......נישט איך, די בעל הגראמען
הערט'ס צו ידידים
מתנגדים און חסידים
נערים וזקנים יחד
מיינע השערות
פון אידישע צרות
איך בין אין גלות אין חב"ד
1) איך האב אויף זיי נישט קיין פאראיבל
אבער ווען איך קום אריין אין שטיבל
קומט מיר אויס דאס גאנצע התנהגות עפעס
איך קען נישט פארשטיין דעם טעם
פארוואס דתיהם שונות מכל עם
ואת דתי המלך הם עושים באהבה וביראה
2) אוי! שבת, יום טוב אינדערוואכען
געוואלד! וואו בין איך דא פארקראכען
און ועל כולם קען איך נישט אפילו קריטיקירען
פסח, סוכות ימים נוראים
פאר מיר איז פלאי פלאים
און מען זאגט מיר "שווייג!", ווייל דיין זיידע האט געהייסען אזוי זיך פירען
3) לעתיד לבוא אין גן עדן
וועל איך פרגען ביים הייליגן זיידן
כ'בעט דיר זאג מיר צו איז דאס טאקע געווען דיין דרך בקודש
עס כאפט מיר ממש אן א ציטער
זיי זאגען נישט אפילו וואס עס שטייט אין דיין סידור
נישט קיין "ושמרו" נישט קיין "וידבר משה" און נישט קיין תקעו בחודש
4) אין דיין שלחן ערוך פסק'נסטו להלכה
אז אויף תפלין של ראש דארף מען מאכען א ברכה
דארפסטו אבער זעהן ווי דיינע חסידים לייגען תפלין
זיי זאגן נאר אז לפי חב"ד
מאכט מען א ברכה נאר אויפ'ן של יד
זעהסטו אליין אז זיי טוהען אינגאנצען ווי זיי ווילען
5) זיידע, דו האסט געזאגט אין דיינע שיחות
אז מען דארף נישט זאגען קיין סליחות
אין עשרת ימי תשובה, און דאס האט שוין גורם געווען ממילא
און וואס זאל איך מיט זיי קריגען
עס פאסט גארנישט צו דעם ניגון
פון ראש השנה'דיגן קדיש אז מ'זאגט נישט קיין לעילא ולעילא
6) ס'איז דאך נישט מעגליך דאס איבערצוטראגן
וואס מען דארף אזוי פיל תהלים זאגען
דער יום, דאס קאפיטל וויפיל מ'איז אלט, און שבת מברכים אינגאנצען
געוואלד אידן! האט'ס רחמנות
זייטס משנה די תקנות
איך זאל נישט דארפען זאגען "אשרי תמימי דרך" ביי די הונדערט און ניינצען יאר
7) מי שמע כזאת אז אין א יום הילולא
זאגט מען תחנון אין די תפלה
איך שריי "חי וקים" און איך טוה כסדר אויף זיי האקן
געוואלד! זיי זענען דאך רחמנא ליצלן ערגער ווי די ליטוואקן
8) אהן א קיטל ביים סדר דאס ווייס איך
אבער וואס איז געשעהן מיט'ן חסל סידור פסח
אפשר איז ער אוועקגעלאפן צוזאמען מיט'ן ותערב
אדער אפשר האט ער גאר בדעה
צוזאמען מיט'ן חד גדיא און מיט'ן אחד מי יודע
גיין אויפזוכען דעם אדיר הוא יבנה ביתו בקרוב
9) פארוואס האבען עפעס די מענטשען
פארטריבען דעם יהי רצון פון ראש חדש בענטשען
און איך מוז דאס אלץ צוקוקען, מקבל זיין בעל כורחה
ווי קומט יום טוב שיר המעלות
ווי זאגט מען לכה דודי אהן א טלית
און וואס פאר א מחותן איז דער חצי קדיש צווישען כגוונא און ברכו
10) פארלאזען אזעלכע טייערע אוצרות
נישט קיין פייט און נישט קיין יוצרות
און פארוואס זינגט מען נישט דעם י-ה קלי אתיצבה לקראתך
כ'וואלט געווען אזוי צופרידן
אדרבה, זאגט מיר אידן
וואס פאר א ניגון ער אויף ויאתיו כל לעבדיך
11) פרייטאג צו נאכט'ס זינגט מען ביי חסידים
מנוחה ושמחה אור ליהודים
כל מקדש און י-ה רבון און מען זינגט מה ידיות
אבער ביי זיי הערט מען נישט קיין קול
ס'איז שטיל ווי ביי אוהב עמו ישראל
זאגט מיר, איך בעט אייך, וואס איז דאס עפעס פאר א מין חסידות
12) וואו איז פארהאן אזא גזירה הרחקה
נישט אויפהענגן קיין נוי סוכה
און אז איך קוק מיך צו קויפן אן אתרוג, ווייס איך גארנישט וואס איז מיט אים
געוואלד געשריגען זיסע טאטע
ווי קען מען אים האלטן מיט'ן פיטם למטה
ווען אויפ'ן אתרוג איז נישט פארהאן קיין זכר פון א פיטם
13) איך קען מיט זיי נישט האלטען קיין מלחמה
איך וועל נאך מאל נעמען א נקמה
כל תלמיד חכם שאינו נוטר ונוקם אינו ת"ח
עס וועט זיין א נקימה און א נטירה
פאר'ן לשם יחוד פון די ספירה
פאר אלע שינויים וואס איך לייד זיך אהן פון זייערע דרכים
14) בקרוב ממש, גאר אינגיכען
וועו מען מקבל פנים זיין משיח'ן
און פרייטאג צונאכט'ס אויפ'ן הר הבית וועלן זיך צוזאמען קומען אלע צדיקים, אלע קדושים
און משה רבינו וועט זיין בראשם
און ר' שלמה אלקבץ וועט זינגען לכה דודי לקראת כלה
15) אזוי ווי א מחוצף בין איך תמיד
וועל איך באלד צודארפען צו דעם עמוד
און צוזאמען מיט'ן הייליגן חזן דאווענען בהתלהבות
און אויפ'ן הויכען קול וועל איך געבן א קוועטש
לפני כל חסידי ליובאוויטש
פון אלטען רבי'ן, צו דער ושמרו בני ישראל את השבת
If I don't see nice, to-the-point comments here I promise I'll take it down. It took too much time for it to sit here and gather dust. A good start would be to comment on the inaccuracies in the rhymes.
With no bitterness, I think it is fair to perceive that there is not a single mitzvah in the Torah that Chabad doesn't have its own halachic or minhag kneitch to be different.
As the paytan wrote, a number of the differences came from the Alter Rebbe's Siddur.
Some might wish to claim that "the point is not to be different. It just happened, on minhag after minhag, that the Rebbeim had those views." But I think that the desire to do andersh has been the culture, intended on at least a subconscious level.
The fact that Chabad researchers like Mondshine and Raskin can find one other kreiz that shares each shinui doesn't change the well-supported perception that b'derech klal, Minhag Chabad has this overall attitude.
I have more to say, but I know that when a comment gets too long, I tune it out. So I will stop here for now.
Number 14 line two. He says the word 'zayn'- going on the previous words.
Really, it is a play on words, and it is shorthand for 'zayner' Mishiyichin.
The implication is obvious, right?
Please enlighten us
Line 11
What does he mean quiet like by 'Oheve as amoh Yisroel'. He is referring to a subdued davening style (and that just ryhmes) or he is referrng to a Chabad minhag?
Just asking (no right)
For all the Johnny Come Latelys, Minhag Chabad is (al pi rov) minhag hagr"o... as ironic as that may seem...
Y"T Sheini
Ein hazman gromo to farenfer anything now about Reb Sheeye shli"ta but halevai any of his critics should come to his pyates in 1) Torah! 2) Yiras Shomayin! 3) Midois. 4) Geshmak in Chassidus.
Disclaimer: I've been privileged to experience kolhana"l mikaroiv.....
Re #14 wrong.
Re #11 use some seichel.
How much Torah has been written in Sifrei Chassidus on the Piyyutim and Zmiros, etc?!
The Rebbe zy"a wrote about mitzvah tanz that it was ohuv lavos and sanua labonim, maybe the same applies?
Still missing out on a velt.
You are the Poet Tzig?
O.K. you guys asked for it:
האלבע הויזן, זאקן ווייס
זעט מען נישט דארט אין קראון הייטס
אויב מען רופט צום מצווה טאנטץ
...שרייט מען באלד:הער אויף דו
אהן א הספד איינגעגראבען
?קען א איד גן עדן האבען
אבער ווער עס האט געהאט יחידות
!וועט נישט בייטען דעם חסידות
Not bad grammen.
Yehupitz, please continue part b.
If we would do the mitzvah tantz thing, you guys would shout from the rooftops, PRITZUS, right?
11) for those who never set foot in a chabad shul and prefer to have their mouths bypass their brains, in chabad they say ohev amo yisrael quietly like we are supposed to by go'al yisrael.
--Der Moderne Shaygetz
Munkatcher ainikel
FYi in chassidus there is brought zemiros of shabos and Motzei Shabos. As a note of interest, that in the torahs of the Reb Liebel Eiger alnost every torah has some of the shabos zemiros included.
Has it ever come to your brain that the Chazon Ish with his shiurim was about to change all of our life Mitzvas and Loi Sesas,
giants don"t realy care what the Yehopitzes will think of them. Chabad Rebbes were not in to building a Yankee fan with alot of liscensed memorabilia.
Mashe Lemah Hadovor Domeh, The fact that R' Chaim's new derech halimud gives a new pshat to so many shvere Rambam's, is a raya that something is wrong with the derech.
Many chabad minhagim are based on a few yesodos that change a lot of different minhagim.
Are you willing to open up the Ketzos Hashulchun saga/that whole can of worms?
I am fair game
"Mashe Lemah Hadovor Domeh, The fact that R' Chaim's new derech halimud gives a new pshat to so many shvere Rambam's, is a raya that something is wrong with the derech."
Let me guess, out of the other side of your mouth, you use the criticism of the Chazon Ish on R' Chaim to critique the mehalch.
Obama should learn from your transparency
One of the things I admire about Chabad is that they don't think that "the grass is greener on the other side". They keep their own traditions and Minhagim even if "everybody" does it differently. [Unlike other Chassisim (Yekkies and Litvisher too) that change and try to do what the others are doing. It makes them feel "holier" and not left out (or left back). example: Stoliners / Slonimers wearing Shtraimels, All these new celebrations - Lag Bomer, chumras etc.] Back in Europe every community had their unique ways. Today, in the melting pot I think it's appreciated to see differences and not everybody trying to fit in the same mold.
1. yehupitz probably didnt read to many minhogim of other gedoile y yisroel. but if he would he would know that every group has things different to everyone else. ger dont wear a kitl even on yom kipur, belz pasken you dont need a shiur kezays for moror, they dont open the orn for shma koileinu or sleep in the suka ( yes its not only chabad ) . if you would open up shulchon hatohor of the komarne you wouldnt make a comment on chabad bec you would see real revoltionary shinuim against every mokor ( in one place he actually says there is no mokor what i am saying but its emes laamito ) ve al kulam the gr"o zt"l - everyone pales by his shinuim- some out of tens of examples - he holds you make al netilas yodaim beshem umalchus when you wash for minche and mayrev, you make a brocho on all the megillas beshem umalchus, you use 2 matzes - in those days it went against every accepatable hanhoge. look in halichos hagro and mayse rav for many more examples.
2. a ( small ) tayne to tzig. i wouldnt mind if you would copy what R Twersky wrote verbatim even with his mistakes but you tried to change his spelling and takonoscho hi kalkoloscho. in all the accepted yidish spellings today ( even insatmar text books ) thye took out the shtume ayns. the only time you have an ayn before the nun is either after a mem or a nun ( nomen, gramen ) or after a kuf and gimel preceeded by a consonant ( zingen, zinken ) and a coiuple other exceptions. in all other cases its considered a daitchmerish mistake. thats the klal used in all modern publications including newspapers and likutey sichos. twersky stuck to it mostly ( hakn, bentchn, mentchn, zogn,ingantsn ) you changed it to haken, bentchen, mentchen, zogen, ungantsen ). you also always use femenine for masculin ( di rebe instead of der ) something which a native speaker would bever do.
its just some constructive criticism for the future
i just saw what leib wrote and its 100% true. in fact before the churbn you could see an individual color in every group. today everyone is mixed and lose a lot of its own flavor. i asked the komarne rebbe from bnei brak if he keeps the revolutionary psokim of his zeyde ( who writes among 100 things to make a brocho bshem umalchus on RT tfiln and whoever doesnt wear it is poshea gas ruch ukarkafto de lo monach tefiln. he told me that all the ayneklech were brough up in other places and the minhogim and psokim became assimilated.
you also always use femenine for masculin ( di rebe instead of der ) something which a native speaker would bever do.
what nonsense!!!!! I speak and write better than most Satmare etc. And I AM a native speaker!!! Most people make such grubbe mistakes, words like
גיט מארגען
משה אין אהרן
and so on.
99% of Yiddish speakers have no idea about feminine and such
I'm hurt by your misstatement here.
compare the two
see how many mistakes Twerski made. I wrote kind of from memory. I memorized the word and spelled it as it came to me.
i apologise if i hurt you - nothing is further from my intention. i specifically sayd native and not geborener. its true that most american boro parkers etc have no idea about grammer. but if you speak to any galitzianer, litvak, poilisher etc fun der heym he wouldnt say di rebbe. he would know when to say mich ( oysi ) and mir ( li ). in BP they say er hot mich gezugt which is totally wrong. noone fun der heym make such mistake. dont be upset but its more correct to leave out the shtumer ayns in wrods such as i mentioned especially when he wrote it correctly ( not always but mostly ).
i have been reading your yidish post and i do think you speak a much beter yidish than most amerecan chasidim ( especially in lubavitch yidish is much to be desired ) so when i make a few corrections dont get upset - we can discuss it like anything else on your blog. as you can see from mu previous posts ich bin nisht kein farbisener.
hope to hear from you soon that you are no longer upset
ריגעלע ריגעלע רוגז
מיר זענען געווען ברוגז
ריגעלע ריגעלע ריק
מיר זענען חברים צוריק
א דאנק א שיינעם
Most Rebelech especial the new comers Sochachov,Stuchin,Oizheroiv,Tolno Modzits,Radzin etc.. are ponovizher talmidim reliazing that they will not get the Rabonis in Kiryas Sefer, so they became Rebbes and whatever the minhag can be more Ois gehalten with Eliashev and Auerbach the better
i didnt want to use any oysdrikn which are not bakovodik to any of those new rebbes but you are confirming what I said in general
Ich bin in golus in Brisk...
what's the Golus in Brisk about?
tell us more!
I had no intention of attacking the trend I observed in Chabad minhogim. Anon 9:38pm, I meant no offence.
Part 2:
I realize that there are many unique minhogim out there, accepted by various groups. The Gra, Chazon Ish, other unique Chassidishe Minhogim that can be found in many Sifrei HaMinhagim, of which I have read a few.
Yet I maintain that the trend to be more different, in mitzvos and hanhagos across the board, is still more present in Chabad.
I think that the trend is more noticeable in the past half-century because it is now not only fighting against many trends in other kreizn, but the general trend that exists in the world at large as well as Klal Yisroel, to globalize and standardize.
To use the 20th century Chossid-Misnaged moshol of the two brothers, one who ate only fleishigs and the other one only milchigs. As the moshol goes, the two brothers fall on hard times and start eating only potatoes, until someone points out that they can now start eating at the same table. Well, to the moshol I'll add a third brother, who eats only fish, with neither meat nor milk [like the Beis Yosef :)] He doesn't back down, and sticks to his fish.
Again, with no bitterness, I point out that the perception of many is that Chabad, in addition to having had a different trend in minhogim all along, is now fortifying the trend by refusing to join the globalization bandwagon. This is much easier for them to pull off since they were never fully hitched to the train in the first place. If I'm not mistaken, the last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe to marry someone not descended from the Alter Rebbe was the Mittler Rebbe, and that was because of a technicality!
More to come...
Golus Brisk is, being in solitary confinement in the first daf in Bava Kama for a year.If you move quicker you get stripped from your title Lamdan
"Most Rebelech especial the new comers Sochachov,Stuchin,Oizheroiv,Tolno Modzits,Radzin etc.. are ponovizher talmidim reliazing that they will not get the Rabonis in Kiryas Sefer, so they became Rebbes and whatever the minhag can be more Ois gehalten with Eliashev and Auerbach the better"
every single one of those rebbes is a direct mamshich shalsheles hakodesh! just because you are not in the loop as they say, dont denigrate. being memale makom a zeide is a direct mamshich.
(it sure beats a mamshich that aint up to par or worse no mamshich at all)
"Golus Brisk is, being in solitary confinement in the first daf in Bava Kama for a year.If you move quicker you get stripped from your title Lamdan"
Sorry. Your caricature is way off. Brisk actually learns very fast.
New Post on Daas Torah. The first in a series
piggybacking AGAIN???
Some ride on the coattails of others.
OK, I will stop
you don't have to stop, but at least make it part of your signature, and write it at the end of something substantial. Not after a one-liner .
Actually Sochachov was the SON of the previous Rebbe who was killed(almost) 40 years ago in a car accident when the present Rebbe was a a young child. He was crowned Rebbe of Sochachov-Radomsk (the Radomsk part is a story in itself)in the mid 1980s when he was old enough to assume the position
anon 938
I know the sochatchover well. he is a kdosh yisroel, with boundless ahavas yisroel.
for those bakant with the derech of sochatchov realize how ra'ui he is to be a manhig of klal yisroel.
Non mouse
What did I say implied otherwise?? C'V!!
I just said he was a son, not a grandson, of the previous Sochachover rebbe ztl .
My maternal family came from Sosnoweic- Tel Aviv and knew the previous Rebbe as well as his father.MY grandfatherdavenened in Radomsker Shtiebel on Bar kochva streetin Tel Aviv. Sosnoweic Poland was the lacation of the Radomsker Hoif leading to WWII.
How does radomsk and sochachoiv collide its different way of thinking pure Lublin vs. Peshische
you are correct and I knew that he is a son. as far as yichus goes, the sochatchover is from the freatest poilishe yachsanim. he's is married to the sokolover grandaughter.
sochatchov kotzk radomsk sokolov etc I think vurka as well. I know he is a cousin of the amshinover...
Most Rebelech especial the new comers Sochachov,Stuchin,Oizheroiv,Tolno Modzits,Radzin etc.. are ponovizher talmidim reliazing that they will not get the Rabonis in Kiryas Sefer, so they became Rebbes and whatever the minhag can be more Ois gehalten with Eliashev and Auerbach the better"
My friend, are you smokin' something?
Most "rebbelach" are Ponovizher talmidim?
From the list you brought, I think the only one who learned in Ponovizh is the Sochatshover.He is not a "newcomer" he has been rebbe for 25 years or more.His father was a direct descendant of the Avnei Neizer,Shem Mishmuel and himself stidied in Kfar Chasidim and was tragically taken at a young age after a car accident.
The Toner studied in a Mizrach yeshiva than in Ger,R'Yankel Leiner of Radzin was a Chaim Berlin and Lakewood alumnus.
Btw are "Elyashiv" and "Auerbach" good buddies of yours that you won't even give them a Reb before their names?
The Stutchiner R'Yudkovsky is a Long Beach and maybe Lakewood talmid.He is also a grandson of the previous rebbe.The other Stutchiner R'Zilber is a Tora Vodaas boy I believe and is son in law of R'Moshe Wolfson.He does not have family ties with Stutchin,I'm not sure how he became rebbe.
Modzitzer from Eretz Yisroel?I don't know where he learned,I know his father went to Ger and that he is a big talmid chochom.Maybe he too went to Ponovizh.Again he is no newcomer.His father was rebbe.The Modzitzer in Flatbush is a Tora Vodaas boy and also a rebbe in Tora Vodaas today.
Soif Dovor, your post is quite silly
Where is the Socotochover located?
Is he an eynekil from R' Zelig?
"i wouldnt mind if you would copy what R Twersky wrote verbatim even with his mistakes but you tried to change his spelling and takonoscho hi kalkoloscho"
Rabbi Twersky or the Tzig made the poem. I would not think that the Rabbi would be lacking self-esteem ;) ;) ;) to have such a mindset?!
Please clarify
the sochatchover is located in bayit vegan.
i beleive his rebetzin is r yitzchok zelig of sokolovs grandaughter. wich makes them cousins anyhow, being kotzker einiklach....
Shavuous Night In Gulos
Stuck somewhere in the Dickens
People chanting from their Tikuns
From many you don’t hear a peep
Monotone put them to sleep
At the beginning of every hour
Prevent moods from getting dour
They rise and start prancing
Some do call it dancing
On a Bimah someone pounds
Then they go round and round
But some don’t make a sound
Head tilted toward the ground
On the Tikun can be found
As they go around and around
Hakotom SheBichaburah
Please write about ChabadSearch.com
Lezer Yodkowsky with the col lexus truck learned in ponvich I have a friend( also A chasidishe Rov) that slept next door to him and remembers him with the Guitar. I am not belittle him since I heard that he does a lot of chesed.
Burech there are 2 Tolners, there is 1 that the Skwerer recognized and they let him open a consulate in the Republic of Skwertown, Wienberg is ostracized by them.
I'll write about Chabadsearch.com when you send me 51% of the profits made for the search engine by my blog.
besides, what can I write already?!
The silly guy is who didn"t get what I wanted to say, Ponovich is not the issue, it could be Torah Vodaas, long beach, they are not from Chassidic Vereshche,
Where does this gram come from?
did you see the previous thread, where I posted the original handwritten pages?
I kindly request a teitch in english.
was it written by twersky?
chabadsearch leads to jdate and non-frum Jewish sites. I'd suggest you edit it out.
For those trying to judge this poem out of context: Rabbi Dr. Twerski had a choice of 3 or 4 frum shuls to attend in Pittsburgh. He chose Chabad, Rabbi Sholom Posner and Rabbi Cheskel Deren willingly. He adored them. He became president of the shul. He was the Baal Kore. The only true battle he fought was against consumption of Mashke, alcoholism being his pet peeve at the time.
These grammen are tongue in cheek satire about himself. If he had davened at the Ashkenaz shul, he would have lovingly teased them about their minhogim.
Twersky doesn't have 'pet peeves' he has obsessions. No doubt the result of addictive thinking and no doubt the 12 step program can cure it; if you convince yourself hard enough. (BTW, 12 steps are proven even more affective when you pay Twersky and astronomical sum to get a private session. Well, unless your a Rebbeshe eynekel, you can get in for free, because chances are you are related to him, right?)
Cut hims some slack, will ya. Maybe his pet peeves regarding alcoholism and shame born in silence is because he has family members who suffere(d) from it.
Reminds me of the old adage, 'shikur is a Twersky', right?
And his son on 18th ave looks like he is experminenting on the 13-step program. No, he is not a drinker or an abusive personality, but he thinks all smokers are analogous to drug addicts and substance abusers.
I wonder what he says about Tylenol PM
Ner Yisroel,
"addictive thinking"? I don't think you suffer from it. And don't forget:Don't mix your Tylenol with mashke.
Can you post the words to his other "Lubavitch" song: ?און דוקא בשביל זה
I don't know that song.
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