I remember as a 9 year-old kid seeing Fiddler on the roof, starring Topol. The scenes are etched in my mind, never to be forgotten. (goes to show you what improper movies can do to a child)
I remember crying bitterly at the scenes of the Jews of Anatevka being evicted from their homes by the apologetic soldiers who insisted that they were "just following orders". Paul Harvey, a 90 year-old GOY from middle America, said it best yesterday when he said that, for him, it conjured up memories of the film. "THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT THOSE WERE THE CZAR'S SOLDIERS".
Most Israeli soldiers have acted in a noble and respectful manner, I'm not implying that they haven't. Some seemed a little too eager to carry out those orders. The same goes for the leftist press in Israel, where the press is probably more blatantly anti-religious than in any other country.
For those who follow the teachings of Harav Kook zt"l the evictions have more severe consequences, with the foundation of the State of Israel being a part of the redeeming process. Their courage, faith, trust in Hashem, and steadfastness is to be commended and forever remembered.
The Palestinian Jews of occupied Williamsburg have outdone themselves again. Their joy at the expulsions and total disregard for their brothers is amazing even to somebody who thinks he's seen it all. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at anything.
For most others the disconnect is heartbreaking. They have very little feelings one way or the other. Some see it a cost-saving move, making good economic sense. After all, all that money and manpower being spent on 8,000 Jews? "פארוואס דארפען זיי וואוינען דארט צווישען די אראבער?"
You think somebody will wake up when they come for Kiryat Sefer, Beitar, Modi'in and the other Charedi towns?
I wonder....
how have the "palestinian jews" rejoiced? please chronicle the evidence.
Heshy, aame calling reduces you to wallowing in the mud which aside from getting dirty is not a mitzva. It also undermines (to a degree) any substantive points made.
You need to get out more. Read the forums they frequent and you'll see the rejoicing and lack of sympathy at best.
HT, please chronicle some evidence for your canard...
have you nothing to say about the first part of the post?
i saw fiddler on the roof for the first time at 25? so i probably wasn't so emotionally moved at that particular scene, but don't remember it anyhow.. Paul Harvey is a good guy and I agree with his senitment although i don't kow anything about the particular movie that he quoted...israeli soldiers..yeah i agree...Harav kook, yeah I agree....I hope this event creates a greater rift in the israeli populace so that more more become rifted to a sympathetic with a frumer perspective on existance, and the land of israel. Now, what is your evidence o wise one?
The Palestinian Jews of occupied Williamsburg have outdone themselves again. Their joy at the expulsions and total disregard for their brothers is amazing even to somebody who thinks he's seen it all. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at anything.
Just contacted friends in Williamsburgh - no such celebrations and joy - indeed disgust at people being forced out of their homes. Could you mean a few NK freaks? Most of them (Dreck, Friedbrain, Scheiss et al) are in Monsey.
People, we're getting stuck on technicalities here. The idea is that wherever I've seen the lost Jews of NorthWest Brooklyn write about the situation they have said one of two things
1) They're Minim and Apikorsim who we do not worry about and may not show pity for
2) Who asked them to live there in the first place, "endangering their children" blah blah blah
IMHO this that most people in Israel do not worry about their towns over the Green line does not differ from the Jews of Hungary who when they finally did believe that the Nazis were finished with Polish Jewry said: It'll never happen to us, we're on very good terms with our friendly neighbors!
N here's a quote for you:
כאב אלס געוויסט אז די מתנחלים זענען אידיאטן, אבער אזעלעכע נערוון קראנקע מענטשן האב איך נישט.
ווי מער איך זעה די מ'כלומר'שטע "דראמאטישע" בילדער אלס מער האב איך א נחת ווי מ'פיקסט זיי צו.
The writer says:
I've always known that the settlers are idiots, but such mentally sick people? This I never knew! The more I see the "dramatic" pictures the more nachas I have from seeing how their wagons is being fixed.
Do you see my point now?
It's one thing not to care about Shleimus Haaretz, it's another to jump with glee at the plight of our brothers and sisters.
גוט געזאגט
BP thanks for you contribution..... I wish i could cry like our brethren in gaza, i certainly feel like it....i'm starting to poll some friends in willi to understand the situation better there...one chusid told me about the value of a yids life....'do you understand the value of a yiddishe life..priceless...these yiden are in mortal danger in gush katif..its not easy to leave your home..most of us are sad for that ...but they won't be in danger anymore and this will calm down the arabs in the rest of eretz yisroel'. this was his take of the man on the street.
appease the monster with a little slab? he wants all of Israel, don't they understand?!
אז עס טוט וויי שריי(ב)ט מען!!! Thank you.
HT, you are right. its a silly rationale. But what is interesting is that a rational is offered first rather than what willi used to say l'chatchila 20 and 30 years ago: its ossur to live there, the whole place is treief, etc. citing 'halacha'/his rebbe as a proof for his opinions. Thats surely not extinct for i had such a twisted conversation like that last week from a 60 year old. I'm not saying that there is a bright new day in willi, but i sense that the pure anti Israel dogmatism is viewed as outdated and bancrupt from even those who still hold the party line, soo they rationalize instead.
It is astounding. Is lubavitch the only group that has spoken up against this capo pogrom? who else said anything, how did they communicate it and what did they say?
פארוואס דארפען זיי וואוינען דארט צווישען די פארטאריקאנע?
זיי מעגן, די מתנחלים טארען נישט
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