The easiest way to generate publicity and comments on your blog is to be controversial. Criticize, condemn, berate, accuse and "expose" are always sure winners.
If you're a guy like TA you'll do anything, after all didn't somebody once say "The truth will set you free"? and who's more anxious to taste that freedom than a lonely old commie.
I will not sell my soul to the devil, I will take the high road.
TA is not about sensationalism as you propose. He posts about his interests and invests a substantial amount of time into his site. Although it's always easier to go negative than it is to go positive, if you so the same, I'm sure you would succeed.
If you want your blog to take off, post your interests and invest time!
time that I do not have (sigh)
I can relate to that problem.
i heard that busy people have more time than anyone else. maybe your schedule is not pressing enough?
I know you have more to say in that pretty little head of yours, please share some of it with the rest of us.
I would like to thank you Heshy in my long hard day your blog is funny. I do so enjoy it when you do get into the mud over minor points of history. bravo Heshy all is not waste.
heshy, not much more...really. I come into the tent, which is about 'ranting, raving, and a quick counterpunch'. I try to be a good student (and simultaneously while in a semi anonymous envirnonment let my hair down) in the ring and come out punching. It can be cathartic, only there are not to so many conversations, discourses, participants to slug with. So sometimes i'll feign a punch (in the air) and sometimes in your direction. That was the extent of the not busy enough comment. One could say on a deeper level (you pushed me to the edge!)that existentially the statement itself is true/self evident. Very few of us (myself included)is busy enough to satisfy the watcher of all things great and small. He can't really be happy with what he sees us not doing. We can all pretend but whats the point. You are a lazy bum, but so am I, and nevermind your fellow bloggers. What are we going to do about it?
you have no hair to let down, but I digress.
We can either:
1) dredge up dirt on any public person we know, especially Lubavitch haters
2) take the high road, speak of general topics without naming people and have no traffic at the site
Why not talk about current events?
Gush Katif... Justice Roberts... Parshas Hashavuah... Historical annecdotes...
ht, if you believe its either option and one is out of the question, then you might as well fold. I don't know how to get more traffic on the internet..but i do know that for conversations to be laybedig you need sizzle. to get that you need some heat. why don't we explore topics/problems in lubavitch. we are a phenominon that defies easy quantification...if a hater jumps into the conversation so what.. everything we could talk about he probably already knows..
lets go at it boys come on chasidic fight club. and you all should know that N does in fact have hair. he does not let down so much but there is folical growth for all to see. so if N's hair is on the table why not put the rest of the worlds issues here also.
being a nice frum fellow is very stressful and it can effect our hair growth. why there are problems every where and just so much growth up top. and if you try to go with the rug thing some one will say it came from some poor indian fellow who needed to buy a new cell phone. well back to the topic what was the topic again?
blessing to all
Why not try to be a positive force for change in Lubavitch? Expose the good and the bad (without getting personal, of course, just to save bandwidth) and prompt honest and thoughtful discussion.
Chabad is just too precious to leave the party apparatchiks and other vested interest groups.
By exposing the bad I'd be playing into the hands of ingrates like TA and the תחת from Minnesota. I refuse to be fodder for the buzzards
Look I'd have to agree with CE. TA is not what you make him out to be. He's not a Lubavitcher, and he makes that clear. Now if WE were doing our job and cleaning up our own act....things would be different.
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