Photo: Pravda.ru
(not my question, it's from the story.)
"Depends whom you ask.
All along the theological and political spectrum, Katrina has crystallized people’s fears into a now-familiar brew of apocalyptic theories similar to what we saw after September 11 and after the Asian tsunami several months ago.
At least one New Orleans-area resident believes God created the storm as punishment because of the recent role the United States played in expelling Jews from Gaza. On Sunday evening, Bridgett Magee of Slidell, La., told the Christian website Jerusalem Newswire that she saw the hurricane "as a direct 'coming back on us' [for] what we did to Israel: a home for a home." Stan Goodenough, a website columnist, described Katrina as “the fist of God” in a Monday column. “What America is about to experience is the lifting of God’s hand of protection; the implementation of His judgment on the nation most responsible for endangering the land and people of Israel,” Goodenough writes. “The Bible talks about Him shaking His fist over bodies of water, and striking them.”
Meanwhile, spiritual and political environmentalists say that massive hurricanes such as Katrina, along with the Asian tsunami, are messages from the earth, letting humanity know of the earth’s pain. These hurricanes are caused by global warming, environmentalists say, which are the result of using too much fossil fuel. They see the catastrophic consequences as a kind of comeuppance."
Is this an exclusively X-tian way of thinking? Because I've heard many Jews say that "maybe this is from the Ribbono Shel Olam because of Mardi Gras!"
Why are people taught that G-d is ח"ו a reactionary who "explodes" in a fit of anger and causes death and destruction?
Source: Beliefnet
"maybe this is from the Ribbono Shel Olam because of Mardi Gras!"
why because HE was not invited?
LOL Amshi
Maybe he can't stand the fact that people are having too much fun!
"Why are people taught that G-d is ח"ו a reactionary who "explodes" in a fit of anger and causes death and destruction?"
Whoever wrote this is an am haaretz! Througout the Torah G-d is referred to as the G-d of venegance. If I had that kind of power and somebody messed with my children and kicked them out of my their homes etc. I don't think I would be as gentle!
well, ANON, I wrote that part. The premise you make is that G-d did bring the hurricane to avenge for the expulsions in Gaza. WE DO NOT KNOW THAT! therefore we cannot decide if it was done for that reason.
have you never heard of yiras haonesh?
this is an ancient custom. dont screw up - because G-d is gonna getchya uf you dont watch out!
hey redneck,
who said anything about Yiras HaOnesh? all I said was that we do not know the חשבונות of G-d. As far as Yiras HaOnesh keeping you out of trouble, more power to you boy!
It has begun:
קתרינה - עונש על ההינתקות?
המקובל הרב דוד בצרי מגלה ש"קתרינה" היא תוכנית אלוהית שמטרתה ייקור מחירי הנפט בעולם בשיעורו השבועי עמד על הקשר בין הסופה להינתקות
הנטייה לקשר בין אירועים וסיבותיהם היתה דבר נפוץ מאז ומעולם. לדידם של אנשים מאמינים, כל מאורע גשמי קשור בקשר סיבתי למצב רוחני. למי יש את הסמכות לומר מה הסיבה לאירוע - זו כבר שאלה השנויה במחלוקת.
הצלבה נדירה בין הסבר נוצרי להסבר יהודי באשר לסיבת הסופה קתרינה, אולי מרמזת על גורם נסתר שעמד מאחורי ההרס שהביאה סופה אחת. נוצרים רבים רואים קשר ישיר בין המתרחש במזרח התיכון בכלל, ובארץ ישראל, "ארץ הקודש" בפרט. על-פי סקרים המתפרסמים בארה"ב, כמחצית מן האמריקנים סבורים שמה שקורה כאן יוביל לקיצו האפוקליפטי של העולם בקרוב ממש.
תושבים בניו-אורלינס יכולים להישבע שסיבת הסופה היא נקמת האל בארצות הברית על מעורבותה המסיבית ולחצה לפנות את ההתנחלויות מחבל-עזה. העונש על כך לא איחר להגיע. בתי ניו-אורלינס באו תמורת בתי הרצועה. יש מי שרואה בסופה את "נחת זרועו של האל" המזעזעת את אמריקה, על שסיכנה את ארצו של העם הנבחר.
אחד מגדולי "המקובלים העיוניים" בדורנו, הרב דוד בצרי, המשמש כראש ישיבת "השלום" קשר בין סופת קתרינה לתוכנית ההינתקות. בשיעורו השבועי היום (ד', 31.8.05) בצהריים אמר הרב בצרי לתלמידיו, כי הקדוש-ברוך-הוא מנהיג את עולמו במידה כנגד מידה. לדבריו, ארה"ב לחצה על ישראל לבצע את ההינתקות, כדי להשיג שקט במזרח התיכון. ביצוע ההינתקות, בו האמינה ארה"ב, עשוי היה בסופו של דבר למנוע את האמרת מחיר הנפט בעולם ולגרום להוזלתו.
הרב בצרי טוען שהקדוש-ברוך-הוא אינו שוקט על שמריו, שעה שעמו סובל, וכיוון ש"והאלוהים יבקש את הנירדף", והקדוש-ברוך-הוא מסייע לעמו הנירדף. הסופה הנוכחית באה לדבריו לסכל את מחשבתה של אמריקה, ובמקום שמחירי הנפט יצנחו - הם דווקא מתייקרים. הרב בצרי סיכם את דברין באומרו ש"פגיעה ביהודים אינה מועילה לכלכלתם, אלא מובילה אותם לאסונות גדולים".
אשתקד ייחס הרב בצרי את רעידת האדמה שפקדה את ישראל ל""ייקור מחירי הלחם שגרם לקיטרוג בעולם ולרעידת האדמה, עונש שמגיע בגלל צער העניים".
to put it in perspective, this mekubal HaRav Batzri was the perpetrator of the infamous "dybbuk" incident a couple of years ago in Israel.
I heard about there being a convention called "Southern decadence" scheduled for the near future in New Orleans. Maybe G-d wanted no part of this abomination?
this is ridiculous!
none of you people know why G-d does anything, so don't pretend to, ok?
They know.
About the looters. Lots of these folks are poor, uneducated, living on welfare, and they are for the most part people who may have poor impulse control and do not think resposibily about the consequences of thier actions. So when the flood hit, even if they were told to leave, they may not have had the means to do so. And maybe some of them just saw an opportunity to make mayhem, steal ipos, TV's, nike's, and have a party, living for the moment enjoying all the things they can't afford. Then they got tired and hungry and angry and since they already had a chip on their shoulder against the establishment, or 'the man', or whatever, they complained that the government left them with no help. The media, which is biased against Bush, played this up too, criticising the government every way they could. Look, the government is doing a darn good job under the circumstances. They are moving as fast and as efficiently as is possible. It didn't help that the crazy people shot at the helicopters bringing rescue and food, making them go back.
Listen to this crackpot "professor!"
Was Katrina Looting Justified?
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," September 6, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST:Gulf Coast (search) cities battered by Hurricane Katrina (search) suffered another blow when looters began to ravage businesses and homes in devastated areas.
Joining us now, the author of "What if George Bush Were a Black Man?", Professor Boyce Watkins.
Professor, let's talk about this issue of looting. Is it looting? Or is there a difference? If you're going to go and take water or food to feed your family, I see that very differently than taking a plasma television. Do you see those are two very different things?
DR. BOYCE WATKINS, AUTHOR AND PROFESSOR: Well, they're very different. But I want to ask you, have you ever really been to New Orleans (search) and really seen the poverty that people live under? New Orleans resets the definition of what it means to be poor. I went to about 25 different cities this year, promoting college attendance for inner city students. And New Orleans led the nation in terms of being the worst educational system in...
COLMES: I understand. I don't want to get off track here. I want to talk about the issue of going and taking things in a tragedy like the one we're seeing on our screens right now.
Are you saying — and I think it's all right to go take water or food to feed your family when there's anarchy. But what about taking televisions? What about taking things that you can't even plug them in. Is that the same thing?
WATKINS: Well, if you define looting as going into someone else's turf and taking something that doesn't belong to you, you can argue that we're looting in Iraq right now.
COLMES: You're not answering my question about is it OK to take a plasma television?
WATKINS: What I'm saying is that you can't point the finger at these people that you've been calling looters and all these other things.
COLMES: Why don't you answer me? I'm asking you about, is it OK to take electronic equipment at a time when what we're seeing now is going on?
WATKINS: I'm answering your question, and what I'm saying is that when you are struggling to help your family, whether it's to get whatever they need or whatever the case may be, the fact is that the line between legality and morality suddenly changes.
COLMES: I'm talking about the line between necessities and staples and luxury items.
WATKINS: Luxury items? You know what? I think that if you're going to focus on the problems of society, you want to focus on the big looters. If you're not going to focus on the big looters, then I don't see any point in picking on and kicking around the poor and downtrodden.
I mean, this city was left in a state of emergency with no federal support whatsoever. Nobody came in to protect these people. And you're worried about shooting the looters before you're worried about feeding the looters?
And so maybe if you loot on a full stomach, maybe that's a problem. But the reality is that there are lots of things going on in America. And...
SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Boyce, I want to ask you a question here. There was an AP article that quoted a guy who said, "It's an opportunity to get back at society," meaning the looting. Do you agree with that?
WATKINS: Yes, absolutely. You have a lot of people that are very frustrated. And the thing is that you have them in poverty, and they really don't have a way out.
HANNITY: So what you're saying is the way out is to steal property that's not their own, luxury items that they didn't work for. You are morally justifying stealing, aren't you?
WATKINS: I'm not morally justifying it.
HANNITY: Yes, you are. You're excusing it.
WATKINS: What what I'm morally justifying is that when you put a man with a family in a cage that he can't get out of, the fact is that he did have to make a decision. Do I continue to suffer and let the people I love suffer?
HANNITY: And Boyce, — like Alan, I'm not talking about food. I'm not talking about water. I'm talking about plasma televisions. I'm talking about, you know, 40 pairs of jeans. I'm talking about stealing.
And you, as a leader, are basically saying to people, "I understand why you do it. You're justified because of your economic income level."
And I'm saying as a leader...
WATKINS: That is wrong. That is wrong.
HANNITY: Wait a minute. Do you not defend the stealing of television sets?
WATKINS: I am not saying that every looter is justified. I think that we should have prisons and some people...
HANNITY: If somebody steals a plasma television in New Orleans in this tragedy, is that stealing?
WATKINS: Yes, it's stealing. What do you think?
HANNITY: Is it justified in any way? Can you justify it in any way?
WATKINS: Stealing a plasma TV, that might be hard to explain in the court of law.
HANNITY: May be hard to explain in a court. I'm asking morally, sir. I'm asking morally.
WATKINS: When you're talking about morality and legality, remember in this situation, they are not always one and the same.
HANNITY: You know what you're doing though? You know what you're doing, Boyce? Let me explain something about what you're doing. You are justifying. Here, we had a human tragedy. Here we had three tragedies in one, and we had this looting and this crime and this stealing, this immorality.
And you come on and say, "Well, it may be justified to steal a TV, maybe not. I don't know."
It is clear you ought to say it's morally reprehensible. It's wrong, and it led to chaos where people got hurt. And you don't have the moral courage to do that.
WATKINS: No, no, no, no, no, no. What led to chaos and people being hurt is the federal government dragging its...
HANNITY: We're not talking about that. We're going to have plenty of time for that. We're talking tonight about looting and...
WATKINS: You need to talk about the issues. The fact is that you're choosing one segment of society to kick around. You've got looters with Enron (search). You've got looters in Iraq. Focus on that. Talk about that.
HANNITY: In this case, we have three problems. We had a hurricane. We had the levees break, and then we had mayhem and looting and stealing, which contributed greatly — because here's what happened: Resources that otherwise would have been used to save lives or rescue people were diverted to stop the chaos and the looting that was widespread.
hey, it's all Bush's fault, he didn't sign the Kyoto treaty, and he was seen burning brush in Crawford, TX!
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