Sunday, February 5, 2006

B'Kesher mit Yud Shvat

Shturem brings a series of articles in "Kerem HaChassidus" by Reb Eli Chaim Carlebach z"l.
Part I
Part II
An interesting article with interesting conclusions on his part, including the quote that the time of the Rebbe's campaign LeAlter LeTshuveh etc. was a Sha'as Pekidoh, but because it was an auspicious time for Geulah it also lead to the annihilation of European Jewry. He "attributes" the FR's campaign to the fact that he was the grandson of both the Chernobler Maggid and the AR, who were promised by the Mezritcher Maggid that Moshiach would be one of their desendants. All in all a very fascinating piece.

(Eli Chayim is seen at the top left corner, holding on to Reb Chaim Nachman Kowalski)
r-l; Reb Eli Yachel Simpson, Reb Hendel Liberman-Futerfas, Teleshevsky, the Rebbe.


Anonymous said...

"He "attributes" the FR's campaign to the fact that he was the grandson of both the Chernobler Maggid and the AR, who were "promised" by the Mezritcher Maggid that Moshiach would be one of their desendants. All in all a very fascinating piece."
I doubt the AR "promised". Hirshel, you realize that that, is not going to happen anymore.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


why do you doubt he "promised"? and why will that not happen anymore?

Anonymous said...


I think the problem that RECC had with Lubavitch later was that he thought he understood better than anyone else, and he thought he understood what a "Rebbe" is. In Bobov he takeh understood, hence him being more comfortable there.

Anonymous said...

I think the esteemed Tzibaleh was pointing out how since it is highly improbable for such a decendant to indeed be Moshiach any more, it is more likly to have been a blessing than a promise.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how everyone needs to come up with a rationale for ECC. maybe he just liked bobov better - how the heck do you know his motives?

Anonymous said...


I know the heck because usually, unless there's an actual conflict or fallout, which I don't think happened here, there usually is no reason for a grown man to leave a movement that made him into the man he became. The fact that he went to Bobov of all places, doesn't help either. Then again, his brother-in-law RSBS also went to Bobov, although not as an official Chossid, so maybe it's a family issue.

Anonymous said...

The honorable Zezmir, Thanks for elaborating on my comment. ברוך שכיוונת In jewish history one can find many a time that a בקשה or תפילה was not fulfilled.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

Tzib and Zez,

The maggid said it would be that way, he didn't pray for it. Read the part where the AR came to choose the Chosson for his son's daughter (The Cherkasser for the MR's daughter.)

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

The discussion passt nisht for Chasidishe Yungeleit. I seem to remember the Nefesh HaChayim saying words like that.

Anonymous said...

Funny how anybody who leaves Lubavitch is branded.......
Looking at Lubavitch today,I'm pretty certain that any of the ehrlicheh chasidim of old would have left if they knew what kind of Circus Tent it would turn into.
Maybe R'Eli Chaim picked that up already then.

Anonymous said...

Ok buddy... So, living today who is this einikel of both?
Don't make this 'promise' that big a deal.

Actually, since Moshiach dosent seem to need to be from the living anymore, maybe the Previous Rebbe IS moshiach after all! OK, now I get you...

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


I'm sure you must have something to say other than when topics like these are discussed, no? so why don't we hear at other times?

Anonymous said...

zezmir said...
Ok buddy... So, living today who is this einikel of both?

i would say who not
bobov rebbi
satmar rebbi
current tchabin rosh yeshaiva
to name a few better known ones

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


Come to think of it, he does mention there that he heard it from the Bobover Rebbe, so......

maybe he missed the point of the story:)

The story is mentioned elsewhere as well.

Anonymous said...

fill me in please
what point did he miss

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

Don't you get it? the BR was telling him that he's the real Moshiach!

Carlebach totaly missed it!

Anonymous said...

you ever heard of a chosid and misnagid walking down the street

the chosid bumps into a woman and exclaims oy! i just bumped into a tree

the misnagid bumps into a tree and exclaims gavald i just bumped into a woman

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

let me guess, I bumped into the tree here?

Anonymous said...

that is not what i said just that the the BR was not thinking that he is moshiach

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

it happens to the best of us you know, especially with a story of the Maggid to back it up...

Anonymous said...

if you are thinking about women

but if you think as reb levi yitzock of bardichiv did about to to change places with avrhom auvini
what will hashem have from it you think diffrently

Anonymous said...

come on tzigaleh, even the famous פין יעצט אן וען עס וועט זיין א ענין צווישין חסידים אין מתנגדים וועט זיין יד חסידים על העלינה was not totally מקוים

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

I don't know about that not being Mekuyem, but until Moshiach comes we won't know if that promise isn't going to materialize.

Anonymous said...

another form of very scary meshichisim.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why no one states that these articles were originally published years ago in Kerem Chassidus the fine periodical that Carlebach edited.
They were clearly written for a non Chabad audience.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...


it says so in the original post; "Shturem brings a series of articles in "Kerem HaChassidus" by Reb Eli Chaim Carlebach z"l."

but it's nice to have you stop by every once in a while......