I wonder what it is that causes Lubavitchers to besmirch all that is good and pure about their movement just to get back at an adversary. They do not care that they take down with them 2 or 3 generations of Baalei Mesiras Nefesh, or even the Rebbe and all his work.
Case in point: Aussie echo
He claims to be upset about the Chinuch situation in Melbourne, something that really needs to be fixed, but he goes about it all wrong. The buzzards out there, and you know who you are, loom above cyberspace looking for fresh dead meat, and The Aussie is fair game.
Let's not kid ourselves, every movement has its share of good and bad, others have more for some reason, but others deal with it in better ways. The fact that Lubavitchers have been taught, and rightfully so, not to be afraid to ask questions has come back to haunt some of us because our disgruntled kids are speaking publicly now. When others see young people and others "exposing" the truth about Lubavitch they buy it lock, stock and barrell and are "shocked", not knowing any of this before.
Aussie: Lubavitch is fair game and ready to be had by the rhodents coming out of the woodwork, they have many willing acquaintances ready and willing to do the dirty work for them. Even within the people don't see the harm they do. Please don't be the one to do the job for them.
Good luck otherwise!
Tzig, what is your point? Our mosdos are for the most part owned by a few select individuals, AKA Head Shluchim. Many of them run them as private businesses. Decent within the organization if not allowed and when it occurs is punished.
Now some frustrated guy starts a blog, as a forum for other frustrated people to vent their emotions, and prove (contrary to what they have been told by the Powers That Be) that they are NOT the only ones complaining.
So just WHAT do you want people in these desperate situations to do? Play dead? Bow to the emperor without the clothes? Leave Lubavitch all together?
why react to and publicize another webster and his inconsequential anti lubavitch sentiment. There are non ideal circumstances in every group. Why not talk about ours proactively here? The reality of an 'outsider' seeing our dirty laundry hung out in an intellectual fashion could only illicit more understanding for everyone, and maybe even some practical improvements for lubavitch.
I am not talking about outsiders seeing his blog and getting the wrong impression, I'm talking about haters using his real frustration to further their own hateful agenda.
From what I hear the problem in Melbourne is not the hanholoh, but rather the parents who do not want to change, the Hanholoh is just taking the blame. Melbourne is a very tough nut to crack, it'll take more than an hanholoh change to clean that mess up.
wipe our runny nose is the right thing to do.forget about our haters.
Avremel, I think you are beyond your depth on this one.
in no way am I saying that problems should be ignored or pushed under the proverbial carpet, posting it on the internet in an open forum is the issue at hand.
Better post on the shul notice board?
I'm from Melbourne originally, and I totally agree with Herschel's sentiments here.
I also recently posted along these lines: http://a-farbrengen.blogspot.com/2009/01/frum-blogosphere.html
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