Reb Nosson Gurary passed away last night. He was the son of ר' חיים שמריהו, the brother of זלמן. He was a successful businessman who carried a lot of clout in the community and was someone to be reckoned with, besides for his Chassidishe qualifications.
I last saw him last year when he came to be מנחם אבל Reb Yoel Kahan who wa sitting Shiva for his sister (the wife of Reb Boruch Paris). Reb Yoel and Nosson had been classmates and friends in Tel Aviv many years ago, a time that needs to be studied on its own.
Nosson and Reb Yoel had not seen eye to eye in recent years, with each one taking different sides in the local CH disputes. However, the חסידישער אהבת ישראל that I witnessed that night was a sight to behold and a lesson for the ages. Each one sat and reminisced about the old days, recounting fond memories of a very special childhood, a time when they would go be משלים the Minyan for the Belzer Rov zt"l, or ride on the bus with the חזון איש.
This aspect of Lubavitch is what shows you the sincerity with which Chassidim take the concept of Ahavas Yisroel. It does have its shortcomings, but, as is quoted in the name of כ"ק המגיד ממעזריטש נ"ע Ahavas Yisroel needs to be for everyone, no matter his level of observance or difference of opinion. I just wish people would love each other without letting the bad ones take advantage of the love.
Recently came across your blog.
I find the Gurary family to be fascinatng subject. The Bittul to the Rabbeyim and the respect from the Rabbeyim throughout the generations is fascinating.
Chaval al d"avdin ! Was he the owner of the book store on the Lower east Side later sold to R. Lieberman ?
He was the one who printed the popular and famous large Meoros Shas with all the Chidushim in the back.
Boruch Dayan Emes.
As to "Ahavas Yisroel," I think those are probably the most abused two words in the Hebrew language.
I hear people speak about this concept often, but what a bunch of malarkey. Do the words "lip service" mean anything to anyone? Eltere Chassidim may have been true Ohavei Yisroel, I don't know, but I can't think of many people who have Ahavas Yisroel accross the board. I wish we could find a new phrase, since that one, IMHO (like many other phrases), has lost any meaning.
yes, for some reason I did omit his Meoros credentials, they slipped my mind.
Chasidishe Ahavas Yisroel comes from learning Chassidus, or from some inbred nature. עלטערע חסידים האבען געלערענט so they loved too.
I think you missed my point, or I'm missing yours.
I don't see "Ahavas Yisroel" in any real sense of the world being imbued into anyone - Chassidim, Litvishe, etc. Our kids don't see it, or hear of it. All we (as a society) do, is throw the phrase around.
How many living people can you think of that have it - in a real way? If you ask me, it's virtually non-existent today... But I hope I'm wrong.
I SAID that he did have the Ahavas Yisroel that was handed down to him from his ancestors. The problem, I would guess, lies in today's oldtimers that haven't done a good job in continuing the tradition.
Heshy, AY is handed down? please. AY is a metaphysical learning resultant or inheritance? double please. Chasidus inspires many outputs. Ay is one possible (not guaranteed)output. AY is actual performance and therefore can be measured because it is tangable. COme back to earth.
CE, i partially agree with the sentiment that the term has been devalued, but lets not take an active part in that...'our kids don't see it anymore'... AY is not an all or nothing moniker. AY is the product of human action..humans are not perfect...non perfect people have ahavas yisroel..some producing more than others. lets not toss out the AY becuase the person who is performing is not a tzadik or engaded in it 24/7. Lets focus on that portion of the glass that is full because where it is filled there is something palpable and worth inbibing.
i can say there is no ahavas yisroel around. from my expierence ,having a problem like being a little older and not married they will show no ahavas yisroel only bad looks and talk behind ur back make fun of u etc. and i lived in ch and now in boro park its all the same .now u know why moshiach is not here
AY can be handed down by teaching it, just like any other מדה
My point is that the words have lost their meaning. We keep using them, as if they meant something - when in reality, we mean "Don't be unkind to people we like."
I don't mean that we should stop doing what we are doing already, but we need to find a new way to communicate the idea ... one that gets past the zombie like nodding of the head when those words are used.
Are we still producing Chasidisher BBtim? Or should the best be on shlichus and the rest....whocares?
well said Boruch. Not everyone is capable of going on Shlichus, nor should everybody. I wish the Yeshivos would address this issue more.
Nosson was a Talmid of Reb Dovid Povarsky at Achei Tmimim in Tel Aviv and a Chaver of Reb Shmuel Berman who later went to Ponovezh when the Ponovizher Rov went to all Yeshivos to gathern the best Talmidim.
Boruch and Heshy:
During the course of my studies in Morristown, I sat by many a farbrengen by the Rosh Yeshiva and all he talked about was how shlichus is not voluntary, but mandatory. Guess what? At the end of the year he screwed up more than half the seniors and left them with nowhere to go on shlichus. I even found out later on that I was on the list to go to a certain location, but since he didn't return that yeshiva's phone calls they took shluchim from OT instead. So much for shlichus being for everyone.
As for ahavas yisroel... true ahavas yisroel can only come through bittul. Otherwise, there will always be an agenda attached to it. So I guess what you're trying to say is that chassidim don't have true bittul anymore. The only answer to that is: those who have it, don't disclose it; those who disclose it, don't have it.
east ny'er
1) The Shlichus we're talking about is "life shlichus" after you're married, but I guess your RY had his reasons
2) On AY, well said.
The obvious differences between bochurim shlichus and "life shlichus" don't apply here. They both are demanded by the system, yet when it comes down to it a great many people fall through the cracks and never make it. It's time to start thinking of a "plan b".
speaking of pictures
that picture was from shmais
From what I hear ZB was once a partner with Nosson Gurary when he was the owner of Meoros Publishing. The former's disdain for Lubavitch may have something to do with that.
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