I saw this yesterday in a new sefer on Reb MD Weissmandel, put out by a einikel. It has original droshos and new bits of info. They have 2 articles of Nisan Gordon in the Moment (a Yiddish newspaper in that era) who interviewed him in the hospital before his passing. In the Moment, they also have a article by Reb Lazer Wiezel, (it's probably Eli the one and only Auschwitz survivor...) they hide it .... in the copy you see that he cried about the shas that was printed in 1944 by the US Vaad Hatzalah organization and the money it took to print could have saved Jews - even that late. I heard this legend and hearsay forever - that he was mad at RAK for that - I never wanted to believe it but now I see... look at what Reb Reuven said on that shas! Even though I think that according to dry Halocha he was not too wrong....saving Torah is above all..... (It seems like this was said at a Nitra Yeshiva dinner in 1956, shortly before his passing, when Hungarian Jews were waiting to get over the border and into safety during the revolution there. - HT)

Its a Bomb
I am shocked that his family put it out in our PC world,
Keep it rolling
"Even though I think that according to dry Halocha he was not too wrong....saving Torah is above all....."
saving torah is more important than Jewish lives?! and its not like they were saving torah from complete elimination, as there were many places (like u.s. and israel) were torah was alive and well and enough shassen around to reprint it after the war.
A modern day Yochanan ben Zakay. How much does a printing of Shas cost? It most likely would not have been significant enough to make a dent in actual hatzolah.
and are we sure none of the hatzolah funds were used to buy Kotler his Shabbos kugel?
"and are we sure none of the hatzolah funds were used to buy Kotler his Shabbos kugel?"?
Not sure what you mean by this.
Rest assured that he did much much more than the folks from Crown hts , who were busy trying to get a library out while Warsaw burned in '39.
This whole paragraph makes very little sense.Could ten thousand boys be saved with 25 thousand $$$?
Maybe.If they had known how.
Today that 25k would be 333k
Btw, this issue, and the did they or didn't they do anything has been debated before on this blog
I guess in order to save the image of a certain Rosh, you will slash and smear a Person who devoted his life for the Klal, and Reb Michoel Ber you portray as naive.
next should be Reb Reuven, who disagreed with the Rosh too on that matter
"I guess in order to save the image of a certain Rosh, you will slash and smear a Person who devoted his life for the Klal,"
Answer the question:
Was an unbelievable amount of political goodwill and money spent in the beginning of the War , while Warsaw burned to try and get a library out??
Answer the question.
After come and preach to others who worked day and night for hatzola.
If you or the blogmaster can't take the heat or truth, let them discuss the upcoming shlichim dinner
And still we suffer from Lubavitchs' obsession with their libraries, while they burn bridges and political goodwill and loads of money to get their library out of Russia.
Stupid group of people
Books mima nafshach.
Somebody was more concerned about his pots and pans!
at first i was wondering why tzig is not responding to you guys but then i realized,
מקרא מלא דבר הכתוב: אל תענה כסיל וגו
with all due respect you guys meet the qualifications of being a כסיל to the highest possible extent I've ever saw i would love to discuss the topic but as they say "there is a fine line between talking to yourself and arguing with an idiot" i rest my case
"Was an unbelievable amount of political goodwill and money spent in the beginning of the War , while Warsaw burned to try and get a library out??
Answer the question."
I have not seen non of the transaction, but I would appreciate if you can come up with the proof of the funds....
BTW, I hate Kool aid
to the door knob guy
the reason hrshel does not answer is because this has been discussed before and he has no answers
also, don t lie, u r a door knob the 770 kind
anonymous/ari, i'm still not going to discuss the topic with you and for the above reason but i really wish i can say who i am and where i've learnt and grown up i just dont wanna give away my identity once again you are either extremely stupid or just have absolutely no clue whats going on on this planet which usually doesn't come from being smart which in that case this blog is not for you as tzig writes so stick please stick to simpler stuff
Your self importance is unbelievable!
I don't care who you are and what you think.
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