Gershon Jacobson (Yakubashvilli) died last week. This is news to no one. In recounting his years as editor of the Algemeiner Journal, much was said about him in Charedi(man, I hate that word, especially in English literature)circles, much of it negative. The reason is mostly because he disrespected Gedolim (there's another English word for you).
One may wonder, "well did he?", and if he did then maybe the criticism is warranted? But what they fail to realize is the one-sidedness of such a comment. While all other newspapers who spew their hatred of anyone minutely different on a daily or weekly basis are considered "organs" and "mouthpieces" of The "charedi" and "torah" communities, for some reason Gershon's mostly DEFENSIVE stands and opinions were derogatory and disrespectful. Was he expected as the only (somewhat weak) voice Lubavitch had for many years in the Jewish/Yiddish press to sit quietly and just take it from everybody, i.e. "Turn the other cheek?".
Are people so stupid and short-sighted?
The two 'defenders' of Judaism:Chaim Shoulson and Gershon Jacobson.Nu, nu.
(Oh, how could I forget your other hero.Der tzoodreyter Zayace,Zayantz or however you spell kook in Potuguese)
So, are you using the Bill Clinton defense... "everybody does it"?
Hey Malach, how was the parade yesterday?
No, not if it's in self-defense.
It's always great when your point is made by the first post outa the box!
Again with the flattery?!
CE, you took the words out of my mouth.
Seen elsewhere, but appropriate...
RebelJew's current definitions:
Takana - When you disagree with someone else
Machlokes - When someone else disagrees with you.
Musar - What others need to gain understanding of Takana
Lashon Hara - Someone else's voicing of Machlokes
Klipa - (evolved, Chabad) anything I don't like
She B' - Emphasized, as in Klipa She B'Klipah (evolved, Chabad)
Mamash - Empty word attached to denote the end of sentence (evolved, Chabad)
Takeh - See Mamash
Achdus - What Misnagdim don't believe in (evolved, Chabad)
Ahavas Yisroel - See Achdus
Hashgacha Protis - What causes bad things to happen to YOU
Maasim Ra'im - What you do that causs bad things to happen to ME.
Me - Your judge
Der Eybishter - the only one capable of judging me.
Reb Gerson was not criticized for defending the Lubavitcher rebbe and the Chabad community.
As a matter of fact much of the non Hungarian "Charedi" community strongly supported him in his struggle for survival against the "Farsamte Meiz" of Satmar.
I recall the late Bostoner rebbe Rabbi Moshe Horowitz strongly supported the paper and GJ's stand.
Only when GJ published an ugly cartoon against rav Shach, did the Aguda world turn against him. This cartoon was the turning point.Imagine the Yated publishing a similar cartoon against the lubavitcher rebbe depicting him as a ...
In all fairness GJ was a fine investigative reporter, Few such reporters are good diplomats, and GR was not a good diplomat. Nor was he a able publisher. He was a great reporter and journlist and his talents lay in uncovering news not in trying to run a Yiddish newspaper in the late 20th century.
As long as Reb Nissan Gordon ran blocks for him ,the paper was still backed by the general Charedi community. Reb Nisan was a pikayach and a diplomat. GJ was not When Gordon died the Algemeiner began its rapid slide to the likes of Sam Domb, Arthur Schneier and others who coveted Kavod and for the right price GJ supplied as much as you wanted.
The AJ could have been a strong organ for the non Satmar chasidic world like Ger, Bobov, Kluisenberg parts of Vishnitz, etc but it was left as the organ of Lubavitch and with the death of GJ's main backer the Lubavitcher rebbe in 1994, most Lubavitch organizations joined their comrades inthe charedi wordld in leaving the Alg Journal for greener pastures.
I was not complaining about other Kreizen not using the paper to advertise etc, I myself would cringe at the paper trying to be a mix of the Forverts, Yid, and Jewish Press. I was complaining about the attack on Gershon
Malachel: The REal defender of Yiddishkeyt is the maggid who deceives hundreds of people and says that goy is a yid and makes lots of money for it too, and he is mekarev gays and lesbians...he is the real defender and godol and all should buy his tapes and be inspired by him.
I understand the attack on Malach & on the "maggid" as well, but I don't necessarily sunscribe to the extant.
Is is such a crime to be mekarev a gay or lesbian Jew? If they have a Jewish child, she he not be given a bris? I don't think that they are beyond the realm of kiruv, as long as halacha is followed.
you gotta work on your spelling!
I assume:
a comma belongs after malach.
sunscribe = subscribe
she = should
krohn can do it, right Malach?
But if Lubavitch would do it, the hounds would smell blood.
Look, I don't feel like getting into the silliness of discussing one individual.
I know R'Krohn slightly and have been in his house, he has the impression of a fine individual.He is a well liked public speaker and a good writer.The books he writes are based on the maggid R'Sholom Schvadron, not his own stories or ideas.Most importantly, he does not sell himself as a 'godol' or even a big rabbi, in fact he does not even have a beard!!
I have no idea about who he circumcises but know that he is a busy mohel.I'm quite sure that the bored people who have decided to pick a fight with him think he is a 'godol' with langeh payes and a bord.Sorry, you have the wrong address.
as a boy growing up, i knew some so called "malochim" younger & older. all i have to say is:
just don't bother with them. when you react to any of his comments, you are just giving him "chayos".
These malochim are raised with a blind hatred to chabad similar to the hatred of muslims to jews.
just don't bother acknowledging these chevra.
this above post of mine doesn't have much to do with the last couple of posts of malach, it has to do with previous posts.
Malach dos not belong to the malochim, so there.
I find it interesting that you (Malach) judge Krohn based on one visit to his house, and have nothing but hate for people you've never met, but rather have been told about by certain um, individuals.
hirshel, you know him personally?
Malach's sentiments and allegiances are well known from that other web-site
correct, Tzedek.
Of course there is nothing wrong about mekarev any Jew including Gay and Lesbian Jews: But that does not mean to legitimize them: Have you heard any "rabbi" let alone "rov" enter a "GAy Synagogue"? ANy frummer "rabbi" or Rov enter Reform Temple?
What is being said is: that pessach krohn circumcizes GOYIM GEMURIM as a "bris miloh" and deceives hundreds of people about the true identity of the children that he performs "bris miloh" on.
And worse: He does this for MONEY! plain and simple.
Malachel mach zich nisht far a malach: Pessach Krohn is portrayed as "the maggid" he is called upon to speak at major events for hundreds or thousands of people at Agudah functions and their affiliates.
You judge and malign thousands of jews at your whim; but a person who deceives hundreds (or thousands) of jews about the identity of goyim as yidden does not bother you. It is "silliness" of one individual. you are a hypochrite plain and simple.
He is a "Busy mohel" yes: he is busy making thousands of dollars on goyim to please their jewish fathers to make a "briss" for their child so that their child is not perceived a GOY gomur and this does not bother you; it is plain "silliness" you the "Defender of Judaism"! hypochrite that you are.
Malachel mach zich nisht far a malach: Pessach Krohn is portrayed as "the maggid" he is called upon to speak at major events for hundreds or thousands of people at Agudah functions and their affiliates.
You judge and malign thousands of jews at your whim; but a person who deceives hundreds (or thousands) of jews about the identity of goyim as yidden does not bother you. It is "silliness" of one individual. you are a hypochrite plain and simple.
He is a "Busy mohel" yes: he is busy making thousands of dollars on goyim to please their jewish fathers to make a "briss" for their child so that their child is not perceived a GOY gomur and this does not bother you; it is plain "silliness" you the "Defender of Judaism"! hypochrite that you are.
Ploni Almoini get yourself a name firstly, secondly it's 'hypocrite', thirdly, what I MEANT about the silliness of one individual is:R'Krohn is not a movement, he is one person, I have no idea about the brissen issue,if what you say is true at all, if he does do it, has he got a rabbinical ruling? However, if you want A WHOLE group of individual jews who have stolen etc you can go to Otisville prison in upstate New York, you''ll find members of every 'kraiz', you can list them here if it makes you feel better. (yes I'm being facetious)
pessach krohn is ENDORSED by the "gedolim" as "maggid"; he is called to speak on their major functions and conventions not a lone individual sitting in rikers island. People look at him as a person of a higher caliber (they had him recently in "mishpacha" english about his greatness etc.)
ON groups of people you have no problems lumping all of them together with a brush that blames all of them and puts all of them responsbile for all ills that you speak of (and you do not bring "rabbinical rulings" to back your assertions on every single claim you make and this when you bash a whole entire tzibbur) and here you just want your way out with all these excuses:
listen malachel, HE DOES these " false "brissim"; and deceives thoousands of people; HE HAS NO RABBINICAL RULING; AND HE DOES THIS FOR MONEY AND THE GEDOLIM ENDORSE HIM!
All roads (here) lead to... Pesach Krohn
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