(Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin)
A Reader close to the scene writes:
When Harav Boruch Sorotzkin (who had succeeded Reb Mottel Katz as Rosh Yeshiva in Telshe-Cleveland in 1965) passed on to the olam hoemes, Reb Mordechai Gifter lived in Telshe-Stone. (he was there after starting a branch of the Yeshivah there, as well as a Kiryah). When he heard of RBS's passing, he quickly came running back, apparently afraid that Reb Chaim Stein would take over the yeshiva. Reb Chaim Stein wrote to him (and Zalman has the letter) that Rabbi Gifter should not worry, he has no inention of taking over the yeshiva, "take your time moving," Reb Chaim said, "the yeshiva is awaiting you with anticipation and open arms." At some point, Reb Chaim Stein convinced him to throw Yankel Velvil Katz - who was the rightful owner of the yeshiva through his own father's (Reb Mottel Katz, a co-founder of Telshe-Cleveland with Reb Elya Meir Bloch, zt"l.) yerusha - out of Telz. The Katz issue is a side issue because now he sides with Zalman as well as Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin, surprisingly enough.
VeKach Havoh, The yeshiva awaited him with open arms. He served the yeshiva until his passing in 5761. About a year before than He called up two Rabbanim: Rabbi Moshe Garfunkel And Harav Yisroel Grumer, and told them that "I give everything over to my ben Yochid." In recent age Zalman brought in a maggid shiur from Lakewood named Rotkin, he was not a telzer, and did not qoute Rav Chaim Telzer, but Zalman said that it's no big deal because "my father (Reb Morechai Gifter) did not either." As well it is also known that Telz was always a Mishpochoh and there were no outsiders. Also when R' Dovid Barkin passed away they blackmailed him and told him that this person whoever called does not want him to say a hesped. (I don't get the last sentence, who blackmailed whom? and with what???) There is more, I just can't seem to write it all down in such short time. Rabbanim here are greatly bothered by the going ons there, for the chutzpah that they have caused the most respected Rav in our community (Rav Grumer) pain. It seems that the Roshei Yeshiva do not respect his psak, this is the biggest attack.
ע"כ לשונו
I still don't get where this reader is coming from..... is he angry that Rabbi Grumer's psak wasn't listened to, or is he angry that Katz was chucked? Both, I guess. So, we can safely say that since 1979, when Reb Boruch passed away, Telshe has been in turmoil, despite Rav Gifter being there.