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Belz is bored of the old traditions, they're looking for new concepts. Belz - which claims to live off the dogma that טור ב"י is their חסידות - and the conservative rigidness is the essence of their אמונה, does not appeal to the youth. Why else would they have to bring in new ideas? In Belz the chasidic gathering was called קאווע, since פארברענגען on משקה המשכר, was taboo. כ"ק מרן מהרי"ד זי"ע said, that 1 drop of משקה will leave a dent for דורות... in the link posted here you see a new concept, a בעלזער פארברענגען, the Hats are removed, and instead we have the Italian דאשיקלעך... A hand is placed on the shoulder and a מ'גייט א טענצל
אוי נא לנו כי חטאנו....
Chasidus, to be genuine often entails starting from scratch.
Negina is a innovation of the current rebbe too.
you are correct on Chasidus as a whole, but Belz after the Mharash,is based on rigidness conservatism, Shamranut in modern hebrew,
I cant agree with the first comment more. In Poilen we begrudged the mainstream and shtik of things. The galicianers and hungarians all make big kavunos and kabulos about shtik. Chabad "officially" is also against shtik, and in truth sifrei chabad is clearly against shtik. But alas, even in Poilishe krayzen weve become hungarians.
I miss פשיסחא!
Did R. Pinchos Friedman and 1,500 bachurim and baalebatim also go to COTS ?
I also miss Pshischa and Kotzk,
Hungarians can't pronounce Pshicha -
From the rest of the pictures, it looks like it was just what we call here דינער השנתי. it bothers you so much that they marketed it under the name farbrengen?
Pinchas Friedmans brother aron is COTS.... it is just incorporated in BELZ INC.
Blzer Rebbe happens to be the biggest reformer in today's chasidus. He is a hidden maskil-trust me on that.He changed Belz compleatly from the way it was, and he leaks litvakes. Ekeldike platz...
long leave Belz-Machnovka!
Politics eideh-aguda- degel- shas and next???
When he first became rebba they the gabbies gave him a cos and wine for kiddush- he asked for a plate - the gabbi told him thats not are custom- he promply pulled out of his pocket a plate. Heard from his childhood freind.
I think by now he is not using a plate under the becher (Cup), so when did it change?
Russian chusid
why so much hate? I am no Chasid of his, I can agree he is a reformer but no Maskil...you are giving to much credit for him that he is a Maskil, and you give too much credit for haskala that you can go on so long being a maskil under the facade of tzadik, eventually it had to bust.
Russian chusid
Big Mechel Halberstam said last week that the Rebbe of belz, smelled already a bad stench in Willi, in year 1973,that Williamsburgh is no place for chasidus, and then he delivered proof that the Ruv has a good Chush Riech
I don't quite get the point of this Failed Messiah post. Is the problem that Belz made peace with Satmar a year ago?
(You're not claiming that the the Rashab never existed, are you?)
I'm not quite sure what the point of your נפיחה here is...
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