MBD's new album אפשר לתקן is sure to be a hit, even if it can't be danced to at weddings. The message is based on Reb Nachman Breslover zy"a's vort, אם אתה מאמין שיכולים לקלקל תאמין שיכולים לתקן, That it's never too late to correct to correct your wrongdoings, and just like you were able to "sabotage" or "ruin" so too can youy correct, the gates of heaven are always open to Tshuvah. "The Tzaddik meets a broken Yid on the street who has just about given up on life, he tells him "אל תתייאש" , Im Ata Maamin etc. (I hope the Breslovers here will elaborate on the concept).
MBD however, although strongly influenced by Breslov, both from his Rebbe Reb Itche Meir Morgenstern and from elsewhere, is still a BP kind of guy, where Breslov is for loonies (r"l). He edits the "Reb Nachman" in the story, opting to replace him with the more accepted "The Tzaddik", "הצדיק הלך ברחוב". Now, there may not have been an actual meeting of Reb Nachman with a Yid where he told him this line, but the Vort nevertheless is from Reb Nachman, so why not say so? Which PR genius told you it would hurt sales? don't they know that Breslov today is a "Big Seller"?!
For those interested here's a 5 minute clip of MBD in Medzibuzh Shabbos Zochor of this year, with his Rebbe, Reb IM Morgenstern, the man in the white robe and Spodik. Also seen, for you music buffs, is Shlomo Simcha Sufrin of Shlomo Simcha fame, next to MBD, in the Kasket. I am forever indebted to Tzemach for teaching me, in absentia, how to post Google video onto a website.
Maybe Breslov is actually not such a big seller and MBD was afraid that it would turn off people. There are still feelings against Breslov in the frum and Chassidishe velt, even if they are not so out in the open now.
Also, do you also have the same taina when people sing and say 'mitzva gedoila lihiyois bismicho tomid' which also comes from Breslov and don't say where it's from?
1) THEY did say where that Pisgom is from
2) If someone is proud of what he does, and is somehwat sincere, he won't worry about the few zealots who won't maybe buy his music.
Why is the kid holding plates?
to block his face from the cameras.
Didn't you guys see this:
I'm not speaking about his ability to compose music, we know that he re-adapts old pop songs.
I don't know about any of this stuff all I know is the Birosh Hashana niggun while very catchy seeems totally in appropriate, but then agagin Breslovers clap all througout Rosh Hashana & Yom kippur davening!!!
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