מאנסטערס" פראסט און פשוט. נוצט זיינע אזוי גערופענע סאטמארע חסידים פריינט צו אטאקירן סקווער, דורך דעם וואס ער זאגט איבער קינדערישע טשעפעריי וואס ער האט געהערט פון זיי, און זאגט אז "מוטשען זיך די סקווערער חסידים פֿון פּסיכאָלאָגישע קאָמפּלעקסן," בקיצור, א פולשטענדיגע אטאקע קעגן אן עדה קדושה פון אידן וועלכע ווילן נאר דינען דעם אייבירשטען אהן קיינע שטערונגען אוועק פונעם טומל פון די שטאט, און אהן דעם וואס מ'זאל זיך דארפען באציהען מיט מענטשן וועלכע האבען נישט די זעלבע איידיעלן ווי זיי. דאס אז דאס רוב פון די איינוואוינער זענען ניטאמאל פונעם אוקראינישען אפשטאם איז אויך אן "עבירה" אין יואל'יש'ל'ס לויטערע אויגן
חרדי'שע אידן האבען א חוב קדוש דאס צורעכט מאכען
Friday, December 16, 2011
אזוי ווי דער רעבעזיחרוינעליוורוחע
די זיסע תינוקות של בית רבן שלא טעמו טעם חטא ואינם כורעים לבעל, פון די הייליגע מוסד על טהרת הקודש די סאטמארער תלמוד תורה אין בארא פארק, גייען אויף א ספעציעלע נסיעה אויף א באן אזוי ווי די רבי ז"ל, ווען ער איז געפארען פון בערגען בעלזען קיין שווייץ און איז אנגעקומען אום כ"א כסלו תש"ה. היינטיקע יאר פאלט אויס כ"א כסלו אום שבת קודש איז מען מקדים די נסיעה און מ'פארט א טאג צוויי פאר דעם. מוצש"ק וועלן פארקומען 2 גרויסארטיגע פייערונגען, פאר די 2 סאטמארע פארטייען, איינס אין וויליאמסבורג און איינס הארט לעבן קראון הייטס. חרדי'שע אידן איבער די וועלט ווייסן אז אי לאו האי יומא וואלט קיין אידישקייט אין אמעריקא נישט געוועזן, און אין ארץ ישראל וואלט נאר געווען א קליינעם קומץ פונעם ישוב הישן.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
It's the man, not the beard (Guest Post)
Photo: Mary Margaret Chambliss
Matisyahu in his own words
Here’s to you, Matisyahu – L’chaim!
I don’t know much of the music – but I think “One Day” is as good a song as I’ve ever heard, and to a lesser degree, I liked a couple others that I happened to listen to – and I don’t even know the man at all. Like all “stars” who ascend and find success in the pop world, he quickly became a caricature in the minds of the masses as well as his fans or detractors. That world is a tough place, a roller-coaster of emotional peaks and valleys – it’s what they call “life in the fast lane,” and it’s not for the faint of heart. For all its attractive veneer of fame, fortune and achievement, it’s a life that few of us can relate to at all.
Among the realities that come with the territory, everything becomes amplified and placed under a microscope. It’s constantly and consistently open-season on the human being in question, as the non-stop judgmentalism of the folks keeping score at home and on the streets heave praise, scorn or indifference upon their subject without mercy. Ain’t life grand? Bastards and bloodsuckers is what we are, my friends. Not for nothing do many a famous star or starlet suffer either silently or publicly – oh, but you say, “they’re big boys and girls,” or “if you can’t take the heat stay of out the kitchen.” Ain’t you a sweetheart.
“Hey,” you respond, “they wanted the money, right? They wanted that fame, right? Well, they can’t have their cake and eat it to, you know.” Uh huh, you must be one of the compassionate types, eh? I don’t have a clue what the beard thing is about, and I don’t know much about the man other than the fact that he’s another human being trying to find his way. And that second point is, I believe, more than can be said for many of us. Most of the gutless pontificators and self-proclaimed know-it-alls (myself included), simply live life in the break-down lane, exchanging liberty and all of life's possibilities for the safety and security of following the rules of convention, “minding our rhyme and meter and going quietly about the business of achieving other ambitions.” So it is that most of us live those lives of “quiet desperation” that Thoreau spoke of, and throw stones at those who take the road less-traveled. So, I don’t know Matisyahu’s thoughts at all, but I do know what it means to feel alienated. I know what it means to feel imprisoned by my community or to be put in a box by others. I know that there are countless times that I would have loved to give ‘em all a big pie-in-the-face. How many of us wouldn’t have liked to kick convention to the curb and scream out, “I don’t want to be a part of you all?! I don’t want you to keep on defining me!” When will we give people room to live?
Welcome to Auschwitz...
P. Chovev in the Israeli Yated (no relation to the American Yated) tells us that we should learn from the Nazis that gender separation is normal and should be implemented in Israeli society. Somebody needs to tell Mr. Chovev that using Nazi methods as proof of anything doesn't fly anymore. Not that it ever did.
Source: News1
Source: News1
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Matisyahu goes OTD...
"No More Chassidic reggae superstar"
I guess there is no life after Chabad... I suppose that living in that culture does have an effect, no matter what you have on your face or on the side of your head. This is not to attack the man, just observing and maybe using him as a case in point. In any case, we feel for Matis and hope that he finds his way back. Maybe if he was less cryptic in his messages we'd know where he's up to and not have to resort to guessing games.
Monday, December 12, 2011
תולדות ר' מנחם מענדל בן אדמו"ר מהר"ש נ"ע
אזוי, זוכענדיג עפעס אנדערש איז מיר דאס צוגעקומען
אויף עמ' 50 קען מען זעהן די הסכמה פון רז"א און רמ"מ אויף ר' הלל'ס פלח הרימון, וווי אויך די הסכמה פון די ליאדיער רבי'ס. ביי מיר איז דאס א שטיקל חידוש אז מ'האט אונטער געשריבן אין איין ספר, כאטש די מחלוקה. אפשר איז דא א מעשה אונטער דעם. אפשר איז די מחלוקה נאר געווען צווישן דעם רבי'ן רש"ב און די קאפוסטער, אבער די אנדערע ברידער האבען יע געלעבט בשלום מיט די שוועסטער-קינדער זייערע? און ווער האט געברענגט דעם ספר לדפוס? פארוואס האט ער נישט געבעטען פון דעם רבי'ן אן הסכמה? וויל די רביים פלעגן נישט שרייבן קיינע הסכמות
תולדות ר' מנחם מענדל בן אדמו"ר מהר"ש נ"ע
אויף עמ' 50 קען מען זעהן די הסכמה פון רז"א און רמ"מ אויף ר' הלל'ס פלח הרימון, וווי אויך די הסכמה פון די ליאדיער רבי'ס. ביי מיר איז דאס א שטיקל חידוש אז מ'האט אונטער געשריבן אין איין ספר, כאטש די מחלוקה. אפשר איז דא א מעשה אונטער דעם. אפשר איז די מחלוקה נאר געווען צווישן דעם רבי'ן רש"ב און די קאפוסטער, אבער די אנדערע ברידער האבען יע געלעבט בשלום מיט די שוועסטער-קינדער זייערע? און ווער האט געברענגט דעם ספר לדפוס? פארוואס האט ער נישט געבעטען פון דעם רבי'ן אן הסכמה? וויל די רביים פלעגן נישט שרייבן קיינע הסכמות
תולדות ר' מנחם מענדל בן אדמו"ר מהר"ש נ"ע
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
ליובאוויטש מכבד מונקאטש
RMT (left) at the B"M
A תשורה published by the Shliach in Ungvar and the Carpathians, Reb Mendel Teichman, in honor of the Munkatcher Bar Mitzva. Teichman - fin an Ungarisher Oopshtam - maintains a very close relationship with some of the Rabbonim that are the Rabbonim/Rebbes of those towns (in name only.) Most notably the Munkatcher Rov, who helps Teichman in many ways. The תשורה was distributed to every person in attendance at the שמחה.
RMT (left) at the B"M
A תשורה published by the Shliach in Ungvar and the Carpathians, Reb Mendel Teichman, in honor of the Munkatcher Bar Mitzva. Teichman - fin an Ungarisher Oopshtam - maintains a very close relationship with some of the Rabbonim that are the Rabbonim/Rebbes of those towns (in name only.) Most notably the Munkatcher Rov, who helps Teichman in many ways. The תשורה was distributed to every person in attendance at the שמחה.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
מונקאטשער רב שפאצירט אין די מונקאטשער גאסען מיט א איד א נגיד, א יליד מונקאטש, פאריקען חודש ווען ער איז אהין געפארען פראווען א בר מצוה פון אן אייניקל
דער איד, כאטש ער איז דארט אויפגעוואקסן, איז נישט געווען פון א שטוב פון מונקאטשער חסידים, נאר זיי זענען דוקא געווען שטארקע בעלזער חסידים, אזוי אז די איראניע איז גרויס. נישט גרויס, נאר ס'איז איראניש, אבער דאס בילד איז א געשמאקע פון דעסטוועגן. דער רב איז אין זייער א גוטען שטימונג, און מ'זעהט אז דאס אוועקפארען פון די טומל פון די בארא פארקער גאסן, און סתם די ימי שמחה פון אן אייניקל'ס בר מצוה, און צו דערצו נאך ביים הייליגן זיידען אין הויף.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
הרב בצלאל נאור on OWS
All this talk about Trotsky (Leibel/Lev Bronshtein) got me thinking about this clip that I had saved for a few weeks now. You may know Rabbi Betzalel Naor from his writings. He's a very unassuming man who makes an appearance at our shul in Monsey every little while, sits in the back, and enjoys the anonymity while learning. He was amused that I knew who he was... RBN, as a talmid of Rav Kook, posthumously, that is, is carrying on RAYHK's tradition of thinking outside the box and being in line with current issues. Here's what he thinks about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Book Review - Holy Beggars (Guest Post)
Holy Beggars is an uneven book about uneven people – primarily the author, Arye Coopersmith, and Shlomo Carlebach – in a strange and unique place and time, Haight-Ashbury of the late ‘60s, specifically the House of Love and Prayer. The unevenness has the herky-jerky quality of a hand-held camera trying to track elusive characters and a fleeting zeitgeist. While there is credit given to editors, there is none of the polish of “as told to” a professional writer. The book awkardly shifts focus between past and present, different cities and stages of life, and many of the basic facts of Shlomo and the House are introduced along the way, in context, making it hard to plunge into.
Little is told of the author's background, but he winds up as the “go to guy” in the physical establishment and the spiritual teaching at the House. With little religious background, but with a lot of flower power, he embarks on this task, with Shlomo’s initial enthusiasm, but limited follow-through. Although the House has an energetics start and burns brightly, the experiment is bound to fail.The failures, both of the House and the personal lives of those drawn to it, are presented in a painfully honest way. AC is disappointed by Shlomo’s inability to commit, or more accurately his tendency to casually over-commit, and his inability to just show up on time. The marriages of Arye Coopersmith, Shlomo, and Zalman all fail, and their personal failures give a sense of their difficulty to partake of “Yeshuvo Shel Olom”, conventional settling of the world, and of unfulfilled spiritual seeking.Among the highlights of the book are Shlomo’s encounters with many other Eastern spiritual teachers. This was Shlomo B’Mochin D’Gadlin, without Tzimtzum of having to cover his Orthodox flank.
Also included is his long relationship with Zalman Schechter, including Shlomo’s assessment of their commonality and differences. There are especially poignant sections devoted to the author’s re-connecting with many Orthodox people in Jerusalem, who were initially drawn in and taught by the author, but left for Israel for destinations such as Breslov and Diaspora Yeshiva, and far surpassed the author in Orthodox commitment. There’s not much of Shlomo's Torah brought down, but that’s not what you want to know about; what you really want are details about Shlomo’s private life. Fear not, they are discussed in detail, objectively, fairly, and in context. Much is made of the schism in the Berkeley Aquarian New Age Minyan, as fallout from pro and anti-Shlomo factions. For those of us who did not directly participate in the magic of that time and place, and met Shlomo afterwards, this book serves as a taste, a ta’am, of wide-open possibilities and inevitable crashes. While we may think that going from Lakewood to Brisk, or from Spinka to Lubavitch, is a life-altering transition, these seekers went to the outer edge of the known universe and back in their spiritual journeys; and yes, there was sincerity and manipulation Be’Ir’Vuvyeh.
If not for Leibel Bronstein, there would be no Soviet Union,
Soviet Union was the nemesis Gashmi and Ruchani of Lubavtich
Lubavtich was the catalyst to the emergence of RaSHBaN (Reb Shlomo Ben Naftoli, Carlebach)
RaSHBaN was a big force in freeing Soviet Jewry
freeing Soviet Jewry was begining of the end of Soviet Union
end of Soviet Union engendered Lubavitch Messianic dreams
Lubavitch messianic dreams proved , well, how to say, controversial for Lubavitch
HaYotze MiKol Zeh - If Lubavitch had chapped Leibel Bronstein early and made him into a Mashpia, history would have been a lot different...
מנאי - בעלז פון אמאל
Little is told of the author's background, but he winds up as the “go to guy” in the physical establishment and the spiritual teaching at the House. With little religious background, but with a lot of flower power, he embarks on this task, with Shlomo’s initial enthusiasm, but limited follow-through. Although the House has an energetics start and burns brightly, the experiment is bound to fail.The failures, both of the House and the personal lives of those drawn to it, are presented in a painfully honest way. AC is disappointed by Shlomo’s inability to commit, or more accurately his tendency to casually over-commit, and his inability to just show up on time. The marriages of Arye Coopersmith, Shlomo, and Zalman all fail, and their personal failures give a sense of their difficulty to partake of “Yeshuvo Shel Olom”, conventional settling of the world, and of unfulfilled spiritual seeking.Among the highlights of the book are Shlomo’s encounters with many other Eastern spiritual teachers. This was Shlomo B’Mochin D’Gadlin, without Tzimtzum of having to cover his Orthodox flank.
Also included is his long relationship with Zalman Schechter, including Shlomo’s assessment of their commonality and differences. There are especially poignant sections devoted to the author’s re-connecting with many Orthodox people in Jerusalem, who were initially drawn in and taught by the author, but left for Israel for destinations such as Breslov and Diaspora Yeshiva, and far surpassed the author in Orthodox commitment. There’s not much of Shlomo's Torah brought down, but that’s not what you want to know about; what you really want are details about Shlomo’s private life. Fear not, they are discussed in detail, objectively, fairly, and in context. Much is made of the schism in the Berkeley Aquarian New Age Minyan, as fallout from pro and anti-Shlomo factions. For those of us who did not directly participate in the magic of that time and place, and met Shlomo afterwards, this book serves as a taste, a ta’am, of wide-open possibilities and inevitable crashes. While we may think that going from Lakewood to Brisk, or from Spinka to Lubavitch, is a life-altering transition, these seekers went to the outer edge of the known universe and back in their spiritual journeys; and yes, there was sincerity and manipulation Be’Ir’Vuvyeh.
If not for Leibel Bronstein, there would be no Soviet Union,
Soviet Union was the nemesis Gashmi and Ruchani of Lubavtich
Lubavtich was the catalyst to the emergence of RaSHBaN (Reb Shlomo Ben Naftoli, Carlebach)
RaSHBaN was a big force in freeing Soviet Jewry
freeing Soviet Jewry was begining of the end of Soviet Union
end of Soviet Union engendered Lubavitch Messianic dreams
Lubavitch messianic dreams proved , well, how to say, controversial for Lubavitch
HaYotze MiKol Zeh - If Lubavitch had chapped Leibel Bronstein early and made him into a Mashpia, history would have been a lot different...
מנאי - בעלז פון אמאל
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
For my English-speaking brethren
Last week we published A letter from Reb Shulem Foygel, Gabbai of the previous Belzer Rov, zt"l, to the latter's niece, the Rebbetzin Traneh Twersky of ניו סקווירא. The letter was chock full of Chassidishe GEFIELEN and derheren, In other words how a Chossid looks at a Tzaddik such as the BR, and especially how one looks at the said Tzaddik and Rebbe at a time of war, such as was the case in 1956. Many of my English-only speaking brethren felt left out and voiced those feelings to me in e-mails and via Google Talk. מה עשה הקב"ה? despite the fact that I did not have the time to do it myself, we did have a volunteer who took upon himself the monumental task of translating Foygel's letter, no easy task. Many of our Satmar brethren didn't take very well to the letter, and some voiced their very strong opinions about it in the comments section. What bothered them was what RSF saw as "Rebbishe Inyonim," they saw as a lack of "leadership skills," something they say that their Rebbe possessed very strongly. There was more, but there's no need to repeat all their heretical thoughts here. So now, without further ado, I present to you a free translation, somewhat literal, of the letter to Rebbetzin Twersky.
We thank Mr. Ende Tsadik for his hard work.
Translation by "Ende Tsadik" – exclusively for Circus Tent
Sunday, Mikeitz [5717/1956]
Peace and Greetings to the honor of the Rebbetzin, the Righteous and Modest, Daughter of the Sanctified, the Renown Mrs. Trana, Tlit"a
After greetings of peace and well being I hereby write to you that boruch Hashem all is in order with her uncle the Graceful Holiness (GH) the Admor Shlita and he is boruch Hashem well. The widespread reports that the GH the Admor Shlita did not lead any tishn on Shabbos Kodesh are rebbishe matters; no one can do anything about it. Although I have been with the GH the Admor Shlita for a long time and I have seen similar conduct before, now it is different. Now it happens for longer periods and it has never happened that he should not lead the Shabbos meals. It is all due to the times and not because, G-d forbid, the GH the Admor Shlita is in fear.
I can only share with you an example. When I arrived in the winter there was still a bit of a war going on in Israel, and one Friday I saw how the GH the Admor Shlita was very occupied. The Rebbetzin was not there yet [i.e. they were not yet married - ET] and it took a long time till the kindling of the candles, till the GH the Admor Shlita entered to light the candles without having had anything to drink, not even some coffee. Only after candle lighting did he drink something and then davened tefilas Shacharis, because in Israel they light the candles according to the Jerusalem calculations which works out at 40 minutes prior to sunset and therefore he was still able to put on Tefilin. We are of course troubled by the GH the Admor Shlita's conduct. But we have tried different approaches and not always do we succeed because the GH the Admor Shlita will not be swayed.
This Shabbos Kodesh it was quite intense. By that I mean that Shabbos Koidesh in the evening [Friday night] they davened on time and the tish was also as usual. By contrast, Shabbos Koidesh by day it was again like the current times. First the GH the Admor Shlita sat in his room for long periods managing his [Rebbishe] affairs. Two and a half hours after the time of candle-lighting on Friday he came in to make the daytime kiddush of Shabbos, and then the tish also went on for a long time. Everything was prolonged. Sholoish seudos took several hours, to the extent that it ended when it was light outside, and by the time havdoleh was over it was properly light. This has never happened before. This was the first time. Of course we must pray for the GH the Admor Shlita's health that this shouldn't affect his health because the effort of the divine service is very intense. There is little sleep and several nights can pass and the GH the Admor Shlita doesn't wash for a meal even in the evening. I am therefore writing to you again that we are doing all we can, we try every method but it ultimately depends on the times. Of course G-d should help that it should completely quiet down when we hope that this will not occur. (translation unclear - HT)
The GH the Admor Shlita currently makes few enquiries about politics but the times are noticeable all around him. Despite that no newspapers are read one can see on the GH the Admor Shlita that Jews throughout the world are in desperate need of help. There is a midrash in Parshas Vayishlach that the shevotim relied on the powers of that elder, Yakov Ovinu. Although Yakov Ovinu did not order them to wage war on the town of Shchem, but since Shimon and Levi were fighting a battle Yakov Ovinu said that he could not allow his children to fall into the hands of the nations. So Yakov Ovinu girded himself and waged a battle. This is what we see with the GH the Admor Shlita: although he is not agreeable to wars but since they have started one the GH the Admor Shlita prays that, G-d forbid, not a single Jew should come to harm...
Now regarding the Rebbetzin's enquiry about travelling, although in previous years there was a greater danger because according to newspaper reports Nasser ym"sh was planning to start a war, G-d forbid, on the Jews and at that time there were requests from abroad, from Antwerp, that the GH the Admor Shlita should get himself a passport and leave the country for Antwerp, nevertheless the GH the Admor Shlita would not agree although there is some divided opinion on the matter. Firstly, traveling is no simple matter for the GH the Admor Shlita and it may be as dangerous as not traveling, because how would he travel? The GH the Admor Shlita absolutely refuses to travel with an airplane and it is impossible to travel by sea, especially due to changing weather conditions.
We are very pleased that with G-d's help the GH the Admor Shlita walks about the house, that now at this age, may he live many days, he should be mobile. The GH the Admor Shlita's attendants are of great benefit to the GH the Admor Shlita's well being, as they are used to him and he is used to them and should he travel they would be prevented by law from accompanying him. Generally, leaving Israel is very questionable due to the GH the Admor Shlita's health and the stress of travelling, especially at this age. Then the question arises, where does one travel to. To Europe? A few weeks ago and perhaps even now there was more panic and fear in Europe than there is in Israel.
Then there is the issue that how does one travel if no other Rebbe is travelling. For instance, your mechuten the Vizhnitzer Rebbe who has a family does not intend to travel, and likewise others, so the GH the Admor Shlita should run off? One must also be aware that there are few Belzer chasidim in Israel but nonetheless the entire Jewry look up to the GH the Admor Shlita. Should the GH the Admor Shlita abandon Israel it will break their hearts and cause great fear to all the Jews of Israel. It will be said that since the GH the Admor Shlita is leaving it is a sign that the outlook for Israel is, G-d forbid, not good. When he was in Poland etc. the situation of klal yisorel was always taken into account and he did not just think of himself despite that the GH the Admor Shlita had a family at the time. Alas he risked everything because klal yisroel was taken into consideration. When he had to rescue himself he came to Israel so now when klal yisroel in Israel needs help will he run away...? Israel is acquainted with miracles and G-d will not forsake Israel. The GH the Admor Shlita's current conduct is not because he is in a state of shock, G-d forbid. I am certain that had he been abroad his conduct would have been no different because these are Rebbishe matters. He is informed that the world is in need of salvation and he feels for the nation of Israel and one does not flee from Israel.
One other thing, if the GH the Admor Shlita were to travel, then whichever of the great men who might follow will have an excuse that the Belzer Rov has given orders to travel. Who can take upon himself this responsibility? Trust me, I have no interest in the matter because if he were to travel then please G-d I and my family will also travel. I might even do better than in Israel especially now that during these weeks I am unable to admit people with kvitlech. Last week I admitted a few people with kvitlech, but one cannot escape the truth of the general rule that it is preferable to remain seated and not act, sit and do not seek to improve. Israel is conducive to longevity and may G-d indeed help that we should be able to welcome the Messiah with the GH the Admor Shlita speedily in our days, amen.
During the war in Israel there were several sirens during those few days and the GH the Admor Shlita went into the bomb shelter in the GH the Admor Shlita's basement. It made no impression on him, G-d forbid. I spent all the nights with the GH the Admor Shlita and I did not sleep at home so that the GH the Admor Shlita should be more assured and not be left alone with the bochurim. My children were slightly worried and I brought them to the GH the Admor Shlita so that they could spend the night with the GH the Admor Shlita.
As to the American bochurim, the GH the Admor Shlita tells no one what to do in respect of travel, whether to travel or not. Many bochurim have left and those who have not left it’s because they don't want to…
It will shortly be Chanukah and we hope that Jews will again merit miracles and the GH the Admor Shlita will surely bring about for klal yisroel all varieties of salvation…
From me the Gabbe,
Sholem Foigel
We thank Mr. Ende Tsadik for his hard work.
Translation by "Ende Tsadik" – exclusively for Circus Tent
Sunday, Mikeitz [5717/1956]
Peace and Greetings to the honor of the Rebbetzin, the Righteous and Modest, Daughter of the Sanctified, the Renown Mrs. Trana, Tlit"a
After greetings of peace and well being I hereby write to you that boruch Hashem all is in order with her uncle the Graceful Holiness (GH) the Admor Shlita and he is boruch Hashem well. The widespread reports that the GH the Admor Shlita did not lead any tishn on Shabbos Kodesh are rebbishe matters; no one can do anything about it. Although I have been with the GH the Admor Shlita for a long time and I have seen similar conduct before, now it is different. Now it happens for longer periods and it has never happened that he should not lead the Shabbos meals. It is all due to the times and not because, G-d forbid, the GH the Admor Shlita is in fear.
I can only share with you an example. When I arrived in the winter there was still a bit of a war going on in Israel, and one Friday I saw how the GH the Admor Shlita was very occupied. The Rebbetzin was not there yet [i.e. they were not yet married - ET] and it took a long time till the kindling of the candles, till the GH the Admor Shlita entered to light the candles without having had anything to drink, not even some coffee. Only after candle lighting did he drink something and then davened tefilas Shacharis, because in Israel they light the candles according to the Jerusalem calculations which works out at 40 minutes prior to sunset and therefore he was still able to put on Tefilin. We are of course troubled by the GH the Admor Shlita's conduct. But we have tried different approaches and not always do we succeed because the GH the Admor Shlita will not be swayed.
This Shabbos Kodesh it was quite intense. By that I mean that Shabbos Koidesh in the evening [Friday night] they davened on time and the tish was also as usual. By contrast, Shabbos Koidesh by day it was again like the current times. First the GH the Admor Shlita sat in his room for long periods managing his [Rebbishe] affairs. Two and a half hours after the time of candle-lighting on Friday he came in to make the daytime kiddush of Shabbos, and then the tish also went on for a long time. Everything was prolonged. Sholoish seudos took several hours, to the extent that it ended when it was light outside, and by the time havdoleh was over it was properly light. This has never happened before. This was the first time. Of course we must pray for the GH the Admor Shlita's health that this shouldn't affect his health because the effort of the divine service is very intense. There is little sleep and several nights can pass and the GH the Admor Shlita doesn't wash for a meal even in the evening. I am therefore writing to you again that we are doing all we can, we try every method but it ultimately depends on the times. Of course G-d should help that it should completely quiet down when we hope that this will not occur. (translation unclear - HT)
The GH the Admor Shlita currently makes few enquiries about politics but the times are noticeable all around him. Despite that no newspapers are read one can see on the GH the Admor Shlita that Jews throughout the world are in desperate need of help. There is a midrash in Parshas Vayishlach that the shevotim relied on the powers of that elder, Yakov Ovinu. Although Yakov Ovinu did not order them to wage war on the town of Shchem, but since Shimon and Levi were fighting a battle Yakov Ovinu said that he could not allow his children to fall into the hands of the nations. So Yakov Ovinu girded himself and waged a battle. This is what we see with the GH the Admor Shlita: although he is not agreeable to wars but since they have started one the GH the Admor Shlita prays that, G-d forbid, not a single Jew should come to harm...
Now regarding the Rebbetzin's enquiry about travelling, although in previous years there was a greater danger because according to newspaper reports Nasser ym"sh was planning to start a war, G-d forbid, on the Jews and at that time there were requests from abroad, from Antwerp, that the GH the Admor Shlita should get himself a passport and leave the country for Antwerp, nevertheless the GH the Admor Shlita would not agree although there is some divided opinion on the matter. Firstly, traveling is no simple matter for the GH the Admor Shlita and it may be as dangerous as not traveling, because how would he travel? The GH the Admor Shlita absolutely refuses to travel with an airplane and it is impossible to travel by sea, especially due to changing weather conditions.
We are very pleased that with G-d's help the GH the Admor Shlita walks about the house, that now at this age, may he live many days, he should be mobile. The GH the Admor Shlita's attendants are of great benefit to the GH the Admor Shlita's well being, as they are used to him and he is used to them and should he travel they would be prevented by law from accompanying him. Generally, leaving Israel is very questionable due to the GH the Admor Shlita's health and the stress of travelling, especially at this age. Then the question arises, where does one travel to. To Europe? A few weeks ago and perhaps even now there was more panic and fear in Europe than there is in Israel.
Then there is the issue that how does one travel if no other Rebbe is travelling. For instance, your mechuten the Vizhnitzer Rebbe who has a family does not intend to travel, and likewise others, so the GH the Admor Shlita should run off? One must also be aware that there are few Belzer chasidim in Israel but nonetheless the entire Jewry look up to the GH the Admor Shlita. Should the GH the Admor Shlita abandon Israel it will break their hearts and cause great fear to all the Jews of Israel. It will be said that since the GH the Admor Shlita is leaving it is a sign that the outlook for Israel is, G-d forbid, not good. When he was in Poland etc. the situation of klal yisorel was always taken into account and he did not just think of himself despite that the GH the Admor Shlita had a family at the time. Alas he risked everything because klal yisroel was taken into consideration. When he had to rescue himself he came to Israel so now when klal yisroel in Israel needs help will he run away...? Israel is acquainted with miracles and G-d will not forsake Israel. The GH the Admor Shlita's current conduct is not because he is in a state of shock, G-d forbid. I am certain that had he been abroad his conduct would have been no different because these are Rebbishe matters. He is informed that the world is in need of salvation and he feels for the nation of Israel and one does not flee from Israel.
One other thing, if the GH the Admor Shlita were to travel, then whichever of the great men who might follow will have an excuse that the Belzer Rov has given orders to travel. Who can take upon himself this responsibility? Trust me, I have no interest in the matter because if he were to travel then please G-d I and my family will also travel. I might even do better than in Israel especially now that during these weeks I am unable to admit people with kvitlech. Last week I admitted a few people with kvitlech, but one cannot escape the truth of the general rule that it is preferable to remain seated and not act, sit and do not seek to improve. Israel is conducive to longevity and may G-d indeed help that we should be able to welcome the Messiah with the GH the Admor Shlita speedily in our days, amen.
During the war in Israel there were several sirens during those few days and the GH the Admor Shlita went into the bomb shelter in the GH the Admor Shlita's basement. It made no impression on him, G-d forbid. I spent all the nights with the GH the Admor Shlita and I did not sleep at home so that the GH the Admor Shlita should be more assured and not be left alone with the bochurim. My children were slightly worried and I brought them to the GH the Admor Shlita so that they could spend the night with the GH the Admor Shlita.
As to the American bochurim, the GH the Admor Shlita tells no one what to do in respect of travel, whether to travel or not. Many bochurim have left and those who have not left it’s because they don't want to…
It will shortly be Chanukah and we hope that Jews will again merit miracles and the GH the Admor Shlita will surely bring about for klal yisroel all varieties of salvation…
From me the Gabbe,
Sholem Foigel
Monday, November 28, 2011
Comment of the Century
Here's what one reader had to say on VosIzNeias' post about the Kinus HaShluchim Banquet Last Night
"I have to admit, having watched video segments from both the Chabad and Agudah meetings, it was like watching a chassanah versus a levayah and I'll let you guess which was which. One was upbeat, positive and rejoicing in what Hashem has done for Yiddeshkeit and will continue doing, and the other was a nonstop cry of "Gevalt, Yidden!" and how we've all gone off the derech and need to do major league tshuvah. Maybe next year, the Agudah will simply cancel their convention and attend as guests of Chabad (I'm sure the shalichim will enjoy the opportunity of doing some really heavy duty outreach..." )
I chose to leave the comment as is to let you see the mood out there.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
פראפעסאר ר' וועלוול גרין ע"ה, דער אידישיסט
Professor Velvel Green, OBM, 83
נישט אלע ווייסן דאס, אבער פרופ ' וועלוול גרין, ע"ה, וועלכע איז די וואך פלוצלינג אוועק אין עלטער פון 83 יאר, איז אמאל געווען א אידישע שרייבער אויך! זיין אידיש איז געווען פונעם ניט-פרומע סארט, דהיינו אידיש האט ער געלערנט אין די שולע דארט ווי ער האט שטודירט אלץ קינד, צו אין "שלום עליכם שולע" צו אין "י.ל. פרץ שולע." דעם ארטיקל האט ער געשריבן שוין נאך דעם וואס דער שליח ורב פעלים ר' משה פעלער זאל געזונט זיין האט זיך באקענט מיט ר' וועלוול און אים מקרב געווען צו אידישקייט. דאס זעהט מען גלייך. ער גיבט זיי אריין אין טאטענ'ס טאטען אריין, און זאגט זיי אז לא זו הדרך. אידיש אהן אידישקייט איז סופו לעפר. פון דער אברהם גולומב ווייס איך נישט קיין סאך, אבער זעהט אויס אז ער איז געווען עפעס א גברא רבא אינעם וועלט פון אידיש, א שרייבער און דענקער. קיין וויקי בלאט האב איך נישט געזעהן אויף אים. ר' וועלוול מיט זיין בריייטע שמייכל וועט אונז פעלן. די שייכות און קשר וועלכע ר' וועלוול האט געהאט מיט'ן ליובאוויטשער רבי'ן איז אויך צו באמערקן, ווייל ס'איז געווען א ספעציעלע. דארט האט מען איינגעזעהן אז די רבי איז אים מקרב סיי מיט זיינע ידיעות אין עניני העולם, און סיי מיט "סתם רבי'שע" ענינים. שווער דאס אפשר מסביר צו זיין, אבער ווען איממער מ'האט געזעהן אן אינטערוויו מיט ר' וועלוול, אדער א רעדע פון אים, האט מען געוואוסט אז מ'גייט הערן גוטע זאכען, פנינים של ממש, אוצרות פונעם רבינ'ס חדר, אזוי צו זאגען. זיין זיסע שמייכל און ליכטיגע געזיכט איז געווען גענוג אויף צו באלייכטען דעם גאנצען ציממער. ס'דא נאך אסאך צו שרייבן וועגן ר' וועלוול, און אפשר קענען די חשוב'ע ליינער אויך עפעס צוגעבן, אבער די צייט איז ביי מיר קורץ און איך מוז דאס אפדרוקן
Velvel Green Yiddish

ר' וועלוול מיט אסאך יארען צוריק
an obituary by Dovid Z @
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
"פון מיר דעם גבאי"
אורות גליון 6
An historic letter from Reb Shulem Fogel, legendary gabbai of the previous Belzer Rov, zt"l to the "Iron Lady of New Square," Rebbetzin Traneh Twerski, o"h, wife of RYY of Skver, and mother of the current Skverrer Rebbe shlit"a. Traneh was the daughter of Reb Pinches (Pinye'le) Ostiller, HY"D, who was married to a sister of the Belzer Rov, a daughter of Reb Yisocher Dov of Belz, zt"l. This was the time of '56 Sinai Campaign and she was concerned about her uncle's well-being. It seems like she wanted him to leave Israel and travel to Europe until it all blows over. Reb Shulem writes that the Ruv's family was sacrificed in Poland during WW2 for Klal Yisroel, and that during the war the Ruv always thought about the Klal, and not about his personal well being. Yes, I know, many of you don't read Yiddish and feel left out. Believe me, I do it out of love, of Yiddish, that is. I bear no ill will to you non-Yiddish speakers and readers. I did give you a basic idea as to the contents of the letter, so cut me some slack, will ya?
An historic letter from Reb Shulem Fogel, legendary gabbai of the previous Belzer Rov, zt"l to the "Iron Lady of New Square," Rebbetzin Traneh Twerski, o"h, wife of RYY of Skver, and mother of the current Skverrer Rebbe shlit"a. Traneh was the daughter of Reb Pinches (Pinye'le) Ostiller, HY"D, who was married to a sister of the Belzer Rov, a daughter of Reb Yisocher Dov of Belz, zt"l. This was the time of '56 Sinai Campaign and she was concerned about her uncle's well-being. It seems like she wanted him to leave Israel and travel to Europe until it all blows over. Reb Shulem writes that the Ruv's family was sacrificed in Poland during WW2 for Klal Yisroel, and that during the war the Ruv always thought about the Klal, and not about his personal well being. Yes, I know, many of you don't read Yiddish and feel left out. Believe me, I do it out of love, of Yiddish, that is. I bear no ill will to you non-Yiddish speakers and readers. I did give you a basic idea as to the contents of the letter, so cut me some slack, will ya?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Luzer Twersky modelling for some British clothes manufacturer. Are they actually British? I cannot tell, the website they list in the pic doesn't seem to be clickable, so it's hard to glean any info from there. Luzer is a Rebbishe kind, his father is a Rebbe in Boro Park, and he decided to take a different path, a path not associated with Religious Jews, which is rare for Rebbishe kinder. Rebbishe kinder seem to be stuck in the rut that was created for them and they don't really get out much, even in a permitted way. [The only other time in recent memory was Reb Nachman Yosef Twersky, who left Rachmastrivka in Yerushalayim to join the Army of Lubavitch. And boy, did he ever get it over the head! And Lubavitch too!] Luzer is no longer with us ideologically, but he keeps his beard and peyos so that he can get acting jobs that call for a beard and peyos... Those are his own words. For a long time that seemed to be wishful thinking, the agents weren't calling him, but no it seems like he made the big time! I dare say he does quite a good job here!
And lest you think that I only attack non-Chabad, read this and weep!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Rebbetzin Bassie Azimov ע"ה - an appreciation
(L-R; R' Bentzion Shemtov, Rebbetzin Bassie, o"h and יבלחט"א her husband R' Shmuel (מולע) Azimov
Received via e-mail: "On an August Paris afternoon, a troubled young man rang the bell of Rebbetzin Bassie Azimov. He had met her two years before in New York, but how things have changed. They were cousins but he could not recall how. He had fallen in with a hard crowd but had finally willed his way to 28 Rue de Vinaigriers."Who are you?" from the French window on the second floor. "Ari Brisk," was the answer. "Who are you?" she asked again, looking at me. "What happened to you?" Two minutes later she opened the front door, admonishing him while inviting him upstairs. Rabbi Mulle (Shmuel) Azimov was on the phone but the harsh words did not stop. To Ari's dismay, she had drawn a bath, placed all his clothes from the dirty knapsack to wash, and was cooking a meal fit for a king- all this with harsh words, but softened by the smell of fried shnitzel. Events took a turn for the good.Years later he'd recall this parodox- it stayed with him.
He is not the only one; there are hundreds, perhaps more.
The Jewish revolution of Paris which she spearheaded with her husband was to the curious eye a wonder, yet there were reasons. She lead her life not in the shadow of what her father, the inimitable chosid R' Bentche Shemtov, had gone through, but as the embodiment of mesiras nefesh for the Rebbe's mission with dignity at every moment. Her favorite story of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka being the long walk across Paris "in the cold winter" she'd emphasize, describing the trek for milk and butter for the Rebbe in pre-War Paris.From five thirty in the morning until one o'clock the next, every day, she taught, lectured Principal a school, guided couples, suggested shidduchim, cooked, and all this while studying chassidus every day, sichos, one after the other. Long before igros bibliomancy, she'd approach a problem through a sicha, "the sicha always brings a solution." Their house was simply a sanctuary for the light of the Rebbe's chassidusת and that luminescence has lit many. I resided there for several months years ago, always considered her greatly, but her light as a chosid was beyond greatness, her family and the many who knew her now see...
I'd say it was her total bittul to the Rebbe which allowed her to saunter from an elevated perch, and touching others, allowing chassidus to flow through her for there was nothing else.She referred to the Rebbe as "dem Rebben" not der Rebbe, implying a belonging of chosid to Rebbe. The Rebbe was familiar and available but more important was the urgency of the Rebbe's call. There was work to be done, and, arguably, no shluchim have done that work as the Azimovs. I once ate at their Shabbos table when a guest, new to traditional Judaism, began asking questions about feminism and Judaism when Bassie interrupted her with a very strong lecture about the state of women today in light of promiscuity in modern culture. I felt embarrassed for the woman; Bassie was being too strong. To my astonishment the woman became a full ba'alas tshuveh, within a few months. She was persistent and more importantly lived the Rebbe's truth in heroic fashion, all this with a life threatening illness that she harbored for years.The involvement of the Rebbe during her trying sickness, entailed daily updates and guidance. For years she ate butter and told me that when she was unable to digest food, the Rebbe had recommended butter, and it had been the only food which she had been able to digest the following years. Bassie never for a moment compromised. Perhaps therein is the secret, how one is imbued with that special spirit to be an infinite chosid of "dem Rebben."
Ad kan the email.
HT says: Rebbetzin Bassie Azimov passed away in Paris last week at the age of 67. She was the daughter of the Chossid Reb Bentzion Shemtov of London and the wife of Reb Shmuel (Mulle) Azimov, shliach to Paris. She and her husband were responsible for the tremendous "revolution" of Yiddishkeit in Paris that goes on until today. What has been accomplished in France hasn't happened anywhere else in the world. Hundreds upon hundreds, if not thonsands of families that lead complete Torah lives. Some thrird generation already. All were introduced to Yiddishkeit by Reb Mulle and his Rebbetzin. The love and respect, and even reverence that people who came in contact with the Azimovs have for them is nothing short of amazing. All their mushpoyim and mekurovim are like their own children, and at the levaya they cried as if their own mother had passed away. No matter where you stand on the Chabad politics you respected Mulle and his wife because they demanded respect. Not they demanded it, it was their work and accomplishments that demanded it for them. They themselves asked for nothing. When you saw that she had passed away you were saddened, because you knew that there is nobody that can replace her. You also cried for her husband, a tzubrochene man physically, who suffered a stroke some years ago, and who now suffers so much more upon his mate. May the Eybershter give him lange, gezunte yohren, and may their children know only joy and happiness מכאן ולהבא עד עולם
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Is Areivim out of touch?
You may not get to see this fine publication; it may be Monsey-area only. I didn't see last week's issue, where they mentioned Shlomo and Meir Kahane's Yohrtzeits, so I don't know what it was exactly that they wrote. But my son ZG"Z (= zol gezunt zein) brought this to my attention. He knows by now what gets my goat, I guess. What strikes me as really weird about this is the fact that I'm sure that an organization like Areivim - "From Crisis to Control" - is not a very rigid operation when it comes to saving at-risk youth. Meaning that they'll allow things like watching sports and maybe even non-Jewish music at their centers/functions - if they have any. I'm sure that Carlebach is just fine too. Now I know that allowing it doesn't make it right, but being that Shlomo was active in saving at-risk and lost youth you'd think that they would cut him some slack. Also, if you teach kids that people like SC and Kahane are not "true gedolim" will that make them wanna come and be helped by an organization like yours? Aren't you then like the Mesivta Rebbi or principal that he so dislikes?? That's all besides for the fact that Shlomo and Kahane resonate very strong with OTD and AR youth. I assume that there were complaints about them, but complaints can be handled in several different ways. Writing a childish retraction like the one here is just that, childish.
The Cover. Notice how they only use Rabbeinu Tam's zman for מוצש"ק.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
"???וואו זענען זיי ווייטער אזוי פארקרומט געווארען"
דער שטיקל וועלכע האט ביי אונז געהויבן די אויגענברעמען איז דארט - אויף עמ' 2 צום סוף - ווי דער סאטמאר רב רעדט וועגן דעם דרך הלימוד און פרעגט "וואו זענען זיי ווייטער אזוי פארקרומט געווארען,?" מיינענדיג אז די היינטיגע ליטאים, ובתוכם כנראה זיין זון ר' חיים, זענען אוועק פון דעם אמת'ען דרך, דער דרך וואס די בית הלוי אליין איז נאך געגאנגען דעראין. דאס אז ר' חיים האט מחדש געווען א נייעם דרך דאס ווייסען אלע, אבער איך גלייב אז די בריסקער קינדער היינט וואלטען אייך געזאגט אז ס'איז באמת נישט קיין שינוי פונעם דרך אבותינו, און ס'איז מיוסד אויפ'ן אלטען, אויסגעטראטענעם דרך
זקניך ויאמרו לך
זקניך ויאמרו לך
Friday, November 18, 2011
(לרגל היא"צ ה-85 של מרן מהרי"ד מבעלזא זי"ע (מעדנים לחסידי סאטמאר
די סאטמורים דא רעדן זיך איין אז איך האב עפעס קעגן זיי, און אז איך טשעפע זיי מיט זייערע רביים. דאס אז איך בין "מעלה" אטא דער קובץ וועט אייך אוודאי איבערצייגן אז ס'איז סתם א בלבול
בעלזא בתפארתה - נגד ציונות
בעלזא בתפארתה - נגד ציונות
Thursday, November 17, 2011
ייחוס שוורצמאן
I've made a little shtink about Reb Berel Shvartzman and his pedigree and the fact that the "MSM" really did very little homework when it came to eulogizing him, even in the weekend editions, when they had some time to do the research. That's beside for the fact that they basically ignored his second wife and kids, as if to say that his only claim to fame was that he was once married to a Kotler... I also called them out for not mentioning his Chabad connection. I do that sometimes. So I went digging and found some stuff. Some of it known and some not so much. It's actually quite easy if you just look, which goes to show you that sometimes we could care less. It seems to me that today's tributes don't focus enough on the details of the niftar's life, which may be why they didn't find out about his ancestors. Or maybe it was enough to them that his kids were eyniklach of RAK...

In 5704 Reb Berel's zeide was niftar, The Mechaber of משאות בנימין, that isand the periodical "התבונה" had an article about him. It seems like his elter zeide was niftar only 5 years prior to that, and was 105 (!) at the time of his passing. Based on what they say here we see that from his father's side Reb Berel came from a very choshuve Litvishe family. He was a talmid of Volozhin and a choshuve Rov in Russia. Der zeide was a mekurev of the Aderes, Reb Yitzchok Elchonon and many others. No real mention of Chassidim. Which goes to show you that they really didn't do their homework; they could have shut up those darn Lubabs once and for all by showing all these bonafide Litvaks in his yichus briv! But when it comes to Reb Berel's father they have little to say. All they say is that he's a Rov in Tel Aviv. They could've said that he was a Talmid of the Slabodka Yeshiva, which was the line of the week when it came to all the newspapers...Now, I admit the information is choppy, but I have heard from his (distant, somewhat) relatives that Reb Berel's father was a Rov who sat on all the Agudas Chabad meetings in Tel Aviv, and was considered a "Chabad Rov." I will not jump the gun here and say that it was an intentional omission by HaTvunah, even though they were a publication for Mussarnikes, maybe they were limited in space and could only write about the niftar.
The letters from the Rebbe prove what? I'm not quite sure. They prove that the Rebbe had a place in his life, whatever that means, and that he considered himself enough a Chabadnik to be in contact with the Rebbe. That much he learned while living in Nevel, I guess. I'm not assuming that Reb Berel had a strong connection because of his mother's family, who were out and out Lubavitcher Chassidim, but I know he did! That doesn't necessarily translate into a Lubavitcher obituary, I realize that. But we are discussing his yichus, and it was a part of his life. We've seen here in comments and in e-mails that I've received that he would attend farbrengens, daven in Lubavitch in London when visiting family there, as well as a story that he had with the Frierdige Rebbe when he asked about whether or not he should do his first shidduch... Ultimately wee see that Reb Berel was lost between two worlds - meaning that despite his gadlus b'torah he never ended up "making it" like some people in the Olam HaYeshivos who didn't posess half his kishronos and knowledge. Some of you have told me privately that because of the kepeydes of either RAK or RYH, both of whom have it in for him... May his neshomoh have an aliya.

In 5704 Reb Berel's zeide was niftar, The Mechaber of משאות בנימין, that isand the periodical "התבונה" had an article about him. It seems like his elter zeide was niftar only 5 years prior to that, and was 105 (!) at the time of his passing. Based on what they say here we see that from his father's side Reb Berel came from a very choshuve Litvishe family. He was a talmid of Volozhin and a choshuve Rov in Russia. Der zeide was a mekurev of the Aderes, Reb Yitzchok Elchonon and many others. No real mention of Chassidim. Which goes to show you that they really didn't do their homework; they could have shut up those darn Lubabs once and for all by showing all these bonafide Litvaks in his yichus briv! But when it comes to Reb Berel's father they have little to say. All they say is that he's a Rov in Tel Aviv. They could've said that he was a Talmid of the Slabodka Yeshiva, which was the line of the week when it came to all the newspapers...Now, I admit the information is choppy, but I have heard from his (distant, somewhat) relatives that Reb Berel's father was a Rov who sat on all the Agudas Chabad meetings in Tel Aviv, and was considered a "Chabad Rov." I will not jump the gun here and say that it was an intentional omission by HaTvunah, even though they were a publication for Mussarnikes, maybe they were limited in space and could only write about the niftar.
The letters from the Rebbe prove what? I'm not quite sure. They prove that the Rebbe had a place in his life, whatever that means, and that he considered himself enough a Chabadnik to be in contact with the Rebbe. That much he learned while living in Nevel, I guess. I'm not assuming that Reb Berel had a strong connection because of his mother's family, who were out and out Lubavitcher Chassidim, but I know he did! That doesn't necessarily translate into a Lubavitcher obituary, I realize that. But we are discussing his yichus, and it was a part of his life. We've seen here in comments and in e-mails that I've received that he would attend farbrengens, daven in Lubavitch in London when visiting family there, as well as a story that he had with the Frierdige Rebbe when he asked about whether or not he should do his first shidduch... Ultimately wee see that Reb Berel was lost between two worlds - meaning that despite his gadlus b'torah he never ended up "making it" like some people in the Olam HaYeshivos who didn't posess half his kishronos and knowledge. Some of you have told me privately that because of the kepeydes of either RAK or RYH, both of whom have it in for him... May his neshomoh have an aliya.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Revision Has Begun...
This magazine clip was sent to us by a relative of Reb Berel Shvartzman. I was quite surprised to see this appear in the בקהילה, which has a Chabadnik editor-in-chief, Binyomin Lipkin. It would not bother anyone if they say that he came from a Chassidic home but took another path after seeing the great ameilus baTorah in Chevron/Lakewood, but why would you deny his background and heritage? Especially after telling us that he was born in Nevel, a Lubavitcher town like no other! This is being an Umfarginer to the 10th power!
Monday, November 14, 2011
"דער דף היומי "קאוועראפ
I must admit; the amount of Kovtzim that Satmar puts out to further the Shittah is quite impressive. I'm not sure what puzzles me more, the sentence about the REAL intentions of the Agudah, or the fact that despite statements like these from him about them that the Agudah today has more respect and fear of the SR than of some of their own members and leaders... I also don't understand the need to print all this now, I guess the spread of DY in Satmar circles needs to be stopped, and this is how to do it... The situation was that a group of bachurim organized a Daf Yomi chaburah in Satmar whilst he was on vacation, and when he learned of this ordered all the city shuls closed and delivered a fiery droshoh in the big shul where he preached about the evils of the Agudah and the deviant plan that was the Daf Yomi... the Daf Yomi was created only to hide the true intentions of the Agudah, he said, which is to strengthen the hands of the Zionists, so the learning needs to stop before the Zionism sets in. I wonder if Reb Meir Shapira knew about his own true intentions. I also have this kler, based on the Satmar Rov's popularity among the Litvish/Yeshivish crowd, if they need to stop the daf now that they know the truth about the DafYomi, and whether all the learning they did went to the S"A or not... מתקוממים בימינך, they stand up against you and use your Torah as their tool to revolt against Hashem...
לכ' עורכי הקובץ הי"ו
?איך האב געוואלט וויסן וואס איז די חשבון פון דרוקען אזעלכע ווערטער
וואס טוט עס אויף, און וויזוי העלפט עס פאר'ן קומענדיגן דור, אז מ'רעדט זיך איין אז רבבות אלפי
ישראל לערנען תורה נאר כדי צו פרעדיגן ציונות? מילא אז מ'רעדט זיך איין אז ס'איז אלץ שלא לשמה, אדער אז די מארגנים מאכען גרויסע סיומים וכדומה נאר
כדי צו גרויס מאכען די פארטיי, איז עס קינדעריש גענוג, און איך גלייב נישט אז מ'וואלט געדרוקט אפילו אזעלכע ווערטער אויף צו מפיץ זיין ברבים. אבער צו זאגען אז דער וואס עס לערנט א בלאט גמרא טעגליך שטיצט ציונות ווייל די רעיון איז צום ערשטען מאל אויפכעקומען ביי א כנסיה גדולה פון די "טריפה'נע" אגודה איז נישט מער ווי א געפערליכע קטרוג. איר דארפט איבערבעטען הונדערטער טויזענטער אידן, אשר ישנם פה ואשר איננו פה. מן הדין איז דא א חוב קדוש אויף יעדן איד נישט צו גלייבן די מוצש"ר וואס איר דרוקט אין דעם קובץ, און ווער ווייסט, אפשר אים גונז זיין מטעם די אנדערע דברי תורה וואס געפינען זיך דעראין. לאחר המעשה טראכט איך יעצט אז אפשר וואלט כדי געווען אז דיזען ווערטער זאלען געשריבען ווערן נאר אויף זשארגאן, כדי צו פארמיידען די חילול השם וועלכע קען ארויסקומען פון די פאר שורות אויף שפה"מ
Read it and weep.

Sunday, November 13, 2011
a "רשב"ן" music fest לכבוד די יארצייט היינט
Shlomo in Israel c.1958
Click here and Enjoy!
מעין עולם הבא
Many classics as well as rarities available there for your listening pleasure. Please try and refrain from "blaming" Lubavitch here for any of what you see as his indiscretions. However, I cannot keep you from doing it בין הסדרים in Philly or Stamford or Passaic, or at your Shabbos table on a long Friday night. You can do there as you wish. You can also discuss how R' Aron cried when he heard לולי תורתך, or how he was supposed to become the Reb'Kiveyger of that generation," and other such Yeshivishe hock. What's more interesting to note is how his music and he himself have become so popular among the Chassidishe Oylam, especially those who have a hard time conforming to the mainstream Chassidishe/Hungarian norms of today.
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