ניגון ששמעו התמימים באוטוואצק, פולין - מיוחס להמגיד הקדוש מקוז'ניץ זצוקללה"ה
הרב הגאון ר' חיים מאיר בוקיעט והרב החסיד ר' מענדל טענענבוים ע"ה 9 Elul, 5742 in Camp Gan Yisroel, Parksville, NY Comments and more information on this niggun are most welcome. Sounds like a niggun they sing in Karlin.
Sounds like the Koznitzer Melave Malke tune for Eliyahu Hanavi... Ish Asher kinay lasheim hukeil.."
If I am not mistaking some Koznitzer Rebbe was brought up in Karlin stolin, by some 2nd marriage arrangement. It is the reason that this niggun was sung in this 2 courts.
Sounds like the Koznitzer Melave Malke tune for Eliyahu Hanavi... Ish Asher kinay lasheim hukeil.."
The poilishe bug is tickling you still. Good stuff. Yasher koach
Ask the koznitzer rebbe of tel Aviv and the West side
Sounds like the tune for the Koznitzer "Eliyahu Hanovi- Ish asher kinay l'sheim huKeil..." by Melave malke.
Bukiet and Tenenbaum were good jews..
Just listen to the old chabad feelings when singing a nigun!!!
How i miss those years in camp with them!!!!!
Sounds like something they'd sing in Toldos Aharon of today.
במקור איז דאס א רוזשינער תנועה וואס דער בית אהרן איז עס שטארק חביב געווען. דער ווילדער קאדשניצער (ר אראלע) פלעגט שטארק קאכן אינעם ניגון ואפשר לשער שהחבדניקים באטוואצק שמעו מפיו
In Karlin they sing this niggun to the words of "Eliyahu Hanovie" on Motzei Shabbos.
"Ask the koznitzer rebbe of tel Aviv and the West side"
Er Viest a Retech, as much a can cook Yapchik
If I am not mistaking some Koznitzer Rebbe was brought up in Karlin stolin, by some 2nd marriage arrangement.
It is the reason that this niggun was sung in this 2 courts.
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