Sunday, March 26, 2006

a Princess

Chava Gurary, wife of Zalmen, and daughter of the Kopishnitzer Rebbe zt"l, a true Bas Kedoshim, was Niftar Friday.

(at their wedding)

(Zalmen and his Shver)

(Photos by Shturem


Mottel said...

I like the cake . . .

Anonymous said...

A Bas Kedoshim indeed. Nechda L'beis: Apta, Savran, Ruzhin, Sadigur, Husyatin and Novominsk.

They Nishmasa Tzrura B'tzror Hachaim.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

Zalmen was a shvache Chossid of his shver, and would say so in public. I guess the Lubavitcher in him didn't allow for 2 Rebbes in his life, even if it was his shver.

אבער דאס האט נישט צו די ווייב

Anonymous said...

Was she frindly to Mrs. Schneerson ?

Anonymous said...

'Zalmen was a shvache Chossid of his shver, and would say so in public'
Is that supposed to be smart of him?
Maybe after cooling his feet in 'Uncle Sams hotel' he got a bit more saychel.His shver was an exeptional yid, a true ohev yisroel.

I'm Haaretz, Ph.D. said...

HT- you always have the most interesting pictures. Where do you find them? (besides google)

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

there's no big secret, Im Phd, it's google and other sites.

Anonymous said...

fuck you

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

I thought the Litvaks are such holy people, look at the messages I'm getting from them!

Mottel said...

Uh Hirshel . . .

Anonymous said...

Most Bnai yeshiva in the US are of Hungarian or German extraction. A large group are themselves baale teshuva.
Please don not hold their behavior against real Lithuanain Jews.
By the way the original Chabad until 1940 were 98 % lithuanian jews including some who moved to the colonies and New settlments in the Ukraine . there they amintained their minhogim and Hebrew pronunciation. The rebbe although born in Nikolaev was a Lithuanian Jew. His father was from White Russia (Jewishly a part of greater Lithuania - same dress same Yiddish, same food etc).
In Israel most Bnai yeshiva are too not Lithuanians being either sefardim, Hungarians or former Chassidim (in particular Gerer) like Mr. Gaffni and others.